>no sugar
>no meat
>no alcohol
>no fap
Who here /ascetic/
mirin that discipline
any mental gains?
I do all of those except alcohol.
/hedonists/ WW@?
>he dedicates his entire life to abstinence without any pay off
literally cucking themselves
What's wrong with meat?
currently trying
>no brag
you should try it
I only eat dumb meat.
Cat is the cut off line. I wont buy or have anything killed that is smarter than a cat, but I wont turn down food. Because its dead.
So mostly chicken, fish, and crustacians.
All of the shit I cared about came with crustacians anyways so im a-ok with this.
Veeky Forums is like 90% bragging dude, why do you think half of these people work out?
how did you cut sugar?
I only indulge myself every weekend, shit is fun
I do nofap, no alcohol, no sugar, but do still eat eggs. Minimum of 2 a day. I can't find a good enough reason to quit them. Hitler was a vegetarian and still ate eggs tho..so idk
I do the exact same. I feel better, stronger and smarter. People notice me more and I have more confidence as well.
Only difference is that I eat sugar covered meat soaked in alcohol I fapped on every day.
Do you eat Americans?
cruelty man, its not nice.
Interesting stance. What about the common meats: cow, pig, fish, chicken
>no animal product
>no drugs (caffeine and alcohol included)
>no fap
>only drink water and brotein
>sleeping on the floor
Isn't nofap shrinking your dick? I read that not using it every once and a while makes it smaller, and I don't have much to begin with
>Hitler was a vegetarian and still ate eggs tho
That was propaganda.
>still has to shitpost on Veeky Forums for attention and validation
b-but don't voluntarily remain virgin user
Some Hindu ascetics, generally, follow this path. However! Some aghoris are occasionally ganja freaks and will eat meat, (human, rarely) during their sadhanas. Also, incredible sex - hetero.
It does the opposite desu, try going three weeks nofap your dick feels heavy.
>no sugar
>no meat
>no alcohol
>no fap
Why live?
I freed myself from caffeine past week and I had been like four days without it.
I was feeling great and like more in control but Saturday I had a lot of it and I woke up this Sunday feeling like shit, disoriented, with headache and being a pain in the ass to concentrate.
And this is why I aint taking this shit anymore. Best decision I can take.
He was a vegetarian because he had stomach ulcers, which meant that eating meat for him was followed by a living hell of pain later.
I mean I could understand no sugar, alcohol and fap, but meat? Cmon, it has no sense to exclude it from your life completely
Natural sugars and meat are part of what made your body and head evolve into what it is today, why fight the evolution of our body's diet? You're not getting nutrients that spurred evolution. You would de- evolve if you kept this up for generations
natural sugar from fruits? sure I take it
Processed sugar? fuck no
only a spoonful of sugar in coffee.
Can't control fappin.
I am and can continue living without alcohol or meat
What's wrong with coffee now?
>no fun
Which one do you need to have fun?
I always thought I was a strict sugar refuser, but then I found out that fruits can very well be 50% sugar and I eat like half a dozen peaches and 200g blueberries a day. Feels bad man, can't escape the white, sugary devil.
I could do no sugar but the Jews put sugar in peanut butter in America. Fucking Jews
peanut butter is sugar with peanut flavor. 80-90% is sugar or fat
No it's not
The concentrations of carbohydrate in peanut butter are negligible and secondary at best, even when sugar itself is added.
I'm no alcohol and no fap but its not because I'm a smelly indian its because i'm a chrstian