When is a lifter considered intermediate? Been struggling to find a program appropriate for me so I'm wondering when one is considered "intermediate" ?
When is a lifter considered intermediate...
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1/2/3/4 is considered a standard for some reason.
those are all in 5x5. people claiming 1/2/3/4 for 1RM is intermediate are fucking idiots.
According to Mark Rippedtoe it's when you can no longer add weight to your lifts every week. According to fit it's when you hit 1/2/3/4/.
According to others it's someone who's been training for a year.
There is no real definition.
By intermediate I tested my 1rm first time yesterday, did 345 on squat, and 245 on bench, I did it with relative ease though. I started lifting in April this year, although it's not my first time ever lifting.
By "program appropriate for me" I mean I lift in a garage with very little space for olympic lifts. I could maybe empty it out in the coming months but for now it's too dangerous.
I heard of 1/2/3/4 obviously, the 4 plate deadlift is so extremely disproportionate to the rest. It's autistic though because plates are a meme
According to Symmetric Strength those numbers are mostly proficient/advanced
Assuming your 5x5 weight is roughly equal to your 7 rep max.
I tested my 1rm based on my 5x5 work weight assuming my 5x5 was my 5RM
I was going to do 5/3/1 but i have no access to leg press and other fancy shit. I was going to do texas method but cant clean inside garage. Don't know what to do.
Then you could've probably lifted a bit more.
Yeah but I was already tired and then failed the next rep on squat when I tried heavier
it's not about the concrete. I just dont have any space to bail if i drop it.
You can do Texas method without the clean
1/2/3/4 is only intermediate in terms of powerlifting
1/2/3/4 is pretty advanced in terms of normies/non autistic closet homos
Go to the gym and see how many people are OHP a fucking plate lol
then it's not the texas method?
you have no clue what the Texas method is, huh
it has cleans in it, huh
Texas Method is more about manipulating more variables then just adding weight each session. Download Practical Programming
TM is only a template.
The power clean is a light pull that is used to accumulate volume. You can pretty much replace it with any deadlift variation or assistance exercise you want with low weight and many reps, or even not do it at all as long as your deadlift increases.
what about pullups?
I'm on starting strength for about 2 months and my lifts are 155, 265, 335, 405. I'm a 5'8" 190lb manlet gorilla. if that gives you any perspective
Fuck me if I know. I don't remember anything written about pullups. If you follow the 3-day TM, you can try doing 3xF on volume day if you have enough energy left. Then, on intensity day you can do 3x5 weighted pullups. If you find that's too much, you can try 2 or even 1 set. I'm a DYEL though, so don't take my advice too seriously.
TM is just splitting lifts into volume and intensity days and progressing weekly instead of daily. You can do it for literally any exercise variation.
so what can i replace back extension and cleans with
whatever the fuck you want. SLDLs, good mornings, reverse hypers, lunges for back extensions
cleans could be rows, pullups, chinups. do whatever the fuck you want after the main 4
So how would I replace the cleans of 5x3
5 sets of weighted pullups for a 3 rep max?
3x5 or 3x8 or 3x12 or 3xF or whatever you want. Just try and see.
Cleans are only done for sets of 3 because even a little fatigue can destroy your explosion.
TM is not a cookie cutter program, really. Decide which basic lifts you want to get strong at, then periodize them as said. Read Practical Programming for Strength Training to get some ideas about how to do that. Not everyone is the same and at this stage, nobody can tell you exactly what to do. Get informed and try stuff until you find what works best for you.
I want to get good at the 4 main lifts, you can see my info above in thread. I like a mix of strength and bodybuilding. Meaning, I don't want to just train strength and look like a blob but I dont want to train bodybuilding and be a skinny fag. I wanna train my strength to a respectable level, then decide from there which lifts I want to focus less on, like bench press for example. I'd prefer to not have a huge chest