What the fuck happened here?
What the fuck happened here?
He stopped roiding?
Are you literally retarded? USADA.
Stopped roiding cold turkey.. no cycling off.. stopped lifting at same intensity, problem sat on his crying all day watching the notebook and got depressed with out of whack hormones that the doc told him he'd never get hard again
Serious roids are not worth it kids
dem childbearing hips
what the fuck
is this shit real?
its not just the roids he quit
he must have quit lifting too
nobody who lifts looks like the guy on the right
he is obviously on shit on the left but that second pic is brutal as hell
i refuse to believe anyone with half a brain could let themselves reach pic 2
Stop fuckin memeing
lol oh god im dumb
he actually looks better in the second pic
if he only dropped more useless bf and added some muscle he would be an ideal fighting specimen
pic #1 is kind of rediculous, his skin is so red its not even funny
the roid shoulders and traps are a tell tale sign too heheh
it's photoshopped you dingus.
he was on trt, then it got banned. also, he's 40 now. simple.
This sounds pretty accurate.
but still wtf about his jaw ? bones d'ont fuckin disapear
>take test since early 20's
>stop taking test in late 30's
>can't produce test naturally
If you choose that path, you need to stay on that path.
My BJJ coach was trained by Carlson Gracie and knows Vitor well. I remember shitting on him for juicing and my coach told me that no one ever won a fight against a juicer by complaining - only by being better and trying harder. My coach was loyal to Carlson and didn't like Vitor one bit, but he was right. No point crying about it. You either give up, join him, or work hard to be the best natty you can be.
I met Vitor once in Brazil after training
>holy shit, Vitor Belfort!
>hey brother
>Can I take a photo?
>of course. You train?
Spent 15 minutes talking BJJ and UFC with him. He was still big then. No ego. Super nice dude. I guess as soon as he gets out of UFC he can go back on the juice and get back to his old self.
Clench your jaw and feel the corner, that's a muscle
wow shit he got those maceters all the way down to his chin
He failed no fap, the guy was a solid 2 years into it.
typical mma fan. shitting on the fighters and then asking for photos and being nice once you meet them.
>Samefag here
I fought in the UFC bro. That's why I was training in Brazil. inb4
>Post pic
No chance lulz. The minute you get associated with this place, you lose all your advertizers (or, in my case, your mom&pop sponsors). inb4
>why didn't you fight Vitor then?
Not in his league or weightclass for most of his career. Vitor is one of the GOAT, gear or no gear.
It's always easy to shit on someone when you don't have to face them face-to-face, this is nothing new or exclusive to MMA.
Also, the argument can be made that juicing in mma is extra scummy because you're potentially causing someone else brain trauma while having a ''supplemental'' edge. You're not on the same level as the other guy, he's gonna have the advantage in strenght or cardio, not to mention the raise in mental game.
UFC, USADA, the rules are clear. Pride, It's made clear in the rules that they will not test you. Ofc the increased testing doesn't mean that fighters aren't on gear, it's just not all of them have the tools to follow through with what it requires to not get caught anymore.
>he actually looks better in the second pic
nobody unironically thinks this, you are just being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
TRT Vitor might as well be an entirely different fighter from regular Vitor, who might as well be an entirely different fighter from the USADA-era nearly 40 year old shitshow Vitor of today
by this same token I think you can make the argument that juicing also allows people to take more punishment
look at Bigfoot when he was on TRT and Alistair when he was roided out of his mind, they could both take shots
now that both are clean (or so I assume) they get cracked and go down like a sniper shot them
yeah but it's way worse in mma for some reason. it's one thing to call a soccer player or a basketball player a pussy, but you go on the internet mma forums and it's just nonstop fighter bashing from people who supposedly love the sport.
i don't know, i just think it's really disgusting. but that's me being a moralfag.
Is it obvious guys?? In the 2012 pic is sponsored by Jesus and in 2017 his sponsored by Dana White... DUH!
MMA has the most dogshit retarded fanbase of any sport
t. MMA fan
how the fuck are people still getting tricked by low-effort shops like this in >current year
are you bj penn
Jon? No matter where you go boy, I'm suckin
Yeah but did his wiener grow back after he stopped the roids?
Jon beat Vitor...
he ejaculated his muscles in one giant splurt. It's a fact.
ik, just wanted to DC succ meme
Skin stretches n shit user
>MMA has the most dogshit retarded fanbase of any sport
100% this. i was almost going to say soccer fans have them beat, but then i remember the 'sport' part and realized that povertyball doesn't count.
>not in his league
>are you bj penn?
subtle kek
He lost his fake muscles because he stopped taking that protein powder stuff.
WOAH oh wow
TRT vitor was so fun to watch
>nobody unironically thinks this, you are just being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
thank you
>he actually looks better in the second pic
go back to /b/. you're not ready for Veeky Forums.
>if he only dropped more useless bf and added some muscle he would be an ideal fighting specimen
so like in the first pic?
He was literally prescribed test from his doctor. He was allowed to cycle off properly that's why he was gone for a while. His test was still at 916 ng/dl when he came back so this guy was high test before cycling.
how are you supposed to defend against that
id imagine that even attempting to block it with your arms would result in you not being able to use them for a few days
if fast enough, elbow to shin
He should just go to Bellator and have one last gear hurrah
Look. Even if you quit goin on cycle, you won't lose any mass AS LONG AS you eat right and train hard like you did during your roid cycle. Simple as that, people who usually quit roids ALSO quit eating right and train. And dumb cunts who cruise on roids, they would have to be on a proper PCT like HCG and etc... and train and eat right in order to maintain.
hold up quince
1. A really awful Photoshop
2. PED testing
TRTitor was a beast. Ah the good old days...
Did you want to fuck chuck I mean fight chuck
is there any reason to stay natty
You are smart
>left: full body routine
>right: bitch split routine
That is fucking stupid.
I'd probably say step into it, instead of backing up right into the heel. If you step into the hit with your hands up you might only get the calf or if you are lucky the thigh which would still suck but not likely to get wrecked like that guy did.
Wrong, you are a woman so I wouldn't expect you to realize mens problem, first off, you cannot maintain anything over your natural limit when you get off a cycle, it may take up to 2 years to reach that equilibrium depending on how big you were and how good your training is, the exception to this quasi scientific speculation that doing a cycle past natty limit either allows one to maintain 5-10lbs past what they would have gained naturally or unlock an extra 5-10lbs it would have been almost impossible to have gotten to naturally, meaning no person on earth after a cycle can maintain over 10lbs of lbm more than is possible(or achievable) for them natty, the counter point, and this is more applicable to men, is that test levels after the extensive use of testosterone may not be the same as before, blunting this "advantage", if anyone here thinks they can get to IFBB bodybuilder level, stop juicing and stay huge please take a reality check
Tell that to natty bisping who nearly lost an eye to the roided up cunt.
Tell her, BN
You are my hero
Memes aside you can easily beat spinning kicks with distance management.
Either back as soon as they turn their back or tackle them.
com jesus>>>sem jesus
É nois clan!
A fornicação fora, macaco brasileiro.
Dana took away the sponsors
>step in
thats a great way to take a spinning elbow to the skull
Rich piano is natty though explain
every move punishes something and opens you up to something else. you can't just list a counter as though that's the final word.
God's work son.
t. googld tradutor
lol that dude just wavedashed back and got tippered for it
sounds like a retard who knows nothing about roids tbqh
lol wtf 10 year old rockhold
peak vs peak he'd maul vitor
Each time you get a concussion, it becomes easier to get another. That's why as fighters age they get knocked outmmore easily
Right is shopped desu
rockhold is a cunty fuck, and I literally splurt my load out when I saw bisping whisper "night night" to him that fateful day
one of my favourite moments in ufc history is bisking winning that fight tbqh
Someone shop the neck from the left pic onto the right pic.
Shut up you weak bitch
>what's that buddeh? no touch? i'll touch you in a second, motherfucker
and then he did
too bad Yoel is going to 3rd round KO/TKO him in to another dimension when the time comes
That fucking neck
And the traps
All gone
What the fuck
It's a shop dumbass
I would bet a months pay that you have bitch tits and never did a squat before.