>continuously trying to gain weight
>trying to eat more than my TDEE
>Still sitting at 5'11" and 125lbs
Life is pain
>continuously trying to gain weight
>trying to eat more than my TDEE
>Still sitting at 5'11" and 125lbs
Life is pain
Other urls found in this thread:
5'11" and 125lbs? nigga are you a holocaust survivor?
eat a loaf of bread right now user
I lost about 10 or so pounds about a month ago from some health issues and I can't get it back.
I ate an omlette of 4 eggs and two slices of toast a couple minutes ago
>used to run 5mi 4x a week listening to shibayan and getting high as fuck
>come home and grill some chicken and just have a great time
>have a bout of depression and start smoking again
>quit but gain 30lbs
>muscles weak as fuck
>do strength training but keep getting injuries
>can't even swim from costachondritis
I just need to fucking diet and ride the exercycle for a few months I guess. Pain in the fucking ass
fried chicken nigga. No way to not gain weight eating fried chicken.
Eggs are rather filling without a super high amount of kcal, though.
>280 kcal of eggs
>200 kcal of bread
You better have like 500 kcal of butter and cheese on that shit, with a pint of whole milk.
>yfw that's one of his worst songs
You are really skinny like you are in your bones
Wow guys thanks for reminding me I'm skinny I haven't ever been told that before thanks guys
Became successful on your own
Nobody to help you
Nobody there to watch you fail
Nobody there to watch you finally succeed
Nobody there to care about you
Nobody there to congratulate you on your promotion
Nobody there to smile when you come home from work
Nobody there to discuss future planning with
Nobody there to help you clean you house
Nobody there to discuss your future goals
>Give me one reason not to kms
Need to do more cardio, get those endorphins
>Around 6'1"
>spooky skeleton tier
>try to gain some weight, muscles if possible
>barely enough money to feed myself for two years so no gainz
>the next year I go back home and it's impossible to have good gainz with their cooking
>next year I eat more and exercize more but still nothing
my ideal body would be a meme for Veeky Forums yet I can't do it
When I'm cutting I feel small.
When I'm bulking I feel like a fat fuck.
>want to join the military
>need to do cardio
>losing gains slowly because of this
I really want to apply to OTS when I graduate but I don't want to give up all my gains
>he thinks glycogen are gains
I can do 1/2/3 but not 4 yet. So it's not just fat.
> cutting
> going through some shit and liquor is the only thing i look forward to at the end of the day
i would've reached my weight goal by now if i wasn't an alcoholic piece of shit, i'm still losing weight though. i'm trying to just keep it to once a week but it's hard.
you're 60Kg! Post body pic right now! but don't stand sideways, I actually want too see you.
Just start cramming food right now
>will never not be a manlet
I stopped going to the gym for a while and now I can't even come close to my previous average 1/2/3/4
>Why even live?
barely enough money to feed myself for two years so no gainz
>home and it's impossible to have good gainz with their cooking
This is where I am right now
Stop living the wonderful American dream you fucking wage slave, move somewhere new.
>been liftin for 2 years
>still weak
>look like shit
i track my calories and macros and push my self 6 days a week
am i just a failure at everything i touch? should i just kms?
That's the sort of breakfast I eat when I'm cutting to lose weight, nigga. You need to up your nut game. Get dem dere peanuts and go to town.
Celiac disease doesn't help either
>doesn't provide routine
>doesn't give any stats
>doesn't provide anything that could enable someone to help him
>literally nothing but a whiny bitch post
Yeah probably
>eating bread
FFS user
You need some calorie dense food if you want to gain weight. You've got the perfect starting body to bulk up and look great.
>all in kg 1rms bench:95 diddy:160 squat:100 tfw long legs
See that's the thing
I barely eat bread and the bread I eat is corn bread that tastes like rubber
>186 cm tall
>90 kg
Sounds like you're not making your cornbread right.
t. Southerner
Still, your problem is the lack of calorie-dense foods. What's you myfitnesspal for yesterday look like?
Where's your OHP? Also just saying PPL isn't your routine post your workouts man. Also why the fuck are you even going for 1rms if you're this low. Nigga start going for strength or hypertrophy the 1rms will come when you know what you're doing and have good form.
No, i meam bread that is made with corn flour
This shit is as good as it gets for both caloric intake and being gluten free
>inb4 That's white bread
I fucking know that, it's all there is
I got kicked out of my gym for being paranoid about climate change, I live in a coastal city so I am pretty worried about all that shit, my house already flooded a couple of times in the last 2 years. Basically I decided to incoporate my paranoia into my workout thinking that could at least help, so I started building a 'sea wall' in the gym out of plates. I only did this at night and always tried to put them back, but one day I got caught pouring water over the wall of plates (to test it) and got thrown out for 'damaging equipment'. It fucking sucks man. I've been piling rocks at the beach since then.
Why bother with bread at all? There's other shit you should be eating if you want to gain weight
Gallon of milk a day. Dozen eggs a day. Fried rice every day. GOMAD DEAD FRED. You can do it user.
My Veeky Forums struggle is that I work an active job 10 hours a day and my legs feel like total shit afterwards. If I lift before work I can't make it through the workday without extreme pain. I will never hit my speed strength natty max because of work.
>tfw struggle to eat 2600kcal
I'm home from college for the summer and I can't cook for shit
Reaching my bulk TDEE is a pain
starting weight was 280, but now im stuck at 236
i think im constipated, and im gonna eat a bunch of lentils
Try peanut shells
>been meaning to go to the gym for the past 2 hours
>been shitposting on Veeky Forums instead
I'm in the same boat
Any recommendations to balance strength and cardio growth together?
You'll lose a lot of muscle in BCT. All you do is cardio and standing.
>When you just lost 45 pounds on a meal replacement shake diet and your friends eatin' cheesecake in front of you.
Ok seriously, this gluten free meme is old and needs to stop.
no matter what I do I can't lose weight. I just start to retain more water the scale always stays the same
Dehydrate you're veggies first, and replace an entire meal with one of those meal replacement shakes or bars.
>too poor for gym membership
>run out of weights to lift
>all "sports stores" in my city don't sell proper weight plates, only 2.5 kg shit
Thought about stealing some bricks, putting them in a backpack and lifting that
>be me
>befriend hipsters
>gains disappear
>mocked for eating fit
>mocked for going dancing instead of bar
>dragged into shit lifestyle i hate
>try breaking cycle
>everyone mad cause tfw no negative support group
>get depressed
>get fat
>realize I shouldn't have strayed from zyzz life
yeah but tfw hipster gf is pretty good
I've found the doing HIIT helps
Also ladder sets. Starting Low weight and high reps then working your way to high weight low reps.
Also since I'll need to be doing lots of push-ups and such, I try to incoporate rowing and swimming into my routine. That way you can get a great cardio workout as well as good upper body one depending on your routine.
It still makes me a bit sad cause even if I end up super lean and strong. I'll look totally dyel. I won't give up strength training totally though. OTS has around 60% acceptance rate right now and while I think I wouldn't have a huge problem getting in. I'm not going to sacrifice all my gains just to not make it into OTS for whatever reason.
>lost a shit ton of weight over the last year
>almost 100 lbs
>tfw look like a different person
>keep on lifting
>count every gram of food I eat
>tfw never had a gf
>my endgame is working out until someone loves me,no joke
>no social gains
>27 years old
>going to the gym feels fruitless
Make some shakes my dude. Whole milk, peanut butter, oats, and some frozen fruit- EZ calories. Also learn your eating limits and ways to work with them, I would sometimes force myself to eat more which would inevitably cause me to puke when I started bulking.
t. ex-skelly
try the meet up app, its shit here in arkansas but maybe ill go to one, one day...
>tfw my oneitis has gotten fat
What's the point anymore?
>third world country
>cant lift as serious as my brethen from Veeky Forums
>never seen a squat rack irl
I just found out I've got low T at 23, which explains my shitty lifts. Now it feels like I've been working out for nothing.
What country?
Brazil, but not TV brazil, rural sopa de macaco shit brazil.
Could be worse, at least you don't live in the favelas of Rio.
Do you know if officers in training go through a boot camp equivalent? I tried finding something about it but I only get general info about OTS
ROTCbro here. Yes, you do a shortened version of it (because you do all the classroom training ahead of time)
Post your lifting numbers OP
Oh, wait, OTS is a longer version of BCT.
So OTS is literally everything boot camp is with some added leadership training for prepping officers? For only 9 weeks that seems kinda simple
Yeah, basically. I was always under the impression that it was like 16 weeks, though. Either way, after OTS you'll have a 2 year BOLC course before they give you troops to command.
Quit trying and start doing. Just eat mcDonalds everyday or something, shit is packed with calories.
>Anterior pelvic tilt
>low test or something so fat deposits on lower abdomen and ass, and the rest of my body has very little fat
>disproportionate as fuck
>6 months of cutting with ephedrine still havent made it
They arent as bad as you think, i have family there.
How bad is your situation? Do you have to use makeshift equipment or something?
Dont really have any struggles atm but just wanna type a bit cause this is my blog
Starting college a few years late in a few months so that might be cool if i dont fuck it up again
Eating at maintenance for the summer, finished my cut a while ago
Not feeling too down in the dumps but good feelings elude me as usual
I have nothing interesting to say really, nor do a lot of people. Signing out for now
I started lifting about 3 weeks ago. I've started with just 3 sets of 12 for various lifts like deadlift, squat, OHP, etc but I've ordered a copy of wendler's 5 3 1 and I'm gonna give it a try when I get it on Tuesday
It's 9 weeks for the Air Force. I don't know about other branches
>Been consistently eating at a deficit for 8 months now
>Becomes picky with food and avoid the food my family eats. Preps my own food.
>Expects family to respect the tiny bit of morsel I set aside for myself on the table
>Someone eats it
>Has to explain that I'm not whining about wanting more food. Just that they try to respect someone else's property
>They call me a whale/pig
>Tfw I don't have a belly anymore while their guts are sticking out beyond their feet.
I seriously need to move out soon. This is making me insane.
>liter of butter a day
>eating calorie dense foods is hard
stop being such a fucking faggot, the real struggle is to cut and keep your hard-earned strength
get your shit together fucking pussy
>just binge eat all day every day for 6+ months bro its not hard
i want fatasses to leave
>broke arm in wrestling match years ago as a kid
>broke clean through the humerus, just above the elbow
>had to have surgery to reattach the bone
>lost all feeling and motor function from elbow down in left arm
>was a full year before i had full range of motion in my fingers again
>took years after that to stop favoring my right arm and guarding my left
>even now i can only half feel my left hand and parts of my forearm
>still have nerve damage that i can feel when i twist at the end of dumbbell curls
>right bicep noticeably bigger than my left, due to the virtual disappearance and any insertions in my left arm
>tfw had to compensate for years for my weak bicep by using my shoulder
>fucked up my bench form
>fucked up my curl form
>will probably never be symmetric and aesthetic
>no matter what i do left arm will always be weaker unless i stop everything and only train left
its fucking embarassing
>being this dense
enjoy your no gains, you can still track calories in a good way even with calorie dense food
>literally every part of my body has gotten bigger since started lifting
>biceps still look weak as fuck
What the actual fuck
Hi friendo
>started at 250ish lbs in january
>down to 220s fluctuating weight
>95 bench starting up to 130 now
>up to 240 squat
>losing mass but still look like a chubby DYEL faggot
It's like I have this fucking film of fat over my muscles. My legs are shaping up and aren't as flabby, but everything above that still looks like shit. I'm already halfway through the year and I still look like shit despite my gains.
But you can still use all of your muscles on your left arm?
worst case scenario you can just keep eating and lifting and go full bear mode
people naturally fear and respect bears
What's costachondritis?
>Inb4 use Google autist
What symptoms n shit do you have that don't allow you to swim? I have this killer cracking in my chest and when I can't pop it my diaphragm hurts like fuck and always happens after I swim,
Apparently I don't know shit. What is this 1/2/3/4?
STOP DRUmpgf and his evil Republican plan to destroy earth
Can you eat potatoes with celiac's? How about sweet potatoes? There are plenty of ways to do it, bro. I believe in you. My best friend is 6' weighs 120. I'm trying to get his ass in the gym, but he's lazy and depressed. I know he can do it, I know you can. Peanut butter, potatoes, lot's of carbs, like corn chips. Then after loading up om carbs, get your protein and fats in. Double your carb intake if you have to. Stop doing all but the bear necessity for cardio. Stop jerking off so much. Idk man. Hit up Joey Swoll on instagram for coaching. That dude will get you jacked. Idk how Veeky Forums feels about that shit, but he's a great dude and I respect the shit out of him and his programs work.
Don't give up, bro. Just do something outside of what you would normally do. Say hi to strangers. What's the worst goddamn thing that could happen if you talk to someone? They act like a bitch or a dick? Is that your problem? Nah, m8. They look like assholes and are assholes. You just got rejected.
My gym has a poster up that has a quote by Robert Frost, that goes, "I can sum up all I have learned about life in three words: It goes on." Think about that. Life goes on, despite those little rejections. You can't miss every single shot if you take 10,000. But you will never hit anything if you don't shoot. Fucking try, and get over it when you fail. Get outside your box. That's how you grow.
Aight. Done being a fag. I just want to see people succeed.
20 and still live with and off my mom. I know what it feels like to feel like a loser. But I'm getting an aerospace engineering degree, and I'm getting jacked, so fuck it. Life is good. Lol
>tested squat 1rm 3 weeks ago
>315 lbs
>tested deadlift 1rm today
>had finally gotten skinny
>clean slate so I could finally clean bulk
>get depressed
>start drinking
>eat a bunch of junk in the aftermath
>too hungover to go to the gym
>drink again when I've recovered
>rinse and repeat
>gained over 20 lbs
>skin looks like shit
>get winded by everything
I want off this ride.