>tfw chestlet
Tfw chestlet
Get a nice ass then
Pls be in Washington DC
spread your legs often enough baby and nobody will give a shit. Dont make them wear condoms or pull out and im on board for a pity fuck bby
honestly perky tits, flat stomach, nice ass + legs is ideal body
that being said, post some pics u faget
True gentlemen not only appreciate small boobs, but prefer them.
CP? :^)
A good ass will compensate for no chest, but a good chest can't compensate for no ass.
Alternatively, get a boob job.
chestlet girls are fine for me if they have proper boob shape.
worst is chestlet and ugly boob combo. how can they be small but saggy when you're only 20yo!?
I mean like flat triangular flaps like thin johnah hill titties
The roommate my fiance had when we first started dating had tits like that. She's a fucking fat cow, had tiny, saggy tits and had big dark nipples. I saw them once on accident and it was fucking disgusting.
fatty mcgoo but no boob gains lol. her one place to search for comfort
Lol@you guys with shitty chests too.
Chestlets detected.
ive never seen another DC poster
Only 500k people live there and most of them are reptiloids who don't post on the internet.
not the demographic to post on a Indian shitting board though
Small tits and thick thighs is basically the ideal bodytype for a woman.
>Small tits and thick thighs
Sounds more like you want a man, faggot.
OP PLEASE post pics. We need to verify :^)
This also flat is Justice
what do you mean? i see basketball americans post all the time? are they actually fake? i feel bamboozled
Better than having the ass of a nigger.
Doesn't matter if your boobs are small - if they fit your frame then good. Only really matters is if you have small boobs and are fat.
top kek couldn't agree with you more brother
The only thing that matters is what's on the inside. And that's not to excuse poor physical shape and condition. Health matters and being overweight is unhealthy.
But all bodies fade. Love will keep you beautiful in the eyes of your partner until the day you die. And only inner beauty can inspire love.
Yes, this is one of the lamest posts ever made. Still true though.
please be from socal
>how can they be small but saggy when you're only 20yo!?
Truly an even worse fate than being a manlet.
Pretty much.
Also shape > size.
The only thing more pathetic than chestlets are chestlet enablers and chestlet apologists
wrong board
stupid frog poster, kys
Pretty face = not fat > nice boobs = nice hips > nice ass
These are objective facts.
That was beautiful.
I'm so confused, is this another Veeky Forums pretends they're all female episode?
No. It's an "OP pretends to be a woman and the rest of the thread uses that as a cue to talk about boobs" episode.
its an /r9k/ episode
so its worse then shit
>not liking DFC
Why does OP pretend?
How do you know he's not a she?
Because it never fucking is.
do you have a single fact to back that up
i can back him up on it, op is a fag
nice samefag proxy switch you fucking reddit SJW retard gay
I feel as though at least 10% of Veeky Forums is female but they're maximum autismo.
Veeky Forums is probably 20-30% female,
and another 20-30% gay anal queer homo fag anal millennial SJW /utg/ reddit jewkikes who were sent here by /utg/ to ruin the board.
the other 40-60% being just actual lads who just want to get fit gains
i bash nazis bro ur fucked
meant for
>Veeky Forums is probably 20-30% female,
That seems unreasonably high.
that's what, 1-in-5 to just under 1-in-3
no, I think that sounds right to me.
Are you skinny as fuck? That seems to be a common thing.
A little extra weight will help your tits pop out a little, just don't overdo it and don't expect huge tits.
>large tits look better on chinese cartoons
Go figure. Irl you have to know how to take care of yourself instead of submitting to fetishes of people that dont care about you. Most big tits are on overweight women.
Daily reminder that Stacy always gets the best dicks with her giant mammaries while you are stuck with your pathetic small lemons
stacy also gets raped to death in a public place by big black islamo-somalioid bulls with islamic nigger aids
decline and fall of western civilization
your country is muslim now
STACEY is giving TITJOBS to CHAD while you're busy BULKING and SQUATTING
>who the fuck wants to be a gentleman in bed? straight savage all the way
How low do your t levels need to be in order to actually prefer small "tits" to large ones?
Cow tits are disgusting a-c cup is best cups
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
its aight bb lifting will at least give you a nice ass
Who are you quoting?
Stop responding to those fucking whores.
All you have to do is to say "hi im single" and you'll get a bf instantly.
You dont deserve chads, only top genetic females do, and sadly for you you're not one because you have no tits.
Is >chestlet the female equivalent of >dicklet ?
Big tits are a desired secondary sexual characteristic whether they are on Chinese cartoons or not.
Besides, I like them disproportionately big, which narrows the pool quite a bit.
Not gonna stop me from seeking them out and helping spread wonderful cowtit genes.
>>tfw chestlet
Go for the tomboy look/lifestyle. Be cute if you are not sexy. Be innocent but forward.
The male equivalent to a female's chest are his delts.
If you don't have big juicy delts then you wouldn't be a titcow as a grill.
Someone post the screenshot I don't have it.
The one that shows each genders equivalent desired body part.
They are literally just being contrarian. A newborn baby knows what is superior. The knowledge is deep down inside our brains but they pretend to deny it.
>not dressing like this instead
Seriously I'm not even country in the least but this on actual skinny girls makes my dick diamonds erry time
That chick is so god damn hot. Holy shit.
is nice ass so low because it is the "easiest" to fix? is it possible to have nice ass with bad hips? i guess musclefus
I really like it when asian chicks dress like this.
It's like muscle confusion. For my dick.
>that pic
So fucking unfair.
You mean like this? I agree.
>lets make this a cowgirl thread
Yeah it's lame, if only it was true.
>>lets make this a cowgirl thread
S L U T S Y A ' L L
>ywn have a hot country gf to shoot shotguns at signs with
old time beauty
Reminder that girls with flat bellies who can ride horses and shoot guns are master race
>tfw your titcow ex might have chest cancer gene and there's a chance she'll need them reduced
Crushing news
I can give you the left overs after my gyno surgery
That would be a rough time lad, but she could always just get them fake instead
>I'll take them either way I don't really care
True. I don't talk to her anymore but it was one of the last things she told me before we stopped talking.
>I was maybe one of the last dudes to see those beautiful double D works of art
lol are you really this retarded, or just meeming
fit is AT MOST 10% girl.
That blonde on the right is pretty good breeding material desu. Sadly I hadnt even looked at her before this thread though....
>n-no homo
ass and legs over udders any day