What do you think about my mom's progress?
What do you think about my mom's progress?
Week 30 > all
very good desu
Especially for a woman her age
post your mom's facegress
If that isn't pasta/bait - alright progress, given a likely, old(er) age.
Lighting totally changed. No shadows bottom right. Still looks good though
Pose and thong magically changed as well. If these were all taken on the same day I wouldn't be surprised
I'd fill her ass with cum hourly
if this isn't a meme or trying to fuck with some lady why would you post your own mom much less without censoring the name
Because she posts it on a public forum herself
Because it's a meme or trying to fuck with some lady
>2 C-sections
I think her pusy will be tight like a young girl
>age 33
>age 47
>14 year difference
>assuming OP is oldest child, he is 14 years old
he could be her husband's son
she looked 50 when she was 30
This means op is, at most, 17
She fluctuates a lot. In more ways than one, I bet.
tel her to get a better haircut desu. nice progress though
White women age like shit
OP is underaged b&
great progress :). her nice round ass got me rock hard and i couldn't resist to stroke to her shooting a load of all over her sexy body and ass :)
pic related: my nut on her ass
OP's mom doesn't deserve this.
wew lad
doesnt the vagina recover after natural birth?
This is why I refuse to use other peoples phones
Yes, but why would you post it on Veeky Forums? Why would you post these images in hell?See, OP? This is what happens when you post pics of your mom on Veeky Forums.
Its not his mom.
That isn't OP mom
Fucking summer newfags
This thread is full of them
Summer pls go
oh shit , mind blown
he made someone happy , that's nice
there's nothing wrong with masturbation
>jizzing on a tablet
It's alright, tell her to squat more.
>that incredibly clear semen
>That low volume
Very low test, possibly infertile. I suggest you go to a doctor and get your semen count checked.
Show front
>posting photos of your moms ass on Veeky Forums
What is wrong with you?
We see you are some kind of semen expert
>Veeky Forums is hell
This isnt pre-2009 Veeky Forums user, this is the new reddit/9gag funny place epic facebook kids hang out to get screenshots for easy likes :)
my tablet of the same type just died, fuck you!
Anyone who jizze regularly knows that it varies from day to day and depends also how often you bust
Volume is affected by sexual activity but not color, he most likely has a very low sperm count.
I did nofap for like 90 days once and when I busted after those it was like the thickest ever, really heavy and kinda yellowish almst pure semen cells.
But now when I jack off regularly it isn't thick maybe if I haven't done it in 3 days
Actual semen expert here. People get the two mixed up..the more you beat off the thicker the viscosity will be. Ive seen cases where the men produced what looked like boogers, disgusting. That is not good. If you were actually trying to impregnate someone, that would be shit tier semen...no one can swim in that thick mess. The longer you go without-the thinner, A HEALTHY mans ejaculate would be.
would make a second son with her
Thx OP
Incredible, very impressive.
>falling for the women meme
>dedicating your whole life to somebody whos looks will go to shit as soon as they hit 30
3d, not even once
Damn i'd wreck this chick
Mum going through midlife crisis.
Why is your cum so clear wtf
this fucking shit right here is the reason why I can't switch over to any other imageboard. no one else will ever be as based and autistic as you guys.
>mocking anyones progress ever
She made it, you should commit sudoku ASAP
Post your mommy
i love all of you
every. fucking. time.
I've actually come to expect no less than this of you cunts.
godspeed, glorious autist
Absolute madman
Wait you're telling me you've seen this on fit beforr? Lol
> pic related: my nut on her ass
Put me in the screencap.
She looks better, but tell her to squat.
Jesus Christ
wow op is a faggot, put me in screen shot leddit needs to know op is a faggot
my fucking sides user haha
This is the shit I expect from Veeky Forums
Never change 4chainz
Underrated post
Put me in the screen cap
Put me in the screencap reddit.
Right now I wouldn't pork her, but hey, the jury's still out