Any vegan/vegetarian Veeky Forumsizens here or are they not welcomed here? What's the best protein source that won't have me eating like 10 full heads of spinach a day?
Any vegan/vegetarian Veeky Forumsizens here or are they not welcomed here...
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Soy protein
Vegetarian lifting for a couple months now. I have no trouble reaching 130-170g of protein a day with milk, eggs, Greek yogurt, lentils, and beans.
technically you can eat whey on a vegetarian diet
Why are you a vegetarian? If you don't like spooky additives then get into hunting and buy local shit.
Whey protein
Eggs if you eat em
Lentils my favorite. Look up dal recipes for tasty AF pajeet dishes
oats is good, ive been vegan for 2 years. oats, seeds, soy milk, and nuts has worked great for me
>Any vegan/vegetarian Veeky Forumsizens here
If you're too pussy to regularly eat meat you should also be too pussy to regularly eat dairy and eggs. Vegetarianism is the most retarded diet.
This. Go all the way or stay home
this is true, its like stopping eating meat for a cause. But keep contributing to it because u are too much of a bitch to go all out. Either u are too lazy to be bothered to do your research, or muh feelings and stupidity is all that made that person go vegetarian.
What a relief
>Soy protein
Isn't it dangerous to eat a lot of soy frequently? I hear you should have more than 3 servings of it a day. Whatever the hell "servings" means.
should not
Beans,lentils,tofu,seitan,hummus,fake meats,nuts,pb,soy milk...and there are more. I eat 150+ g of proteins every day on a vegan diet without even trying, its easy af
Animal Protein is SO MUCH BETTER
>Beans,lentils,tofu,seitan,hummus,fake meats,nuts,pb,soy milk
That translates to: Beans, lentils, SOY, seitan, hummus, SOY, nuts, pb, SOY
Meat and dairy are the same, if not worse than soy. Not to mention the fact that there are also countless studies about soy that refute everything your pic says. But if you still believe soy is bad for you, that doesnt mean you cant follow a vegan diet. Seitan has a fuckload of protein, red lentils aswell. Then you have beans, hummus, pb, nuts and remember that pasta and rice have some protein aswell. I still stand by what I said, getting 150+ g of proteins on a vegan diet is easy
Just eat meat like a normal fucking person. Eggs are the absolute best source of protein. Animals eat other animals, it's the circle of life, embrace your inner apex predator.
Lentils, beans, chickpeas
Scaregraphics from Paleo gurus aren't valid evidence
Quark is GOAT
Also dont let these vegan fags distract you. Vegetarianism is completly fine, just do what you want not what these vermins tell you.
If we were supposed to be vegan we would have longer digestive tracts or 4 stomachs or something. Just don't forget to take vitamin b. God speed!
Unless at some point in our evolution we learned how to use fire to process our food and make it easier to digest
Are you talking about the process of gathering and cooking meat which led to the internet?
Gee, I wonder why we started using fire anyhow and what kind of diet may have spurred that. Its not like you can eat plants raw you know...
>fake meats
The ones that imitate meat have soy protein
>Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines. Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods to mask soy's unpleasant taste.
>Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.
Soy in general is awful
>High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, and long, slow cooking, but only with long fermentation. High-phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
I was shopping for black lentils the other day, it was more expensive than chicken breast per gram. Fuck that.
Killing animals is wrong, but jewing people is not good either
Then dont eat soy lol. I was just suggesting some foods high in protein, you can easily follow a vegan diet rich in protein without soy
soy lowers your estrogen YOU FUCKING retard
they get bigger when you cook them, an equivalent amount of grams of lentils gives 3x calories of chicken breast.
Vegetarian = Eggs and Cheese
Piscetarian = Fish
Vegan = Dirt
You're the prick that made half your list soy. You need to stop giving diet advice.
Because soy is not fucking bad for you, you fucking moron. But if you believe so, you can still get adequate proteins WITHOUT SOY, while still following a vegan diet. Jesus christ youre so fucking dense
So you care about animals but only when it's convenient? Surely you have to go full vegan or nothing rather than some weird double-standard inbetween
Humans aren't carnivores tho... You don't see a dead carcass and think it looks tasty, you think it looks like a dead animal. The only way meat looks appetising to you is when it's packaged up in such a way that it doesn't at all resemble the animal it originally came from. Very carnivorous indeed
>no need for citations
lock and hungry human in a room with an animal, and their natural instincts to turn that animal into a corpse will come up. We are omnivores and recently in evolution we have been going more towards the carnivore route.
Actually came here to post a thread about veganism and lifting. Nice to see this one.
Lentils, beans, soy and whole grain products are the way to go.
Any former meat eaters turned vegan here? My girlfriend is vegetarian and I'm slowly getting into consuming less dairy and meat.
Wat. Your post is utterly retarded.
>meat makes me a man!
you are the retarded person here, if we truly werent omnivores, then we wouldnt have these animal murdering desires when we are hungry. Its basic evolutionary fact.
You've already posted in this thread.
No, I have not
Just wow, such an utter lack any scientific understanding. Another proof the school system is shit or did you drop out?
not an argument freak. Behaviors were made by evolution for specific purposes, the desire to murder animals, when hungry, will not be present in a bunny for example. But we do have it, since we have eaten animals for millions of years probably. Its simply part of our nature and genetic code.
Will you please fuck off?
Will you please form a consistent moral basis for your actions?
What does that have to do with fitness?
This is a thread about veganism/vegetarianism?
Yes but you're being a retard attacking him on the basis of morals. What the fuck do morals have to do with fitness? Vegetarians overall eat less animal products and get more micro nutrients than omnivores. Pick your battles, retard.
The thing is most people don't consider the animal. Most people also won't consider the thought of killing the animal themselves.
Just my luck. I hope you're trolling.
when will the poisonous product cease
actually, probably 100% of the humans would in that case. When we get hungry, food preference arises and "civilization" seizes to be. But its not just your food preference, around food morality there are literally thousands of ways to think and go around with.
But the one underlying thing with us is that if we were to starve, and we had access to an animal we could comfortable slaughter and eat, 100% of us would do that, as opposed to 0% of bunnies. Because they are herbivores.
In what case? We aren't all starving in the fucking wilderness you spaz.
You cannot outrun your biology, faggot. Not with civilization, only barely with science. We have made our reality centered around what is most comfortable for our biology, housing, protection, all kinds of tools. And our diet is the same. If you want to thrive, and be healthy, cutting off your dick and posting the results on the chan is not the way to go. Neither is vegetarianism.
>post that most people are uncomfortable with killing animals to eat and even less actually do so
>get an idiot response about me being a vegetarian (im not)
Ok I'll tell you.
That is not what omnivore means. It is not what evolution/sciente/biology is about. It is not an argument. You're fucking retarded.
>post that most people are uncomfortable with killing animals to eat and even less actually do so
what? I never said that, I literally said instead that most people would kill an animal if they were hungry and had access to it. Thats not the definition of uncomfortable, mr shill.
omnivore = eats both meat and vegetables.
Why are you veggyfags so dumb? Jesus.
>no hop at the top
hop is the richest in phytoestrogens, and it is used in making beer
no one gives a shit about it because beer is part of our culture so no one wants to stop drinking it
I unironically eat whole wheat bread peanut butter sandwitches
It's so easy to make and carry around with you for work and stuff.
A big enough sandwich with just 2 slices of whole wheat bread and a decent ammount of peanut butter spreading has around 25-30g of protein.
*sips milk*
Beer obviously makes you fat but has beer ever had the reputation to give you gyno? I don't think so.
Beer has literally been shown to cause gyno and lower virility in men though. Also loss of hair and bone mineral density.
Even people who just come in contact with the damn thing suffer consequences in their hormonal balance, it is many times more potent than soy.
That's only about post-menopausal women and risks of breast cancer. Also it said the bone density was greater.
very solid arguments you're presenting against him there. Well done buddy; you ought to be proud.
Humans are omnivorous. Who on earth would say we are solely carnivores... being omnivorous implies that we are able to extract energy and nutrients from a wide variety of sources, some of those sources are more efficient than others.
Seitan, hands down
Meat is not vegan
No it's not. Phytoestrogens are nowhere near as potent as the mammalian estrogen in beef and dairy
>Source: primal body and mind
>Cherrypicking one food item
>Unironically implying vegan staples (potatoes, rice, lentils, beans) are expensive
thats actually bad too. You need carbs for proper test. Or else your body goes into cortisol overdrive modo. We are not carnivores either.
His body doesn't look like it tho
is a thing though, and ketosis, which he will be in. Is a thing, I know, but its a mode that is only useful for losing weight, not for long term living. He should measure his cortisol levels, and testosterone levels. During his meat only diet, and with carbs.
and his LDL will be through the roof, no matter how much he runs and moves.
I've never understood why not eating meat makes someone a pussy. Like having the mental fortitude to stick to a diet is if anything manly. I would never say someone running keto is a pussy for not eating potatoes.
nut butter
waaaaaaaaaaaait, now I get it why you thought you thought that I said comfortable, like somekind of trap card. I used it in a different sense. I should have used the word "easy".
Being locked in a room with a bear, or with a deer, or a bunny, or some bird, or even squirrel is going to be quite different obviously. If its easy to kill and animal and eat it for that person, then the rate of murder would be indeed at 100%
even a woman with her weak strength can basically just stomp on a bunny with her feet to kill it easy.
meat industry brainwash
Do you vegans exercise at all? Just curious.
Many endurance athletes have vegan diets because it's objectively the best diet for it. Specifically high carb low fat, fuck that paleo bullshit
yea, why wouldn't we? in fact, I exercise a lot more than when I was a meat-eater.
endurance athletes are also really huge non lifting faggots who put a lot of stress on their bodies.
beyond 150 minutes per week, you will put your body into stress mode, and then it will produce cortisol. And thus less testosterone.
>endurance athletes are also really huge non lifting faggots who put a lot of stress on their bodies.
Why does not lifting make someone a faggot? Stop projecting your insecurities so hard
>beyond 150 minutes per week, you will put your body into stress mode, and then it will produce cortisol. And thus less testosterone.
Yes, until your body gets used to it, at which point cortisol levels will return to normal...
Soy protein is bad bad bad for both men and women UNLESS its fermented soy. Processed soy is full of broken down soy byproducts that are toxic. Asians eat smaller amounts of soy and its always FERMENTED ie. Tempeh, miso, natto etc. I don't touch soy here in the US whether its in a powder, or tofu veggie burger. Also you can be allergic to soy products over time AND it increases estrogen. Google "The Dark Side of Soy"
You do not get used to it mang, the reason why these endurance athletes are on high carb is because carbs are the things that are best suited for longer term energy during these stressful sports. But they dont even care about muscles or anything else. They solely focus on that, they even see it as a positive thing if they lose muscle mass since they have less things to carry with them.
Shit I am even inside of one of these running clubs, its supposed to be for hard runners but there are a couple of longer endurance runners here too. And it is always stressful, running in a competition usually always takes a large toll on the body, from injuries, but also to this cortisol thing.
There is a reason why those who want more test also use HIIT.
Stress is the opposition of testosterone, maybe you should read some 101 on this whole topic
Dietary cholesterol is also important for testosterone, there are many things like that really.
Vegetarian master race here.
You can run the whole gamut my man. Eggs, peanut butter, Greek yogurt. The sky is the limit for you my friend, and I would be glad to help you with your journey.
And if you're a vegan? You can eat the semen out of your boyfriends gaping asshole you low test cuck.
You're not healthier or more ethical than a meat eater.
Shut up you dumb vegan cuck bitch.
I bet the only arguments you can think of are anthromorphisizing animals.
There are many reasons people choose not to partake in meat that your amino acid deprived little brains can't comprehend.
But of course you beta cucksters lack the frontal lobe power to process this information.
wew lad
there is actually a lot of headroom for those that arent sedentary, to eat meat normally. But if you are not, and were to reduce your necessary consumption to the most potent of meats, then yea, eggs and the dietary cholesterol in the egg yellows are the most potent ones, for the least amount of LDL that they bring.
If you were to supplement it with other fatty rich plant based foods like avocado's and a bunch of other lower glycemic things, then it could be pretty okay in my book as well.
Though obviously, meats are as diverse as vegetables often. Many meats, and many parts of those meats can give you pretty varying minerals and substances that are pretty gud.
omnivores you know...
That's stupid as fuck. Many people don't drink beer because it makes you fat and saggy.
It's why I stick to liquor like a man.
respectable if for the right reasons
usually full retard if not limited by dietary conditions.
That isn't objective fact you low IQ troglodyte.
You're fucking retarded if you think using milk and/or eggs is the same as killing animals. If you choose your products consciously, there's nothing wrong with using animal based products.
Bitch, I don't give a fuck about your """"ethics"""""
Climate change is the biggest issue facing our planet.l, and we live longer, healthier lives than vegans and omnivores.
Maybe if you took the time to consider issues from all angles instead of acting like a hysterical emotional bitch, people would take your ill seriously. But I guess all that tofu did a number on your brain.
>expecting fit to know the difference from subjective/objective
Climate change isn't even a real thing
I'm willing to bet that you're a vegan trying to throw a red herring into this conversation.