Should I use a mass gainer?
I don't have an issue putting on weight but gaining muscle mass seems to be an issue. would utilizing a mass gainer while maintaining a clean diet be beneficial to me? my fear is that I will just gain weight as espoused to lean mass.
Should I use a mass gainer?
I'll give you a bump, OP.
Not worth it, just use normal whey. If you can't count your calories in vs. calories and keep a balanced diet you're going to have a shit time maintaining whatever gains you make.
A pity bump, I'll take it! Thank you user
you need patience.
and by patience i mean REALFOODCMON
Thing is I drink at least 2-3 whey shakes a day in conjunction with my stable diet. Just can't seem to gain lean mass
How long have you been on it, when are you taking it, and how much are you exercising?
Sounds like you aren't doing something right.
define "stable diet"
I suppose I should just say clean eating.
No fried foods or sodas or junk food, ect.
I maintain a healthy balance of fruit and vegetables. lean protein sources. I take a solid multi, I bring in 1.5g of lean protein per.
Mass gainers are complete bullshit.
look at the fucking label.
a 7.14 lb container is 9 servings.
That's 0.8 lb per serving.
1 normal scoop is about 0.06 lb per serving.
That's 13 scoops you have to eat.
Plus enough milk to wash dissolve it in.
Just eat normal food.
I train twice a day. and I've been using whey for most my adult life. I take in protein pre-post and somewhere during the day. (I train PM)
eww you use milk in you powders?
>not getting extra protons
it's like you don't want to make it.
not OP, but seriously that is just gross... I can't stand milk so. would make me feel so gross to slam that post or even pre workout.
tfw had a dream that my mom bought 1,000 calorie protein bars tnat were reasonably sized
tfw it was only a dream
>No fried foods or sodas or junk food, ect.
Okay, that doesn't mean anything. That's about as vegans saying "it makes you lose weight and healthier!".
Yeah, what does "train" mean". I "train 5 days" a week, does that mean I should be Hulk Hogan?
I can't mix protein powder with water.
Something about unclear water makes me heave.
But if it's milk, it's fine.
this tells me nothing.
you ask how often, not what my routine was, princess lol.
and I weight train intensely twice a day. once am and once pm.
kind of hard to explain how my diet is unless i painted the total picture. that was a generalization. keep up bro
I take in 3,500 cals a day.I am 6ft, I weight 190lbs at 13%
I've been eating salads and doing cardio and free weights. I feel tired all the time and not getting any bigger? How do I clean bulk? No GMO products either plz!
>weight train intensely twice a day
It's pretty obvious what your problem is
> I weight train intensely twice a day. once am and once pm.
What weights do you do and exercises? I know women who do "intense training" with weights but never go above touched anything near a 20lbs dumbell.
not op, I have always done this and it works wonders for me so whats the deal with that?
All you need is good programming and a robust diet to make gains.
Seeing how OP isn't posting his diet or what he means by "intense training", it sounds like you are doing it right.
OP sounds like he is either underestimating something in his diet/exercise balance
That's because you're untermensch.
it sounds like he's burning more than he is eating.
IF he really lifts hard twice a day.
if you do not like milk on whey, just drink plain milk on top of your meals... or lift less.
>Should I use a mass gainer?
Sure, if you're an ass gay nerd.