Catcall Edition
/fph/ Fat People Hate Thread
Its turtles all the way down.
>mom please let me hate fat people over the internet because im a insecure 18yo roider
t. 500lb fat, proud, strong, independent womyn
>cutting and bulking at same time
>the fat mentality
lets spread the hate anons
landwhale in question
boner no, NO!
>look at how healthy she is, she can stand
Memes aside, why do so many people claim that calories in vs calories out doesn't work?
If I eat 2,000 calories a day I end up around 150 pounds, if I eat 3,000 calories a day I end up around 185 pounds.
That said, if I want to be shredded lean I just adjust my intake to around 2,000 calories and just keep with my normal lifting/daily routine and the fat slowly melts off.
If I decide I want to go into a gaining phase I up to around 3000 calories a day and my strength and bodyfat begin to rise slowly.
That said, am I rare in that I can actually count calories and macros properly? I'm beginning to think the people who failed the calories in vs calories out way is that they just didn't do it properly like using kitchen scales and weighing shit out etc.
What the fuck is that?
What is that big veiny ball?
What's with all the blood?
most ppl dont count correctly. I count mine and control my weight down to the lb to reach a target weight. Some people might look at the calories listed on the box, but if they go out to eat or make something from scratch, most people are not going to calculate how many calories it will be. They will just guess and be way off.
>You can be morbidly obese and healthy
>Morbidly obese and healthy
>"of the nature of or indicative of disease" "grossly fat or overweight" and healthy
Here's the full post
tl;dr guy has a major hernia he never got taken care of, all his organs migrate into it, it bleeds massively, he refused treatment.
jesus fuck
Holy shit that's disgusting
I'm glad I decided I didn't want to be a doctor by the time I grew up
>encouraging gluttony
>those names
>people still think there isn't anything wrong with reddit
>catcall edition
You can go on any other thread, but you pick this one. Knowing full well what the title says. Gosh when will they learn?
>anyone who looks Veeky Forums is a roider
There's a /fat/ general right here if you've got a problem with getting fit
Jesus fucking christ, what sub is this.
Love the bullet comparison
>Not being lethal with your body
>Not going full contact Hong Kong
>Shoulder checking people with the force of a machine gun
You know what? I won't beat a dead horse
*blocks your path*
What do Veeky Forums?
Fuck, forgot pic related
This creature is blocking your path
miring her massive testes (?)
>t. Disgusting subhuman hamplanet
How upset do you get when kids laugh at you in stores?
When people point and take photos when you waddle down the street??
When family's pass by and say 'that's why we eat healthy Billy!' To their kid???
When you know you'll never attract a mate with ANY value in the dating pool, leaving you to fight over the bottom feeding desperate losers????
>Not using an iv drip to inject donuts to dirty bulk
Never gonna make it
I don't understand how people don't think thin privilege exists.
>be me, 160lbs
>buy a shitload of junk food, get glared at by cashier
>people treat me like shit all my life
>get side-eyed whenever I eat in public
>if I talk about having body image/health/eating problems, it goes ignored or laughed at
>lose weight through unhealthy means, am now 116lbs
>still buy a shitload of junk food, but no one gives a fuck
>people are generally nicer to me
>I can stuff my face all I want and people just marvel and wonder "how I do it" instead of reeling back in disgust, or encourage it because being a glutton is okay as long as the physical effects don't manifest on your body
>people offer me actual compassion and pity if I ever talk about my body image/health/eating issues (I rarely do now though)
It's not even a health thing. I am still more likely to die early than most of the population. I am still eating garbage and living an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle. I don't "deserve" to be treated decently if a 240lb person doesn't. Thin privilege is very real.
Is that shopped?
>Mfw you realize the sheets were supposed to be green
>fat sympathizer
Have you considered not eating like a retard? Eating food that is good for you is extremely simple. Not being able to perform this basic function puts you on the same level as downies. Reconsider your life and ignore who gives you sympathy under what circumstances, it is utterly irrelevant to your ability to be healthy.
Begone, ham gobbler!
>ignoring the point
I don't give a fuck about being healthy because I am mentally ill, but if you saw me in public you would think I was perfectly fine (even if all other signs point to the opposite) and treat me like a human being. That, in itself, is proof that there is such a thing as thin privilege and it's not based on upholding the health of the general population.
Fat people make themselves abnormal by overeating. It's their choice. It's not like they come from some difficult walk of life.
In fact, I assume there's hardly any walking at all.
You can't expect people to treat you like a human being if they can't recognize you as one.
How it it a privilege? You yourself had to starve to be thin. Bros on here eat chicken broccoli or every meal, which is boring as fuck. Food is amazing but we practice self denial to be better people. That's not a privilege, it's a test of will and resolve.
when somebody tells you "you dont have big enough balls for that" you send them this
Not being an inconvenience or an eyesore doesn't mean you have privilege you mongoloid, it means people don't give a shit about people that stuff their faces and mart shart on their scooters. It's not "thin privilege" it's "people treating people that resemble normal human beings as normal human beings and not lard monsters". It's what humanity has always done. Fat people don't deserve to be treated normally. Now fuck off with your fat sympathy you faggot.
What point do you have anyway labeling whole groups of fat or skinny people? There are fat people who choose to be fat and live off of welfare, never work, and force becoming fat on others. That's the most privileged fucking life of all.
And then there are the actual starving who are skinny because they never get food, but hey at least they look good.
Have you considered being healthier? Maybe not eating the garbage you are? Try working out sometime?
Most people underestimate their calories significantly, if they are counting at all.
Fat people just don't count.
Why do you need to face a test that revolves solely around your body size before you're allowed to experience common decency? I don't mean worship like HAES retards are pushing for, either, just basic politeness.
Having an eating disorder, or simply paying special attention to your physical performance doesn't actually make you any better than a fat person who may be a certifiably "good" human being with incredible resolve, but with a food addiction (and no personal drive to attempt to change it because they think other things are more important). Everyone has a vice, after all. Fat people's just manifest on the outside.
>intelligence privilege
Because fructose isn't processed like glucose is;
It's great if you want to treat everyone the same no matter how they look user but the privilege thing is bullshit. The way you explain things, you're only going off of people's looks, not from what they're actually going through.
>basic human decency
People being grossed out when you stuff yourself with unhealthy food, as a fat person, or not interested in hearing to you complain about an easily solvable problem, are not denying you basic decency.
You don't get smiles just for existing. They are willing to listen to you more about your body problems because it appears you are attempting to try. As a fat person it didn't look that way. They aren't grossed out when you eat because you are thin, they're confused as to how you can maintain that weight while being so unhealthy.
Thin people get different reactions because they are different. For some it's easy. For others it isn't.
They do look very human, just corpulent. I'm pretty sure no one's ever seen a fat person and mistaken them for anything other than a fat person. The issue is that they're unattractive to most people (except fetishists), but dehumanizing someone for the sin of being ugly is pretty shitty.
People who are smokers are not only an inconvenience to the general public and those who live with or around them, they can literally kill other people with their secondhand smoke, but "smoker hate threads" aren't a thing.
posting the classic
Fat people are not people
You realize the same thing can be flipped around, right?
There are fat people who are good citizens, and are only fat because they need to take medication that makes them that way, or they're being raised in a shitty home situation where they're forced to eat more or end up using food as an emotional crutch.
And then there are skinny people who don't have those problems, live on welfare, never work, and blame having no friends or significant others on the rest of society.
The latter will still probably be treated better than the former on basis of appearance alone.
Why does this happen to so many Veeky Forumsizens? Too much test? When I look at that picture there's not even a twitch. Or am I missing a meme?
If you were on an anti smoking board there would be smoker hate threads. Youre on a fitness board, ergo fat hate threads. And youre assuming peoples responses to these super fatties is voluntary when its not. Fat people ARE unhealthy compared to a fit person. People naturally avoid things that are subconsciously percieved as unhealthy or infectious. Tldr gtfo the fitness board if you dont wanna gawk at fatties or talk about fitness.
Also this is helpful as well as a video on top of watching that. Sugar is really really bad overall.
>Read this
>I imagine pic related
>You don't get smiles just for existing.
Except I basically do now that I've lost weight, and it's retarded because if the basis is meant to be on anything deeper than mere attractiveness, I might as well still be fat.
All I'm saying is that assessing someone's entire life on their appearance to the point of despising them before you even have enough information is a very present mindset in our society, and a bad one to carry through life.
So I ask again, what is the point of saying someone has privilege over another if everyone is so different.
This thread specifically makes fun of fat people who are the bad examples, not just people who are overweight going about their day.
I'm glad I got made fun of when I was a fat kid in highschool. It motivated me to get fit and join the football team. There's nothing more satisfying than breaking your bully's spine during a linebacker training "accident".
How much do the women in that pic weigh? I see this pic all the time, and I've gotten curious.
You can't be physically fit or healthy when you have shitty respiratory problems and/or lung cancer because you're addicted to cigarettes, or if you're surrounded by people who can and will force those two things on you because of their own addiction.
Smokers are more of a problem than fatties, point blank.
Lads, I can't quite understand why this one hurts me so much.
Smokers are banned from almost all public places, fuckwit. And they aren't 65% of the population anymore. And the sin is GLUTTONY, and it is CARDINAL, if you're a religiousfag. Fat people waste way more hospital space than smokers do.
You know what, fuck this, man. You're a fat. It's blatantly obvious. You're a god damn porky pig mart sharter and you're pretending to be skinny because you want to act like your bullshit SOCJUS fatlogic has a leg to stand on. Well it doesn't, just like you won't in a few more years. Now go drown your insecurities over your lack of willpower in another tub of ice cream you fat sack of shit.
There isn't a "smoker hate thread" because smokers readily acknowledge that their habit is unhealthy, they take responsibility for it.
Notice every post in this thread is some fat piece of shit pushing their delusion on themselves and everyone else.
>Having an eating disorder, or simply paying special attention to your physical performance doesn't actually make you any better than a fat person who may be a certifiably "good" human being with incredible resolve
The virtuousness of asceticism and self improvement totally make you better than a fat person. Fat people dont have resolve or they wouldnt be fat.
>Why are you here?
FPH users will never agree with you, there's no point in arguing.
these exaggerated performance posts kill me
>what is the point of saying someone has privilege over another if everyone is so different.
Because in spite of people being different, the person who isn't fat will still get treated better than the person who is 99% of the time.
>This thread specifically makes fun of fat people who are the bad examples, not just people who are overweight going about their day.
"Normal" fat people, or fat people who happen to have mental issues (like ) get posted all the time.
Such a shame. She was actually kinda cute.
>Smokers are more of a problem than fatties, point blank.
>hey I should quit smoking
>sucks for 3-5 days
>oh look I'm cured!
>be obese
>man I'm a hamplanet
>I should fix myself
I smoked a pack a day for 4 years and it was a lot easier than the 2 years of strict dieting and a complete life style change that it was to stop being fat
>fat culture
how does one get so delusional
Doesnt matter because these judgments are mostly subconscious. You cant tell a smoker by looking at them unless theyre smoking at the time. Anyway youre obviously an attention whore redditor amd im done replying to you. Go bitch on tumblr about the evil patriarchal oppression you faced on Veeky Forums.
Welcome to reality.
You realize that comparing something you can rarely change or have control over to something you almost always can is retarded right? I didn't choose to be depressed for no fucking reason, but I did choose not to be a walking lump of adipose.
Fatties cost more per year to treat medically than smokers.
(You) = btfo
Because macronutrients are important, and Americans generally eat like shit.
Are you really going to argue that the general population doesn't commit the sin of gluttony in some form or another? The only difference with fatties is that you can see it on them and they're also ugly.
>Smokers are banned from almost all public places, fuckwit.
Them smoking isn't held against them, and most of them can just go outside the perimeter or to a designated area to do so. There's also no real social stigma against smoking.
>Fat people waste way more hospital space than smokers do.
Smokers impart their disease on innocent people so that not only do they themselves end up taking up hospital space, people who would otherwise be healthy do as well. Great trade-off there.
>You know what, fuck this, man. You're a fat. It's blatantly obvious. You're a god damn porky pig mart sharter and you're pretending to be skinny because you want to act like your bullshit SOCJUS fatlogic has a leg to stand on. Well it doesn't, just like you won't in a few more years. Now go drown your insecurities over your lack of willpower in another tub of ice cream you fat sack of shit.
I'm fat because I'm not an idiot who thinks being thin and unhealthy makes me any better than someone who's fat and unhealthy? Whatever helps you sleep at night.
The reason there's no smoker hate thread is because there's no "Health at every puff" movement. At this point, it's rare to find someone who thinks smoking can be healthy. Through decades of demonization and hate, we've curbed the smoking problem.
But for some reason, we can't do the same with being fat. Once you start seeing "Smoking is beautiful" or "Blacklung is beautiful", you'll start seeing smoker hate too.
You seem to have a pretty clear worldview. When you were fat and insecure about the way you looked you only notice people that are looking at you funny, and you didn't notice when people were smiling at you. Now your thin and have the same mindset of "thinprivilage" and anytime a person smiles at you, you notice it. I'm pretty sure it's mostly confirmation biased and it's not that huge of a difference.
>imposing human mental disorders onto animals
I remember being in DARE as a child and every year they'd bring in a smoker's lung and show it to us in order to scare us straight.
Why the fuck can't we do that with fat people's organs? There's surely enough laying around
It's not a privilege, nobody is just handed being 'thin'.
One of my interview questions for med shook was about if we should be treating fat people for self inflicted Weight related issues.
thin privilege is getting to be molested
Should we? No
Do we have to? Yes
What was the answer they were looking for?
No, they're pretty conscious. You can find someone gross or unattractive without treating them like shit.
>attention whore!!! redditor!!!1 tumblr xddd
I'm glad you stopped replying, too.
she's right on both. women shouldn't be subjucated, and it's wrong how men have made her feel like she should be to be validated.
Pretty much. I went into ethics as well as monetary costs.
I got in and have conducted interviews for future students. They just look for analysis of pros and cons. Seeing both sides of the argument.
you can't be serious