What are the side effects of roids that are unavoidable, even with intelligent use?
What are the side effects of roids that are unavoidable, even with intelligent use?
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that girl is hot as shit.
also, i would guess you could become infertile if you are a woman and theres always the danger of prostate enlargement/genetic predisposed complications you might not know about
Depends on which and how much
lets say test, and a normal starting dose
Well it's essentially male birth control, so your sperm count will temporarily tank
Depends on who you are but high blood pressure is pretty much 100%, even TRT increased BP.
Having no sperm count is pretty much 100% whilst on test, and so is natty test production being shut down whilst on gear.
If you are prone to baldness you have no way to avoid it.
Without HCG, shrunken testicles. This is entirely reversible and not any danger.
I don't find the cost of HCG worth it, my gf doesn't even notice the difference.
being PRONE to acne is common, but you can mitigate the actual occurrence of acne with hygiene and estrogen control.
This is just test, other roids come with all kinds of shit effects.
Long term usage (high cruise dose) could cause LVH, lipids and cholesterol issues also IIRC, which is why cruising must be at a low enough dosage. For fertility issues, HCG could be used.
Baldness could be prevented with the big 3, or at least delayed. Nizoral, Minodoxil, and Fin
Gyno, acne, or hairloss. AT LEAST one of those three things are guarenteed.
That you did of a heart condition because you have some kind of medical condition that you didn't know of.
And yeah, pretty much everyone in their 50s that has been roiding since their 20s has horrible blood work.
But yeah, better believe the /frauds/ that are still in their 20s and think it's absolutely harmless if you do it right duh
Can steroids make you permanently infertile?
If you are not prone to hairloss*, is it a worry at all?
>no one in my family has ever been bald, very thick hair which barely thins with age
Improbable but possible. I'd donate to a sperm bank just to be safe.
in women yes.
not in men
Does anybody have the full set for this whore? I only have 2 (now 3)
>that pose
search lanie morgan
>always thought she was an instagram whore
>she actually does porn
Fuck yes. Breaking my 16 day nofap streak today.
How do you avoid the bitch tits?
get your glands surgically removed
Heart problems. There's a high number of people who decades after quitting roids die of heart attacks in their 50's and even 40's.
There's going to be a lot of MMA fighter who don't make it to retirement age
>Fuck yes. Breaking my 16 day nofap streak today.
Don't do it
Think that's the roids, or the massive amounts of red meat they've eaten in their lives?
The roids. Most meat eaters live past 60
Too late. Was worth it.
Fuck she looks hot in those pictures, but then in videos her face looks like Alfred Molina
Gotta bust a nut.
Roids rob you of health. Live fast, die young applies. Pushing your body to its limit through athleticism or roids makes you age faster. Asians with little metabolism live the longest.
Maybe its worth it but the consequences are unavoidable.
penis shrinkage
do you really think living a super athletic lifestyle, without roids, makes you age faster?
Do you guys have any resources for this information? This is the last thing standing between steroids and I, because I want to have a large white family with many white children. Being infertile because of steroids does not factor into that equation.
If you're concerned, then hold off until you've had kids
The biggest danger is going off them.
good lord
this is why i will not roid until i'm 45 or so. if i roid now and can't keep it up forever then when i stop roiding i will start to lose gains even if i keep lifting and that will kill my motivation to lift and i'll become a fat slob
falling to obvious photoshop bait
when will this meme end
the unshopped version isn't much better. he still looks like a deflated balloon animal
this is the actual image you boon
Depressed natural hormone production. There's a reason PCT is absolutely fucking mandatory. Everything else is optional based on what you're pinning. Don't like the sides? Choose a different raw.
what if I have a vasectomy?
Goddamnnnnnnn She's like a 10/10 personally hold me bros
Caber, AI
you are an idiot
you still generate sperm with vasectomy, they just cut the tubes to your penis so you can spray it out
perfect thickness???
isnt this why clarence went vegan? to drop his blood pressure due to steroid use
That cunt is so ugly.
She is as unattractive as they come. Ugly ass tits, too. Bunch of fucking virgin neckbeards in this thread
Found the jealous ugly girls
If I can't unsee this no one can
I'm not seeing it, m8
imagine being so gay you actually think this is funny
heart attack
Being a faggot on a somalian meme t-shirt making image board.
Buy some?
STOP posting brown eyed chicks
is the same color as SHIT
depends what you take and how much.
been taking low doeses of test for a year now, apart from a bit of acne i had no side effects.
Unavoidable: High BP, High Cholesterol
Supplementing with cardarine and other peds may mitigate but its pretty much guaranteed.
Individual Dependant: Gyno, Hairloss, Acne.
I have had a minor gyno issue when i reduced ai but it quickly cleared during pct - im told hairloss is sped up with those with hereditary hairloss but its unavoidable anyway, better to be jacked and bald.
I had my mammary glands removed after my proprienate cycle and the surgeon warned me that mammary tissue can grow back if my estrogen levels should be messed up again.
Start taking your estrogen aromatase inhibitors two months prior to your cycle and keep taking them two to three months after the end of your cycle. I stopped mine too soon and ended up needing surgery.
>t. Virgin
Penis doesn't shrink. It grows from increased blood flow and testosterone. Balls will shrink but who cares.
Testosterone gives you the opposite of impotence.
>using roids
Who dis
Is the dick gain permanent? I had an Asian friend in hs who was like 5'4" but got on roids and had his bench up to 3pl8... never grew any taller tho, and chicks said his dick was HUGE which is very anomalous indeed. I figured test during adolescence did it
Chicks will just assume your dick is huge if you act dominant and are good in bed, it's actually kind of ridiculous
I have a literally average penis, like exactly the size of the average penis, and when I've been with a girl I have good chemistry with she gushes about how "fucking huge" I am, how she feels sorry for guys she dates in the future etc etc
Girls have no idea
Sorry to break the news buddo.
Girls say that to just about every guy they are with to make them feel better. As soon as you hurt her or upset her she will be telling all your friends the opposite.
> Oh lawd guys, my new girlfriend said all her ex's had such small penis'. She can't believe how big I am.
So you assume agency and I don't, but here's nothing different in our observation: girls saying a guy has a huge/tiny dick has nothing to do with the physical reality of it.
If you have a 9 in dong chicks will remember you for sure
I am fairly certain that's a dude.
i cycled testosterone enanthate and m1-t when i was 17. this was 11 years ago now, and i havnt touched sauce since. the unavoidable was bitch tits mostly from the m1-t (even tho i took nolvadex) small balls, backne, sore injection site (alternating cheeks every week) and a dense muscle deposit in my ass cheek which i mistook for a cyst.
since i took it so young i ended up getting a tumor in the growth plate of my tibia. this was due to the steroids stunting my growth.
my advice is to not take pill form steroids and go with just oil. your body can process the oil better.
and make damn sure you use shave your injection site, use alcohol swabs to clean your site and the vial then fresh needles/ barrels. i used 18g needle to draw then switched to 21g to inject.
does anyone know where i can get free galleries of marshmellowMaximus?
a perfect example why only retards end up with shitty side effects.
>nolvadex for gyno/getting estrogen in check
>taking oral steroids
>injects with motherfucking 21g, wonders about sore injection sites
yeah dont ever roid again
she can sit on my face any day