I think I found Satan's physical form
Is this the ultimate Veeky Forums killer?
We had this thread yesterday
Where is it then?
delicious bulk
That's disgusting. I feel bad drinking a nurishment that got 54 grams of sugar
>32 fl oz is 950 ml
>Amerifats have one-litre shakes
haha go drink some water you europoor, meanwhile i will enjoy life like a real man.
high-key wanna try this
theres a heath version (the toffee) that i believe is 3200 calories
>*based off a 2,000 calorie diet
I see a problem with this...
That kcals in that shit is horrible, but sodium isnt bad. Sodium is important for muscle size.YOu muscles holds a lot of water. A lack of sodium will mean less than optimal amounts of water and smaller muscle size.
>3200 cals
I know im new but you gotta be memeing me.The average human intake for just existing is 2000 cals
Did you look at OP's pic?
but only 2.5g of trans fat, tee hee.
That shake is good for bulking
Shit like this is why I don't feel bad for skellies who can't gain weight
>tfw not american
feels good man
Not talking about the op picture but the thing this guy mentioned.Still 2600 is a lot
Not really.
For skinny it can be very goo
So, wait, you use shitty non-metric system for everything and then use metric system for nutrients ?
Is your government purposely trying to deceive you about the amount of sugars and shit fats they are feeding you?
>Is your government purposely trying to deceive you about the amount of sugars and shit fats they are feeding you?
Yes, but also if someone is drinking that they don't care about their health anyways.
>low key lit senpai squad!
Stop talking like a filthy ape
>50 sugar cubes
what would happen if you drank one of these every day when bulking
You would get diabetes and fatty liver.
I'm 5'9 130, if it didn't have over a quarter kilo of sugar I'd actually drink it