I'm a little confused here. Looking at pics of some girls on Instagram and /s/, and I'm seeing 18-23 year old chicks that have amazing bodies, and I'm curious as to how they are achieving this? I squat, bench, and run a few times a week, don't drink soda that often, and cook at home. I'm average at best. Genetics? You can't tell me these women aren't eating fast food from time to time either. What's the catch here? Personal chefs? Do they really all bust their ass trying to achieve these bodies? I'd kill just to see their habits, both food and exercise alike.
I'm a little confused here. Looking at pics of some girls on Instagram and /s/...
100% genetics, you're fucked hun
you don't need to work out at all for a physique like in the picture
Not genetics, just diet. I've looked like the girl on the far left since before I started lifting--I just didn't eat over 1400 cals and did a lil cardio.
Keep working out and someday you will look like this.
eat one meal a day at night and fruits and berries and juice during the day, that's it
Most likely they did some kind of sport as a child or they have parents obsessed with health.
All im trying to say is that their bodies are a result of many years being fit/healthy if not their whole life. Too many people think they can diet a month and turn out like this.
Nothing looks out of ordinary good its just eat less do moderate training and boom ur there
>don't drink soda
Amerifat detected. When will you ever learn?
Superior SoFlo/SoCal genetics. That's how 50% of the girls look here- sexy and tanned without even putting in a little bit of effort.
Note that it doesn't take a high level of fitness for young men/women to be attractive. It's about leanness and skin tone more than anything else, which comes naturally in warm climates
This, I started doing light lifting and cardio before I entered High school, not that it actually did anything other than instill the habit and keep me skinny, but my brother didn't. He's a tubby pudgers now and I have a a bit of muscle. I preferred the cardio anyway.
i hate nothing more than these instagram models. bitch you edit your frozenyoghurt yoghurt commercial pictures on an iphone app, get off the high horse
That's what a normal female 20 year old looks like.
It's actually hilarious seeing burgers treat "average" as "fitness god" or some shit.
Just stop eating so fucking much.
These chicks never never worked out in their lives and are near-anorexic, junk food eating, cumsluts. Do you really want to be like them? I find women who work out WAY hotter. Don't fall for this meme-body.
This. There is no sign of any physical activity on their bodies. Just don't eat like a hippo and don't sit/lie all day and you end up with a body like that
Okay, how does one eat less? Are we talking about less food per meal, or less than three meals a day? One meal a day and intermittent fasting? I've such a random schedule that a Whataburger here or there is normal, but I make up for it by busting my ass running around the block or lifting heavy.
this lel, I mean this body isn't anything special even, probably no ass. But yeah some have to work to get a body like this, others can eat junk and drink and have bodies like that, guess life isn't fair.
I kindly disagree with the previous.
Workout, eat healthy and your weight will be just fine.
You can't eat less when you work out! WTF Veeky Forums??!? Your body needs energy to sustain you at work and exercise. Just don't eat JUNK! Healthy food doesn't make you fat.
Eat less. Doesn't matter how.
Making it complicated is why people never stick to diets.
Make a plate for yourself like you normally do. Then take a little off.
>Healthy food doesn't make you fat.
I promise you 3000 calories of any food is equivalent to 3000 calories of any other food when it comes to energy. If you ate 3000 calories of spinach every day you'd get fat.
Just gtfo.
Amerifat logic detected. Listen assholes, diet is king in fitness. Diet doesn't mean not eating. It means eat good quality food. If you eat good quality food, you work out and you're not a hamplanet, you will never gain weight. Just forget burgers and pizza and you'll be ok.
I used to be the male equivalent of stacey (chad), until life hit me and I had to be an adult with a job and responsibilities. That was the single turning point, along with getting older, that turned me into a slob. It's all good because I'm back on track, I just can't eat whatever I want or do what I want anymore. These girls are the same, all they do is spend their time hanging out and being active and not worrying about food>>>diet under control.
wish i lived in socal desu lads
Everybody who doesn't pay attention to their quality of life is destined to become a slob. Even the gilrs in pic related will become unfuckable in a few years as long as they eat junk and never work out.
They just dont eat luke crazy and do cardio at thr gym
Nothing impressive, no ass, small tits, no wide hips, etc
Low tes girls
>Low tes girls
> men: high test, low estrogen
> women: low test, high estr
> Veeky Forums: high test everybody!
seems like a typical basic bitch who eats shit, drinks and smokes weed all day but does cardio and walks in the city while drunk
tan, expensive bikini and filters
Low test girls means guys with low test like them. It has nothing to do with the hormonal balance of the girls.
Post high test grills
Here you go.
>wake up
>check phone to see that your Instagram story from last night got 2000 views and that you got over 500 Instagram likes
>do your makeup for an hour
>eat meme breakfast using Whole Foods ingredients
>head to your communications class
>ignore your beta orbiters and flirt with Chad
>head to the gym after class with your friends
>do 5x8 squats, 5x8 glute thrusts, 5x8 lunges, and other random exercises while getting extra motivation because every time you turn your head you catch someone staring
>take Instagram pic to finish gym session, 100 likes within 5 minutes
>take shower and spend another hour doing makeup
>Chad texts you to head to the beach with him and some friends, and to bring your friends too
>go to the beach and keep your nice tan
>head to Whole Foods and spend a portion of the $2000/month allowance your rich dad sends you every month
>eat again and joke with Stacy Jr about how you two are getting sooooo fat
>invite Chad over and watch Netflix
>spend 30 minutes doing homework
>go to sleep
left and right are just skinnyfat
this. don't do any retarded over-complicated shit. just eat what you'd normally eat, but a bit less
are any of those guys 6ft?
>decently wide hips
>but also even wider shoulders
butthurt faggots/women please go
it's all about the pose
My ex was bit chubby but in her insta pics she looked normal size, even a little thin.
I lost 25lbs eating mainly cheeseburgers. Calories in vs Calories out. Get fucked
Yeah but stop using the ladies loo mate, it's not cool.
So the idea of this thread is we all pretend to be women right? Newbie no bully!
Say goodbye to you tits.
post more thots in bikinis
That's the deal right there, most of these have good genetics to begin with and probably do SOME sort of exercise, but after they reach 24, 25....their phyiscal beauty will take a nosedive into the abyss, they are at their best 18-23.
You are fucking retarded, but gr8 b8
A little Var and any girl can have a rocking body.
what part of SoCal are you at?
they are all obese beaners in most places
You can look like this and not be an instagram slut, or a slut at all. Many women do.
it's literally just genetics
there are plenty of dudes on this website with the exact same bodies, but it's not attractive because we're all weakling nerds
I can (and do) eat whatever I want and I'm skinny as fuck
Except if you eat 3000 cal of veggies youll shit out 1500 cals
Fucking retard who doesnt eat big detected
This is incredibly accurate, although you forgot when she takes her cocktail of amphetamines and anxiety pills in the morning to block out any possibility of self-awareness.
the key is to never get fat
their time will come when age catches up with them
My gf is in a similar position I reckon. She's tall, thin, and p athletic but does not have the stellar body that all this would suggest. She has small breasts and butt and what little fat she does have is in relatively unsightly places. What do.
>they are all obese beaners in most places
the rich parts you dumbass.
>$2000/mo allowance
Lmao you can't even live well in a second-tier city on that poorfag.
Do what I did with my girlfriend and tell her. Explain you want her to look as good as she can and that it's easy to count calories and run a few times a week.
>if you workout hard enough, you will be able to change your bone structure and muscle insertions and the way fat is distributed on your body xD
Their diet isn't 100% cocaine that's how.
>I'm seeing 18-23 year old chicks that have amazing bodies,
>and I'm curious as to how they are achieving this?
Uhmm, by being 18 - 23 year old?
And, you know, anavar. And Photoshop. So yeah, just those four things.
genetics and/or surgery
No they can't. If you eat fuck all for breakfast, fuck all for lunch, no supper but THREE BIG BURJERZ for dinner, you're still at a calorie deficit, even if it looks like you can "eat all you want"
Snacks, sugar and liquid calories are satan if you're trying to lose weight,
So fucking true. Modern society has made being normal "fit" and unfit "normal".
Regardless he'd look ten thousand times better if he was fit. He's short but STILL mamages to eat too little, it's no wonder he's extremely off putting.
anavar lol
bone structure to be more precise, if you have a good bone structure you'll look good skinny (perfect as a woman when slightly skinny fat) and look great with muscles, even when slightly overweight you'll look less shit than other fatties
post a body pic and we can say if you need more exercise or if its genetics
30mins-2hrs gym per week, inconsistently. (mostly cardio
not eating like a pig ALL the time.
any other retarded questions?
>for THAT.
these birds have got average bodies, literally just go to the gym 2 days every week, and dont stuff yourself.
Most girls I know have bodies like that, it's the average fucking woman's body.
the only editing is their makeup, and fat cows also wear make up, so can't call em out for that.
Its absolutely genetic related.
Just like some guys you see have *blessed* genetics, the same goes for girls.
There are plenty of 20-something year old girls who eat healthy, exercise, and still look like shit. These girls in OPs pic just have great genetics and exercise/eat right.
genetics, but most of the girls from my high school that looked like that are fat shits now coz their shitty diets caught up with them
>>the beauty and power of youth
>>coupled with ok genetics
This is all it takes. I'm 38 and can see it in hindsight.
ur 38 and still on Veeky Forums?
jesus, im 26 and feeling like I shouldnt be on here anymore
Chick in the middle has absolotely no hips
>Uhmm, by being 18 - 23 year old?
It has nothing to do with age. Don't let old people get away with that excuse.
Don't eat like a pig and exercise,
Their faces look horrible and their bodies are average unless you consider skinny fat to the max average
>elbows too pointy
>2/10 would not bang
Sour grapes, user
I'd love to see where you live that those girls are ugly
Aside from maybe a boob job and lots of tanning, there's nothing special with those bodies. They're slimmest and unimpressive. Im a 27 year old and have no problem getting a body more fit than those skinnyfats. I really don't understand how you think those look special
Lol those skinnyfat fucks aren't fit, they even have little guts forming. They just don't eat like pigs. If you think that's fit, you don't know what a fit girl looks like
The averagev20 year old doesn't look like that in most modern nations
>thinks only NA is fat
Ohhhh boy, nope- it's the whole dann world. The obeseity rate has risen even in starving Ethiopian places. The average 20 year old is likely fat/chubs where ever you go now
they dont even look that good they're just skinny. Just lift god damnit and dont be fat and you will look good. dont skip the main lifts.
Breeding and not eating like a hog.
>3000 calories of any food is equivalent to 3000 calories of any other food
Not really the case when it comes to sugar and fiber.
Lots of them take supplements to build muscle and burn fat, adding a "healthy" meme diet.
The other few are normal girls who have been doing exercise since childhood.
If a 20-24 year-old woman doesn't look like that with very little effort then she either has ZERO self control or garbage genetics period. Either way not suitable.
Well, atleast they don't seem to be so genetically blessed with their faces.
When you're overweight you can
Low quality bait. Don't make it so obvious next time.
they look normal, you're just conditioned to think they are immensely attractive because of the state of health/fitness across the globe
eat meals, not takeout
dont drink sugary drinks
move your body in some fashion
ps, its also amazing what some modicum of hygeine and fashion does, that makes all the difference
That's all you need to be an attractive woman these days
none of those chicks are really hot by default,they're skinny,perfectly tanned and pampered and go for the cali-style. Theyir below average faces and plenty of makeup prove it. So they are very attainable phisique wise for the average fembots,assuming she has the "skinny" constitution bc 2/3 have narrow hips and thick waists basically men-like with only the blue girl being feminine
They're Paris Hilton basically
>which comes naturally in warm climates
is that why most shitskins are short fat and disgusting?