Fit mommies
Fit mommies
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>Russian lawn care
>tfw shell never rip your dick off with her bare hands as shes jerkin your gherkin
why live
That looks comfy as opposed to the fucking murilard houses where everything is picture perfect on the outside but everyone in the houses a degenerate
Holy shit breh, who is this?
Jeff Seid
Is every non-american so insecure that they have to bring us up whenever they can lmao
that's her little sister
caring about lawns is such a stupid boomer thing to care about
Except he's right. These look like normal lawns in front of houses with normal people.
Suburban houses or wherever they're all picture perfect are freaky as fuck to the rest of the world because they're clinically unnatural and only someone who is autistic lives like that
Man, she'd be attractive if she hadn't turned herself into a man with steroids.
I want to wrestle her and lose, then lay helpless as she feeds on my body.
Turns out she used to be attractive
That's obviously not her kid since it's not negroid.
I'd smash both
THICC wins every time.
Damn that got me
high test women + high test man = ultra high test child surely?
Nah high test male x high est woman will make chads and stacies the epitome of high test and high est, respectively
man she may be a nice warm person but her physic is just not making me wanna fuck her.
>t. complete hetero
Get off my board now.
Nice little brappy piece
>you will never sniff her brapps
You're projecting pretty hard, m8. I can almost TASTE the level of cope coming off of you
He wouldn't understand.
For Americans the fake part is the beauty, everything has to be clean and big and big and clean, there have to be 10 bathrooms in a house that does not even have floor heating.
Americans are superficial, their culture is about having more and being better through it. I honestly hate Americans, I still wish they'd nuke my country though
That's a man, baby
Oh no, she must be in tears, such a good man lost solely because of her disgusting body.
I don't want to fuck her either but I don't pretend the world spins around my dick
What mental illness must a woman have to go from left to right?
Its the feelings of control that lawns and houses like that affords to residents.
Americans struggle to dominate their surroundings while the rest of the world submits to their environment.
How is it different to what we do?
Americans are wierd
Emphasising male secondary sexual characteristics (upper body strength, increased muscle mass, thicker core)
>This woman
Emphasising male secondary sexual characteristics (upper body strength, increased muscle mass, thicker core)
Gee I wonder how its different.
This mexican actress. I fap to her Instagram stories daily.
Really makes me think.
Its why we've made the most contributions to tech in many fields in the 20th century.
I'm also okay being weird. I've lived in a few places around the world and nobody seems to hate us Americans )outside a few insignificant areas. They just hate our government which is understandable.
You could've just said "yes".
why did she train her arms so much? could have been sexy as fuck if she just had the thicc lower body
I hate Americans as a whole and I am pro Trump. At least he wants to change things
She probably doesn't care about Normies and their preferences
trump is jew puppet
God damn it
I'd still want her to pin me against the wall and make me call her mommy though, damn