So I recently got my degree and became a wagecuck.
Fucking hell, how do you find time for fitness after working for 10-11 hours a day? I feel like I'm in hell.
So I recently got my degree and became a wagecuck.
Fucking hell, how do you find time for fitness after working for 10-11 hours a day? I feel like I'm in hell.
Eat a lot, go to bed early, wake up early and lift before work.
Do it before work, not after
well lets see
24 hours in a day
11 hours working
1 hour in the gym
1 hour eating
8 hours sleep
thats 21 hours, 3 left to do whatever you want.
With my current situation, that will mean I get maybe 4 hours of sleep per night
Day trade crypto, and have a home gym
- making 30k a month, browsing Veeky Forums and drinking sips
What If I commute for an hour and a half to work each day?
because that's exactly what I do
Go to bed earlier.
Then you need a new job or relocate retard.
Also that just means you have no free time. How many hours a week and what are you even doing?
He shitposts for 6 hours before bed like the rest of us duh
lol @ u working 11 hour days and commuting an hour each way. Only a Torontocel would do shit like that.
>he's too tired to lift for an hour after an 11-12 hour day
Just quit now. You're not cut out for these gains.
WHAAH WHAAAH! Stop being such a pussy and grow a pair
lift before work, assuming your at a gym and drive to work just take your work shit with you and get changed at the gym before rocking up for work
long hours suck but they test your dedication, IMHO you'll feel better by slugging out a sesh before facing shitty jobs and even shittier coworkers that way when you clock off all you need to worry about is dinner and putting your feet up then getting a solid sleep
you start living for the weekends too, and I don't mean pissing your income up against the wall and getting wasted every friday night I mean learning to appreciate the little things in life you may have been taking for granted previously.
I found myself more inclined to get outta the house on weekends because habitually I'd end up waking up on sat/ sun at 5am body clock telling me its time to get up for work.
Working long hours and being a wagecuck ain't all bad bro, you're in control of your shit now. In a way, you're making it bruh. Proud of ya
You have the time, you just blind yourself to be comfortable
>I live in a high end tech area
>Guys around my apartment work in the same field
>All techies
>See them coming home after work with a gym bag, they go to work, do their job
>Gym after work
>Come home, kiss the gf
>And snuggle up until the next day
>Don't make excuses, training and lifting heavy loads is a necessity to any mans life
>You must lift heavy things to prepare you for heavy feels in the future.
I wish I got weekends off I could enjoy.
I"m a HS teacher and I'm fucking fucked after work. I pound some coffee and bust out my sets though.
Right now I'm teaching summer session for the kisd that need the credit. It's all computerized and it requires me to be more of the typical wage drone who just sits at the computer. I'm only on for seven hours a day but I'm much, much more exhausted than I was during the regular school year.
Working is draining. Getting up at 5:30AM no matter how much sleep you've gotten is draining. Being in teh same place for 8-10 hours a day is draining. Working after work is draining.
I'm so fucking tired. Ican't imagine how spent people who don't look after their bodies must be.
There's a reason you never see any buff guys with a job, kids, and a life.
Lifting is for college kids
>There's a reason you never see any buff guys with a job, kids, and a life.
you don't know how wrong you are
Here's the reason why I'm getting back into fitness
I'm high up in the corporate ladder and the fit managers/SME's hang out with each other, if you don't workout and you have a good job you are a failure,.
Many of the elite that I've met actually believe in physical fitness
Most are into corporate biking as well, many corporate firms will join together and they go on bike rides part of a club etc..
while rare, there are plenty of fit dudes with your typical adult lives. They are exceptioanlly dedicated though
consider: suicide
>being a teacher is hard
good meme lad
YOu ever try it?
Being a teacher is the ultimate ego job
yeah you deal with a bunch of snot nosed fuckers all day for months on end and tell me its easy
Quality post right here. Speaking some truth, good lookin out senpai.
call me a Torontocel because this is exactly me
>commute to TO via gobus
>wageslave for 8 hours
good thing my workplace has a gym and i have flex hours after lunch
Get a home gym. I have a stationary bike and a small TV in my garage for cardio. I also have a barbell in there too with about 300 lbs of various sizes of plates. Feels so good walking in the door, immediately going to garage and getting a workout in.
The only thing I'd like is to get a power rack so I can do squats and pullups in. I can only do deadlifts, bench, and a few other ones.
But really, it takes me 15 minutes to drive to the gym, 15 back, then have to make food, etc. So easy just to do the workout, put a potato in the microwave for 9 minutes while I do cardio cool down, eat then rinse off in shower.
Reduce those transaction costs nigga. Home gym is best.
You faggots think being a HS teacher is bad? Try teaching college classes. I teach as an adjust for basic economics classes at the local university. It's $5k a class. Easily net an extra $10k by doing one online and one in person. But you have to deal with unhinged liberal feminists, niggers who are there because of diversity, cheaters, faggots who disrespect you because you're younger than them teaching them shit they should have learned in HS.
I'll never forget this one nigger. So long as the students showed me proof they filled out a course evaluation sheet, they got an extra 5 points on their final test. He kept saying, "I left it in muh car," and "I'll see if I can pull up the e-mail," and this and that. He eventually just said, "Fine, I didn't fill it out. Early Christmas gift?"
Fucking niggers, I swear. These people are adults and act WORSE than high school kids. I swear I picked the worst time to be an adjunct.
we can smell our own :(
I will soon be a teacher, perfect snug job. Which job would be better than a teacher to pursue the Veeky Forums life? Any user teachers?
I'd love a home gym, but I've got an apartment. For the most part, would it be possible to achieve a semi-decent workout plan with just dumbbells?
This terrifies me, OP. I just graduated and I am about to finish up a summer class to finally get my degree. I will start work in three weeks.
The worst part is that I will live in Los Angeles. I've heard that the gyms are too busy during rush hour to get in a good workout.
If my workout only included
>weighted pullups
>weighted dips
>ab wheels
>Handstand push-ups
I should be good all around right?
Eh, you'd probably get used to them real quick unless you got the adjustable kind. Probably be good for arm day though which would save you a trip to the gym.
Yeah i did that for a while. Irs decent get a pull up bar
Yeah have you seen how that schedule really works out?
Be up by 6 am to get at the school by 7:15 am - 3:30 pm
>oh grade level meeting? 4:45 - 5 pm
>Weekly staff meeting, 4-4:30 pm
>Oh it's once a month professional development? 5 pm earliest
And the pay is shite. If my degree wasn't basically worthless i'd have gone business years ago.
i have never heard anything good about Toronto
Consider how much would you pay for getting one more hour of time each workday. 100$ per month? 200$ per month? Move closer to your job. Or find a job closer to your home even if it pays less. And keep your work hours at the minimum.
The less free time you have the more valuable it is.
Bottom line is TIME and ENERGY are the most valuable resources
No because I actually did well at school
How high are the ceilings?
A squat rack is not that expensive and shoulder fit. A barbell and weights is also not that much. As an investment it's pretty much essential if you're serious about weight training.
If your ceilings are high enough a full power cage is an awesome buy. Put down some gym flooring to protect your floors from the cage and the plates and you're pretty much good to go.
You can get up early and bust out a workout in an hour or so or you can do it when you get back. Put on your own music, put something on the tv, do sets in between cooking yourself dinner or finishing off some work... It's as flexible as you can get.
No more waiting for equipment slumming it in a public gym with some pop trash blasting on the speakers. You can lift butt fucking naked without a second of your precious time wasted. It's amazing.
Thx for that. I'm about to start working >40 h as well and needed this ;)
If you can do handstand push-ups you shouldn't have to ask. Which is why I assume you can't and would be better off with a real program which includes barbells.
No easy way. I go after work. Eventually it becomes habit but wasn't easy at the beginning
>working for 10-11 hours a day
I found your problem. I refuse to work a minute over 40 hours a week, but I'm also in the top 10% of earners for the company, so they don't say anything.
Im currently doing 12h a day, on a 23/1 intermittent fast, on a strength training program, on a 1kcal deficit in order to lose 2lbs/week, and im actually managing progressive overload (albeit im only 1/2/3 strong)
Your body adapts over time.
However I do have recommendations for you:
- I cook huge soups/curries in batch with my macros measured. Then I put them in a chest freezer. I no longer need to even THINK about food. SO MUCH stress reduced.
- OK I actually cheat and do 20/4 on workout days. I reheat some soup/curry/broth/stew just by taking it from freezer and putting it in pan on the hob. But my secret is I add these to my meal:
- Apple Cider vinegar:
They add HUGE flavour/depth the soups/stews and BOTH are good preworkouts.
I literally start getting ANGRY and pumped up from the testosterone boost from the garlic. By the time I finish my meal I am sweating and shit. EVERYONE should try this
I also take a normal preworkout (creatine, citruline, beta-alanine) but dont notice it as much as the garlic and ACV
How to into this
lurk Veeky Forums
FUCK i forgot to add celery seeds. ADD THOSE to your soup. 1 teaspoon. They double your ball size and make you furious and need to ejaculate more. See
Also broccoli seeds for health. But they are less noticeable.
fawk man. what am i doing with my life. what are the odds you lose it all though?
and how can i tell who to trust?
>you're in control of your shit now
u what, m8?
in control of 10% of your shit you mean? the 10% where you are not forced to work in order to make somebody else rich? wat the fug.
entire post reeks of wagecuck/cope
how about getting a job where you don't have to piss away 90% of your life for somebody else's gain?
Thanks man, would 1k be an okay amount to start trading with?
>be me
>38 yo
>5'10, 176lbs, 12% bf
>2 kids
>bachelor of engineering
>senior project manager/non-exec director for fortune100 company
>avg day 10 hrs
>lift 3x/week
>judo 2x/week (2nd Dan)
>still have time to shitpost
I usually workout at lunch. I take an extra 30 mins and make it up later. No one says shit since my contract is 8hrs/day with 1hr lunch (I don't get paid overtime, but I earn 6 figures so no complaints).
>too tired to work out
I feel tired if I *don't* workout. I'd go in the morning, but I sometimes have to take the kids to school. Morning workouts can be tough to get going, but they make your whole day.
What kind of degree do you have? Is it a good company? Doesn't it have some kind of health&fitness scheme? Gym discount? My company does classes for fatties during work hours (zuumba n shit). They just do them in the basement (we have showers) and the fatties get paid while doing it. It saves the company money in the long run, and increases productivity (I'm happy to let my people take the time off).
I have no idea. I'd guess it is mandatory to get into functional analysis and get the basics down before you start to invest. Start with a small amount of money and once you know what you're doing start to carefully invest more. Daytrading is not a good idea, as I've heard, regardless of what someone on here says.
>1 hour eating
Will add, I always get 8 hours sleep. I didn't used to. 5 hrs was norm in my 20's. Wife fixed me. Makes all the difference.
I don't do social media other than anonymous whatsapp account I use to organize events with friends (unless sharepoint counts?). I don't have TV. I have a TV, but no TV service connected. Wife's call again (she's a programmer for MS). Doesn't want the kids being influenced by Hollywood (wife is Singaporean Chinese).
Cut this shit out of your life. It eats up your free time and gives nothing in return.
Go to bed early. Wake up early. I'm in bed at 10pm, up at 6am. Every day.
If you aren't tired, go to bed anyway. I listen to podcasts if I can't sleep right away, or I fuck my wife (usually both).
If you don't have a wife, nopornfap.
so you have 3 hours in a day, or 12% of your life is your own. NICE
how the FUCK do people live in such a situation?
KEK, no
100 k would
a great day would be earning 0.5% (averaged out, some days you earn more some day you lose a lot more).
0.5% of 100 k is 500 dollars (keep dreaming my numbers were overestimated desu..)
0.5% of 1 k is nothing
protip: the guy was lying, or a 1%er playing with hughe amounts of money for fun and lucking out a few times
its not feasible for poor people to trade in any kind of valuables
There's a good reason for that.
T. Torontocel about to leave the gym before working 12-9
You don't need 8 hours of free time in a day. Plus you should have figure out you hated your field before you graduated.
what the fuck, m8y
so you would rather go into the office, than go to a beach gym in cali and hang out all day - hook up with some grills play some ball, etc
alternatively, if you are a nerdy faggot, play vidya/read books/ play instrument, or whatever all day
sounds really belieavable, m8
I know that feel. I currently have a week off work, feels glorious, this is how life is meant to be. So relaxed, no rush, wake up, have a meal, go to the gym and have an epic workout because I'm feeling fresh, go find something to eat, walk home and then chill all day
It's not bad
I started with 10k turned it into 100 with about 5 good trades going all in on each. Then from there I just margin trade smaller amounts, and stake the rest.
With 1k you'll need a few more "big wins" to get up to the point to self sustain, but it's not impossible by any means.
1. Get Coinbase
2. Buy Bitcoin or Eth (which is dipping)
3. Transfer to Bittrex or Kraken
4. Research and buy undervalued tech coins
5. Buy the rumor, sell the news
Sounds like you never had any responsibility. Are you really complaining about having to work 50 hours a week ? About not being able to drink and go to the beach every day ? I would understand if you were 18, but you're obviously older. Grow up man.
Find a job you like, seriously. Even if it's not in your field. Cause, it's cliche I know, but do something you love and it won't feel like workin.
You sound sixteen.
Its called being a productive member of adult society. Being NEET is for mentally handicapped, children, niggers and rich people. These populations make up a small amount of society. The rest of us have to work to support ourselves and those groups. Call it wagecuckery if you want, but there's definitely something Spartan and ascetic about it. Driving past homeless bums on my way home from work, knowing I could give them $100 but never will, gives me a certain satisfaction.
how the fuck don't you? the only person i know that barelly works and has money is a friend that owns a starbucks at a mall, he hired a managet to work for him, he also got robbed by his employees couple times
>Those normies who look forward to life after college
>up at 7
>at work for 8
>take extra long lunch break for gym
>home at half 5
>dinner at 7/half 7
>bed at ~10
You're in far more control of your life than you ever fucking were at university you 20 year old uneducated neet socialist fuck.
> be me
> live in Germany
> work in a unionized company
> Masters in STEM, work in engineering
> good pay
> 35h/week, no overtime
Not even once I had to wonder how to balance work, lifting, spending time with the gf, playing vidya and shitposting. It's great to live in a country where you aren't either an underachiever or a corporate slave.
Manchmal glaub ich, ich hätte auch im MINT-Bereich was machen sollen, statt eine wissenschaftliche Karriere anzustreben. Oh well...
I love Toronto, mid town fuck boi
actually I'm a postdoctoral researcher in STEM.
don't go into the office more than a few times per week though.. and the results needed are really kinda low (~10 hours of work in a week, to outperform typical postdocs).
>if your boss earns more than you you're a cuck
Have you ever had a job before? If the company you work for makes less money than they pay you, how do you think that would work?
Please enlighten me on how to not become a wageslave and that doesn't involve living in your parents basement or scraping by on benefits
>but do something you love and it won't feel like workin.
Jesus christ, why do kids always repeat this nonsense. Find a job that pays you the most amount of money in a field you're good at or enjoy. Also once you start doing something for work, it stops becoming enjoyable.
If I was doing something I loved it would mean I was either a video game tester on minimum wage, or a pt on not much more. Plus I would soon get fed up of doing it 5+ days a week and what would I now look forward to in my free time?
It's a shitty mentality but chase the money. If you have to work, why not at least make it worthwhile if you're working around the same amount of hours?
>wife is gook
Stopped reading. Have white kids or don't have them at all.
Exactly this. I'm usually gone 13 hours a day for work on a 14/7 rotation, and I lift before work. I'm full of energy all day. On days I don't work I usually hit the gym at 6am.
Listen here, you communits fuck. Here in america the ultra wealthy have the FREEDOM to be born rich and get progressively richer. Creating a neofeudal utopia where billionaires can buy their way into the presidency and shape national policy in order to further enrich themselves was the moral imperative that sparked the creation of democracy.
>Waaa some people have it better than me. Life's unfair, I should just give up
Once or twice a month, be the most hedonistic fuck you could possibly be so that you actually WANT the structure of work again.
>anyone who uses satire is a crybaby neet
Did I miss the point of your post?
You ARE in hell. Stop wagecucking as soon as you can.
>changing when you wake up changes the number of hours in a day
Morningfags are scum.
Seems like the post made you feel uncomfortable so you launched into non sequitur attacks.
Someone makes a point you can have a job and a comfy life. You go on a rant about communism, the '1%'' and democracy. Not really sure what it had to do with the OP
It sounds like you maybe just constantly miss the point of everything but nice dubs tho
Thanks for proving this post. If the biggest complain about being a teacher is having to deal with shitty kids (jeez who'd have thought?) you literally have nothing to complain about
In a possible case of irony, considering this thread is about getting enough sleep and working, I'm clearly half asleep as I completely missed the point you was making in both posts. Time for bed.
Thanks for the check
This is what I do OP. I just look tired as fuck every morning. Its worth it though.
No shit. You're working 11 hours and then convincing yourself that you need to head to the gym three days per week for an hour with an hour of travel around.
Some practical tips:
>1. Work out at home. All wasted travel time is gone. Live in an apartment? Don't drop the weights. No room? Get an olympic DB and 75kg weight.
>2. Only do clean and press. You'll get a real workout in only 15 minutes and get stronger than half the people in the gym doing it. Rotate squat/dead after if you like.
>3. Only go to gym one day per week (weekend) for a heavy session. Do bodyweight x2 rest of week.
>I started with 10k turned it into 100 with about 5 good trades going all in on each.
That sounds like terrible advice and like something some scam artist would say