So I accidentally did meth for the first time on Sunday morning...

So I accidentally did meth for the first time on Sunday morning. It's a long story and I don't feel like going into it but I finally got some good sleep on Monday night. Would I be good to go to the gym today? Mostly shaking and twitching has disappeared but I still have slight headache. Should I drink a detox drink?

DESU I wouldn't be suprised of some of the mdma I used to take had meth in it

Just wait it out until you feel 100%


>so i accidentally did meth

how does one "accidentally" use a hard drug?

what a tasty little bulge

Nah dude just drink a fuckload of water and eat lean for a week. It's all good, same thing happened to me a long time ago. Kid was loading up a steamroller, didn't think anything of it, I'm looking at my phone, he hands me the pipe and I rip it without even checking it. Ended up taking a faaaaat rip of lurr and spending the next 2 days tweaked out.

Got bad cravings the first week, but after about a month everything went back.

>friend says "here, smoke this good ass weed"
>smoke it
>it's actually meth

That too, bought mdma at a club one time, the color was good and I was so eager to get rolling that I didn't taste test it out of the gelcaps. 45 mins later and I was 0.4grams deep in tweaker mode.

kill yourselves

do some light excercises to sweat a bit.
if it feels like its too much just stop.
tryed it on sunday after a heavy night of coke speed and alcohol. felt much better afterwards
dunno how its with meth desu

Well for one you can't smoke meth reliably out of a marijuana pipe. If someone hands you a rosepipe or lightbulb and you honestly think it's weed you should just stay away from drugs.


>The color was good
Lol. Define a good color for mdma

>buying gear at a club, ever

I thought it was something else but it turned out what I took was laced. That's how.

Slight beige, I've synthesized it myself from sassafras and the best shit was always beige. Won't take it if it's white or clear, but now I probably shouldn't as any other color since they obviously fucked that up.

>calling molly gear
Get out of the gym you vermin.

That's exactly what they told me it was. Sass and it was brownish color. I ended up doing a lot of it. With compilation of Molly coke and alcohol. Plus some acid. I should've just brought a test kit and it's my fault for not knowing what I put in my own body

>being this retarded
>being this degenerate
>having degenerate as friend

>calling mandy molly
cultural differences m8

>calling methastula mandy or molly

>doing drugs

Why eat lean for a week? Is there a reason?

I just found that it helps me work shit out of my system when my bodyfat is lower, eating lean with low sugar directly related to that.
>doing steroids
You can pick your poison. I was a stupid teenager man, at least I'm not a 30 year old pinning in hopes of retaining some masculinity.

It's everyone's fault. You should beat the ever loving shit out of the kid who sold you. Get a test kit, or more realistically, stop reducing the grey mass of your brain while you're still young man. They're fun, but if you get in the right mindset you can have just as much sober. Preaching aside, the best way to tell is a slight taste test. If it tasted like chemical rock salt it's no good. If it tastes slightly like rootbeer(which sassafras is the main ingredient to), then you've a much better chance.

You're def good to go today, don't overdo it tho. Just take it slow but you can def work out. As long as the effects have pretty much worn off you're safe.


what a tasty little peach

tfw you call meth "crystal dabs"

Wow. No one wants to say or admit it.

I wanna kiss and lick those feet

Nah, admittedly I would too. But she has to take all the shit off first.

>45 mins later and I was 0.4grams deep in tweaker mode

If your not already getting some, take some 5htp to help you get on a normal sleep schedule faster, stay safe user

Pure MDMA is white. Any brown coloration is impurities left over from acetone wash.

>should I drink a detox drink

Sure, if you're in the mood to piss every fifteen minutes and not get rid of the meth in your system.

Considering I didn't use the acetone wash, no. It's from the roots, and I don't mind that.

>not doing meth on purpose



Bought MDMA via a friend once. His plug got busted and turned out his MDMA was actually MDA. Well, nothing to be assed about I guess.

>Any brown coloration is impurities
>Hurr it's from the roots

Those are revolting. 4/10 at best, seriously

i remember you from that other thread where you said you accidentally did amphetamines kek

what the fuck those look terrible

>ay cuz hit this weed its so dank the THC makes it pure white crystals that burn the fuck outta you and need to be kept out of the direct flame

How's the old noggin feeling after it? I've tried it twice and honestly it's the worst thing I've ever done. I felt wretched for about a week, but on the up side it does just pass.

If you are feeling super shitty, you will feel 100% again soon. Don't fret, just go through it and never touch that filth again.

In terms of working out, listen to your body. If you're having palpitations, exertion isn't a good idea. If you're still kind of dizzy and headachey, just go easy. Isotonic drinks and coconut water are great for rehydration.

I've done plenty coke, mdma etc and and go to gym after 1 day of recovering. Actually set a PB the day after a coke and alcohol binge.

I always get my test from nightclubs and raves

>Considering I didn't use the acetone wash, no.

you moron
"impurities left over from acetone wash" = impurities that survived the acetone wash.
if you didnt wash at all then there's even more impurities present. no wonder your drugs are the color of shitstains.

What does meth feel like compared to MDMA? How would I know the difference?

mdma isn't actually a stimulant, it's a psychedelic and is kinda like tripping without the trip
meth/speed is what makes your heart start pounding and like you could run a marathon

I'm a footfag and I find her feet disgusting.

Gear is cocaine and steroids you fuck

I did a kitty flip Friday (MDMA+Ketamine) and Ket alone all Saturday, and I went lifting Monday no problem. If you can do a light sess, then do it, it you can't, then wait it out. I would personally respect a headache enough to not lift by that point

life is meaningless, why not have some fun with it while youre at it

>life is meaningless

prove me that god exists

Dude pure mdma is white. The best/most pure MDMA rocks I tried were white. No research chemicals or any other bullshit like that.

The best rolls I ever had were on the white moontocks. The thing about actual real MDMA is that it's not suppose to feel like am amphetamine rush. You just feel so euphoric, amazing, and in such a good mood that it makes you want to go do stuff (dancing, talking to girls, etc)

Just never buy MDMA or any other powder/crystal based substances from strangers. Never. Only buy it off trusted people who actually let you sample a bit of the product.

Sweden, Germany are cucked because they attack Poland. Our queen is Mary mother of Jesus. England, France are cucked too because they abadon God. Lech KaczyƄski was killed in plane crash with no survivors because he signed threaty of lisbon. You are cucked too murricans.

Yup she looks like a meth addict like OP. The text tattoo really doesn't help either.