Carbohydrates make you overweight, not protein or fat
Carbohydrates make you overweight, not protein or fat
Go ahead, I dare you, never touch carbs again and eat nothing but fat and protein and you sure as hell will get fat and also a heart attack and gout.
EXCESS CALORIES make you overweight
Now fuck off
No, fats make you fat
also enjoy being depressed and anemic
>A low-carb diet is considered to be below 50 g
How the fuck do these people live? Do they eat tuna all day long?
saturated and transfats, also an overabundance of anything except protein has negative effects on health. too many carbs or sugar or fats and no outlet to burn leads to obtaining fat cells. healthy balance is key
cheese nigga
nope, it is the quality of the calories that determines it
Alright eat 5000 high quality calories a day and report back in 6 months
You're a fucking idiot. I've been eating nothing but pasta and oatmeal for weeks and I haven't gained any weight. 1600-1900 calories a day of Carb heavy food compared to my old diet of 1600-1900 calories of noodles and ice cream and I haven't gained or lost a single pound.
Not him but even cico is true it's easier to consume too much with glucides than with fat or proteins.
Carbohydrates can indirectly make you overweight but the fat you eat is mostly what makes up the fat on your body
In other words, the science itself makes clear that hormones, enzymes, and growth factors regulate our fat tissue, just as they do everything else in the human body, and that we do not get fat because we overeat; we get fat because the carbohydrates in our diet make us fat. The science tells us that obesity is ultimately the result of a hormonal imbalance, not a caloric one—specifically, the stimulation of insulin secretion caused by eating easily digestible, carbohydrate-rich foods: refined carbohydrates, including flour and cereal grains, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, and sugars, like sucrose (table sugar) and high-fructose corn syrup. These carbohydrates literally make us fat, and by driving us to accumulate fat, they make us hungrier and they make us sedentary.
This is the fundamental reality of why we fatten, and if we’re to get lean and stay lean we’ll have to understand and accept it, and, perhaps more important, our doctors are going to have to understand and acknowledge it, too.
Of all the dangerous ideas that health officials could have embraced while trying to understand why we get fat, they would have been hard-pressed to find one ultimately more damaging than calories-in/calories-out. That it reinforces what appears to be so obvious - obesity as the penalty for gluttony and sloth - is what makes it so alluring. But it's misleading and misconceived on so many levels that it's hard to imagine how it survived unscathed and virtually unchallenged for the last fifty years.
It has done incalculable harm. Not only is this thinking at least partly responsible for the ever-growing numbers of obese and overweight in the world - while directing attention away from the real reasons we get fat - but it has served to reinforce the perception that those who get fat have no one to blame but themselves. That eating less invariably fails as a cure for obesity is rarely perceived as the single most important reason to make us question our assumptions, as Hilde Bruch suggested half a century ago. Rather, it is taken as still more evidence that the overweight and obese are incapable of following a diet and eating in moderation. And it put the blame for their physical condition squarely on their behavior, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Yet I've been eating a carb heavy diet for a while now and I'm still 120 lbs. I guess I'm an anomaly.
Carbs+Protein = Good (Think Chicken with rice and brocolli)
Protein+Fat = Good (Think Omlettes, cured meats etc.)
Carbs+Fat = Bad (Think Burgers, Cakes, Pastries etc.)
Hormones come into play to some degree, mostly affecting hunger, but weight gain is due to an excess of ingested calories. Your body can't just make fat from nothing simply because you've eaten carbohydrates.
As for insulin, everything you eat causes a release of insulin. Insulin is present in the blood at all times and increases after every meal, even if all you ate was steak and eggs.
You've been reading too much Taubes.
>fat people are just the victims of corrupt science
>fat people all tried eating 2000 calorie diets of brown rice and vegetables and exercising really hard but the carbohydrates acted like 10,000 calories in their body, thus making them obese
>there was nothing they could do
Yeah but some things release SIGNIFICANTLY more insulin than others you melt
You can't refute Taubes though
This playlist includes a few hours worth of Taubes-debunking. Enjoy.
Pretty crazy that everyone who has ever tracked calories accurately and eaten over maintenance has gained weight and everyone that has eaten under maintenance has lost weight. Maybe it's the observer effect taking place inside your body! Or maybe it really is as simple as calories in/ calories out
Do you like beef?
Maybe just eat once or twice a day?
lol, which tumblr blog did is this pasta from?
>tfw eat tons of carbs(in the form of shit food), always have
>Do minimal cardio on top of working out
>Been able to see my abs all my life
>we do not get fat because we overeat
That sounds fake but okay.
The pic you posted is HIGH fat medium carb tho .
Donuts are high-fat low-carb you fat fucking retard.
I thought
The high fat retard community managed to bait people into believe most junk food is bad because it's full of carb , offcourse most junk is full of processed sugars but on average it's always 60/40 fat/carb when it come to calories for junkfood .
If you eat too much carb they'll turn into fat , the fat will then be used , if Initial carb + carb turned into fat is above your TDEE then a part of it will be stored .
If you eat fat they'll be used unless you eat more than your TDEE , they'll be stored .
The meme doctor who constantly misinterpret the role of insulin are very funny , only fat fuck or people desperate to lose weight would fall for that meme .
pretty much this
Thank you back snap gorilla
>Not carbs
The most annoying one to me was already brought up in the thread
>On a ketogenic diet you burn [body] fat instead of carbs
No motherfucker, you burn dietary fat because that's what the fuck you're eating. Only after your body burns through all the fat and protein you eat will it need to tap into body fat, like it would if you ate carbs.
It's the stupidest thing someone could fall for. You'd think it's a joke when you see someone say that, like one of those Troll Logic comics, but somehow it seems like everyone who talks about ketogenic diets genuinely believes that it's true and makes total sense.
And if you market keto diets, how do you get people to believe something this retarded?
>grumble grumble burn fat not carbs grumble
>Fat? Like body fat? Keto burns body fat instead of carbs? That's what I want, sign me up! But how does it work
>grumble grumble insulin something grumble grumble spike grumble
>Of course! Insulin explains everything! I get it now!
And then they show up here and expect everyone to be as gullible as them.
Thank you back-snap gorilla
please read
Fat only makes you fat if you eat too much of it, retard.
But unlike carbs, fat makes you feel fuller faster, so you wind up shoving less calories in your face in the long run.
Carbs just make you wanna keep on eating and eating and eating.
funny how it's the opposite for me. carbs usually satiate me more for their calories than fats ever do
>carbs are one thing
Fiber is a carb. Eat 1000 calories in lentils and get back to me on how hungry you feel.
yep, same for me
fatfags think their opinion is literally a fact
idk it must be something about high fat diets that makes people extra retarded
Same here, when I need more calories I down peanut butter. I feel like shit afterwards but you can eat so many calories in fat so quickly that the satiation takes too long to stop you from eating.
Have you tried going low carb for a week straight?
I used to eat a lot of pasta and rice. And I always wanted to stuff extra chips in my face after.
Then I made stuff like kima (
This week I only ate a scoop of the kima for breakfast (I cook in bulk, and the whole thing lasted me two weeks); and then a sammich, cheese crisps, and an orange for lunch. I don't eat dinner, and I haven't felt the urge to in awhile. I have this bag of chips in my cupboard that I still haven't opened in the few weeks since I bought it and I have no desire to. It's weird.
posting broscience should result in a ban.
His very first example lists rice as a carb.
This is why peer review exists. People can make up all kinds of bullshit and post it online.
i'd love to see what her triglycerides look like
>I used to eat a lot of pasta and rice.
No you didn't. Nobody who is as nutritionally illiterate as you even knows what "a lot of rice" looks like.
Without fail, none of these fat fucks have ever even seen a plate of 700 calories rice in their lifetime and they want to talk about "a lot of rice" while the thought of eating plain pasta without added meat, oil, cheese, sauces, cream, is completely foreign to them. What a joke
Fat, and especially saturated fat, has the lowest satiety per calorie by far, a simple scientific fact known from a huge number of studies, and there isn't a lot of individual variation either. Fat also takes very long to produce any satiation at all (down into the small intestine), which easily promotes overeating, whereas carbs produce very fast satiation (and digesting starch into sugar quicker is associated with being thinner and healthier, which is the exact opposite of the insulin bullshit)
thank you back snap gorilla
Don't forget the part where they start spouting bullshit about muh satiety ,
Those fuckers don't understand that when you go from the SAD diet to a somewhat better diet ( even bacon and egg if better than sad ) OFFCOURSE you'll feel better .
t. seething vegan
They are the sort of person who believe most junkfood is "high carb" and it's bad because it's "high carb" because they see the nutrition label and " oh my god 60g of carbs " and don't really seems to be bothered by the 25+g of fats in it .
Its practically impossible to be overweight if you exercise 3 times a week minimum and eat only carbs with no added sugar, oats, brown rice, potatoes. You must be some kind of a monster to get fat with rice only even asians eat rice daily and do you see many fat asians ?
Problem isnt the carbs, the problem is that 'muricans think that carbs are pastries and wheat based foods like their so called "bread" which is considered pastry in our country.
Contrary to the unpopular belief held by the retarded keto/low carb community , carb are very hardly ever converted to fat because they're very quickly metabolized , but they take the priority and when you eat a so called "carby food" ( Pastry and other junk that are LOADED WITH FAT ) the fat will just get stored because it's a fucking useless macro and your body will just prefer using carbs .
Imagine having to eat american bread
Instead of actual bread
Thank you back snap gorilla
The secret is not being a fattie who has 3 meals a day and is uncomfortable if they go a single day without food.
hahaha its a fucking cake
Now I'm hungry for some fresh donuts. It's a good thing they don't negatively affect my superior genetics
Thank you back-snap gorilla
this is actually true.
they eat fucking low-carbs veggies meat fish eggs nuts seeds.. u know, real food bitch
Thank you back-snap gorilla
Thank you back-snap gorilla
overeating like a pig on fattening makes you overweight
what are Carbohydrates
Genetics makes you fat
if your genetic gave you a cuck attitude that doesnt let you control your cravings then yes, i agree
Could really use that good form and no back snaps, getting a gym membership and trying dead lift + squat for first time next week.
Thank you back-snap gorilla
thank you back snap gorilla
He doesn't need to. Taubes refuted himself.
keto is
I just make my own sour dough and white bread desu they put 20+ ingredeients in the "health bread" at the store how do they manage to stick soy in every fucking loaf there?
Thank you back snap gorilla