>100AUD for 5 kilos of whey
>discount voucher to 80 bucks
>15 bucks shipping
>still 95 bucks
I got about 750g of whey left. anybody know any dealers that ship to aus that are having sales atm/in the near future?
I need my fix
>100AUD for 5 kilos of whey
>discount voucher to 80 bucks
>15 bucks shipping
>still 95 bucks
I got about 750g of whey left. anybody know any dealers that ship to aus that are having sales atm/in the near future?
I need my fix
>>still 95 bucks
Isn't that only like $50US or ~£10 still?
Fucking hell Aus looks amazing aside of its fucked currency and pricing.
>ship to aus
you stupid nigger. source local.
your convict nation has a dairy industry ffs.
VPA Australia mate, cheap as chips and free next day shipping on all products
still 99 bucks for 5 kilos
is whey really that expensive?
also anybody know when the british pound is going to crash? I need to buy my fucking whey
Paid 125 USD for 19.8 lbs
I heard my protein is cheap whey in the U.S
Whey isn't free, refining powder is an expensive process despite whey being a waste product farmers have to pay to get rid of. It's still cheaper than chicken breasts or any other protein food so just suck it up
Is that isolate on concentrate?
bulk nutrients always for aus whey brah
i usually get from myprotein since its the cheapest site i know of.
Aldi sardines lad. 56 cents for a 125g can. 20g of protons plus that omega 3 shit for your joints.
Bulk Nutrients retard, 1kg of WPC is $27, and it's only $7 express shipping across Australia.
Fucking faggot.
$10 USD per pound is around the upper end of a good price for quality protein in my experience. Converting AUD to USD ($76US) and kilo to lb (11 lbs) you're getting about $6.90 per lb, well under the $10 mark. If it's decently rated protein (have you checked labdoor?) I'd pull the trigger
>babby realizes living is expensive and he's been a massive expensive to his parents
5 kilos still cost 99 bucks.
Never gonna make it
Then get a job you fucking idiot. Reported for being underage.
Nah brez. Got to get those sweet cenno bucks cunt
nigga I got 2kg of myprot whey for 25 bucks last time
sorry for you aussie mate
This, don't go for anything else if in aus mate
>tfw poor as fuck student in a shit country
>struggle to eat at maintenence let alone enough to get some mass
>whey and shit expensive as fuck for me
Guess Ill just work out my way into skelly mode until I can afford fucking food. Are the mass gainer things even safe?
last few orders were with Bulk Nutrients
getting low on whey so might shop around. NoBull got caught spiking, so they're off the table. Any others?
Any Ausnons wanna tell me where they buy their yogurt? Everything sold at the supermarkets is """yogurt""" (sugary, fatty garbage with 3g's of protein), and Chobani is too expensive.
lol stop taking whey if you actually lift properly and notice no detrimental changes at all