>Prescribe testosterone to depressed and fat people boom world is fixed
Tell me why this is a bad thing
>Prescribe testosterone to depressed and fat people boom world is fixed
Tell me why this is a bad thing
It's bad
Does testosterone make you lose weight?
>weak people are too weak to deal with comfy modern society
>let's pump them full of chemicals and make more weak people who will require more chemicals just to survive
>using drugs and artificial supplements to fix mental problems
Enjoy your side effects
Men with NORMAL t levels are harder to control than a bunch of beta cucks.
>Tell me why this is a bad thing
It's not but doctor Shekelstein can't prescribe them anything anymore if you do
because people are too fucking stupid too do it without it
>depressed people
Surely this can't backfire mentally in any way.
>fat people
Great, now you have a fuckload of aromatization to deal with.
Isnt anti depression pills already a drug that is being prescribed by the tons right now? what difference would a switch to testo do?
Testosterone replacement therapy was a thing before antidepressant drugs were introduced.
i would say it's the other way around since it is increasing your apetite
>Tell me why this is a bad thing
>prescribing testosterone to depressed people
If that doesn't push them over the edge, I dunno what will. And fat lazy fucks will only get fatter.
Fat people would get worse hearts.
Depressed people would be more likely to kill themselves or other people.
I mean, it could work in some situations, but it's by no means a miracle drug because no such thing exists.
Test, especially low doses of test isn't a fat burner. It can help with nutrient partitioning, but since you're doing trt which will put you maybe slightly above the upper bound of a normal person's test range, it won't help all that much. So you'll basically have to have the same diet as a natty, a reduced caloric intake with plenty of whole, healthy foods. Something like dbol or tren is what really goes crazy with nutrient partitioning, where you build muscle without really putting nearly as much fat on. But again, those androgens aren't fat burners either, you still have to eat less while on those drugs. However, it matters less what you actually eat, you just have to eat fewer calories of it.
Additionally, giving an obese or fairly fat man test is going to have increased chances of getting estrogen fucked which makes it all in all a fairly poor idea. Of course, there are chances of them being just fine, but it's still a bigger risk than it otherwise would be.
>Test, especially low doses of test isn't a fat burner.
it's a muscle builder, and muscles require energy.
On test, and especially on low doses of test, you're not going to build nearly enough muscle to significantly impact your recommended caloric intake. People don't jump on 200 test cyp mg/week and suddenly gain 20 lbs of sheer muscle, it takes a lot of time, effort, and higher doses while also supplementing androgens that are much more efficient in using nutrients to build muscles.
sauce pls
Soe Gschwind-Penski
>guess how i know you never cycled test
to be an actuall good muscle builder you'd need blast at least 800mg/week, usually people cruise on test to keep the gains while using another stronger drug to gain mass
yeah, while on test you should be able to make some 5-7lbs/month of lean mass with good diet but its not really worth it to take just test to make gains. add some Deca or Anavar to your test and you'll have some serious strength and mass gains or even jump on Tren+test and get aesthetic
Here's a hint. Use Veeky Forums's built in image search.
Don't agree particularly with OP's point despite being someone who massively advocates the use of Testosterone in men. It could solve most common issues with male mental health, including depression, anxiety, and the horrific male suicide rate.
Yet I doubt it would make much difference to fatties. Yes, it stops you being lazy, motivates you, and from a physical viewpoint helps burn fat. But I reckon most fat people wouldn't bother put the work in. Test is magic, but you can't just sit there and stuff your face.
The main issue with your point is that particularly in the US, people are stuffed full of drugs way too often anyway, and they're normally drugs that disguise issues rather than fixing them.
Test fixes issues, anti depressants just disguise them. Plus they have way more sides and are far more dangerous than steroids. Ever hear of someone ODing on steroids?
I despise conspiracy theories, but pharma is big business, particularly in the US. The medical industry stands to gain a lot more from anti depressants than steroids, which are largely illegal in America and massively misunderstood and frowned upon.
you may not od and die from steroids, but you get liver failure, lots of heart problems even cancer, that while being bald with bitch tits
my testosterone is ~15% higher than normal and I still have depression.
I actually had full blood work done and went to a doctor because a stupid faggot like you told me it was my testosterone. he was wrong, just like you.
stop spreading your dumb broscience, retard.
You get none of these things if you're not a total idiot. It's like saying you'll get liver failure from taking too many paracetamol.
Test also isn't liver toxic.
Sound great.
Causes sterility champ.
This post just triggered me. I just got a new Marine that is Female to Male transgender and she gets free and legal test. Why should this bitch get an edge on every other person in the marine corps just because she wants to pretend to be a man? I've been looking for a source for like 3 months now and it just pisses me off.
So what do you think would fix depression and obesity?
>fix depression
Not shoving food down your gullet
First time i took it, all depression vanished for a week/ two weeks.
I really felt normal and that's what triggered the start of my lifting habits.
But hey goy, dont take those evil "hard" "drugs" take this pill that me and my best friend dr shlomo shekelsbergovitzstein prescribed to you. That'll be your life as a zombie + tip.
Hire a girl to pretend that she wants to transition to male, then she gives you the testosterone while she remains a woman.
Women could easily get rich by selling roids they tricked the doctor to give them.