Is it true going vegan will help you get gains?
Is it true going vegan will help you get gains?
Doesn't help (or hurt) gains, but it means you're a lot less likely to die of cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
In a sense yes but for the most part its cutting the shit our of your diet.
no but it will help you in tactical situations where you need to camouflage yourself in green environments, natural camo.
Daily reminder that VG proposed to a girl with a manface he met playing Call of Duty, asked her to marry him over the internet, then had a mental breakdown when she dumped him over Facebook fucking Messanger
Daily reminder to also post this in all VG threads he makes here
If you're really, truly obsessed about doing what it takes to make gains, then just hop on fucking test already. All this eat these macros, eat these micros, eat this food, do keto, go vegan, fucking bullshit. Just get on cycle and eat more if you wanna get bigger and eat less if you wanna get leaner.
No, it won't, but it won't hurt either. The benefits lie elsewhere. Try it for a week!
What do you guys think of vegan-gains?
Look at that guy on the right. Kinda big, you can tell he works out, but his size isn't really impressive. That is the absolute best you can hope for if you go vegan. You could get his physique by lifting casually if you eat meat.
They also married and have unprotected bareback cosplay sex multiple times a day (Richard got a vascectomy), while you shitpost from your mother's basement
LMAO the bitch didn't even was her fucking hair or bother getting out of pajamas, and he just walked away like an autist afterwards, and you call other people basement dwellers?
He has bigger arms than you ever will
I got that physique by just eating a steak every night, you don't even have to life to look like that if you're a meateater.
Hey, he creampies white fruity tasting pussy daily and makes money off his hobby which is shitposting on a public platform, cooking and lifting. What are you doing?
5 fucking vegan threads 2 of which are vegan youtube shill posts.
If there was any doubt one of the autists that modrates this shithole is a vegan just lmao @ ur opinions
>Richard got a vascectomy
lol thank god, one less mud blood reproducing in the shithole that is toronto
his will be done
>these threads magically bump themselves
Hide or filter, learn to catalog
doesnt help your argument at all considering anyone can bump a thread.
>LMAO the bitch didn't even was her fucking
>doesn't sage
>gets upset and implies samefagging
you probably started these stupid threads faggot
nah, ill just piss on them instead.
remember to watch like and subscribe to vegan nigger and his gains channel guyz :^)
pissing on Veeky Forums is a service to society.
if every person who spends more than an hour a day on internet forums was forced to go outside or be euthanized societies problems would resolve in weeks
Thanks for the free bumps frienderino! :-)
it was immediately obvious you were OP. nobody cares about 4chans content, just pissing on it and shitposting
reddit passed this place by miles somewhere around the "fappening"
He also trained for 10 years to get the results a noob would get in a year and a half.
This freelee chick is actually pretty hot. Too bad she's literally fucking insane.
I'm not op
I care about the content being posted here, that's why I post
>Muh reddit bogeyman
Pseudo-"""oldfags""" are cancer
this sites the toilet bowl of the internet and just lol if you believe differently
Are you seriously retarded?
Dude on the right looks like he survived a nazi prison camp by eating the Jews food. No fat, minimal gains. Definition due to zero body fat, face of a child molester.
train like shit, eat like shit, get shit results.
While what you eat matters, it doesn't really matter "what" you are eating as long as you hit your proteins everyday. Same regards to exercise - do meme exercises stay forever in the plateau.
how is she insane? is it because of her implants?
Thus guys is a vegan and he looks better than 90% of Veeky Forums
Because she's a fucking vegan. And she also said that all meat eaters should be forced to go vegan and they should be killed if they resist.
tits are fake, too.
I would take skeleton over his body
Thats just gross
He's also on roids
She and her whackjob boyfriend broke up, and how she does shitty ASMR videos and this shit:
> implying correlation implies causation
Why do people care whether or not women's tits are real or not? Who gives a fuck, it still looks good. Do you also refuse to fuck a chick if she has dyed hair?
Because I don't like to see people have ruptured implants, possible leaking silicone in their bloodstreams, and fucked up breast tissue if anything goes wrong during later surgeries. They aren't forever, and you have to get them replaced every decade or so. Pointless change to make to your body.
>Do you also refuse to fuck a chick if she has dyed hair?
Yes, pic related.
Not a good comparison, dyed hair means she's a tumblrite and will probably retroactively withdraw consent and file rape charges after.
The WHO report actually mentioned "strong mechanistic evidence" in addition to correlation. It's not correlation only
>prove it
Google it idgaf
>being this fucking naive
Majority of women dye their hair, just not to the extent of neon sjw tumblrites
>standards are bad
Fake tits and SJW hair detected.
holy shit that intro
is this real life
these threads are just pathetic at this point
kek. this
Dude has ascended, he actually turned into broccoli.