Is lifting 5 times a week too much for natties?
Is lifting 5 times a week too much for natties?
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can you prove it
yes, have fun with DOMS.
read the sticky u fucking nigger
No, I do a 6 day modified PPL and make all kinds of gains. Key is high intensity, high frequency, low volumen (per workout).
Not if you're smart about volume.
I think 5 days a week is ideal, provided that your programming is correct. ULxPPLx is perfect for a somewhat advanced lifter.
I lift 6 times a week and im fine.
post it plz, routine
Is this too much volume for a ppl? I'm doing a lot of arm work because they're twigs.
front squat, calf raise, barbell hip thrust
ohp, bnp, triceps ext
pull up, pullover, curl
snatch grip dl, bulgarian split squat, crunches
bench, db bench, triceps ext
row, db row, curl
rest day (or not)
some lat raises also sometimes at the end if i feel like it
key is to get that intensity on the main lift of the day
the rest is just icing
if you never wanna make it, yes.
just do a full body routine twice per week. anything more is a waste of time.
No, you'll just get used to it... As long as your program doesn't hit the same area too much too often.
I lift 4x a week with 1 core lift each day and 2 accessories + cardio 3x a week like heavy prowler push and I also play basketball like 3x a week
you are welcomed
no, it is the limit long term though
6 times is pushing it, you'll start to get strain-related injuries after a few months that will take a few days to heal
7 times and the above will happen just faster
I do ULULULx and I'm natty.
Took quite a few years to reach that level of volume tolerance.
Also I'm pretty sure I could lift less and get the same results but my autism can't handle lowering volume.
Depends on your workout, if you eat enough, get enough sleep, aren't too old, etc. Also, you might sleep through entire Saturdays.
are you retarded? and anyone who asks these kinds of questions
>what kind of split is best
>how many times a week should i train
nigger, doesn't matter. what matters is hitting a muscle 2-3 times per week, SUFFICIENT VOLUME, AND PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD.
you can achieve this in 300 different ways, but full body, upper/lower, push/pull, or even further splitting to push/pull/legs are just the most popular ways to train
>not doing bulgarian light
pls respond
lol @ you
if you want to hit your body parts on separate days have fun but your wasting you're time
>"how many times should I train a week?"
>proceeds to tell you how many times to train a week
do you feel like it's too much?
not really no