I Just started going to gym and I am a skelly piece of shit and am getting mad doms. I’m starting a trade job soon and am worried about doms affecting my performance at my job. What should I do?
I Just started going to gym and I am a skelly piece of shit and am getting mad doms...
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You won't get much DOMS after you've been lifting for a little while
What do I do for the first few weeks of my job? Should I keep going to gym and going as hard as I can or just be a bit lax for a while.
trade jobs kill gains. very rarely have i seen jacked construction worker if anything there skin is fucked from all the sun.
You should keep going to the gym just know its going to be very hard to make it. also you should be on a program dont waste these noob gains by doing retarded shit
I'm going into electrician so it probably wont be as full on as other jobs I am just worried about say doing back or legs and then at my job being so sore I am rubbish and they tell me to fuck off. If you think I should keep going and just try and smash through the doms I will try that though.
Also am on a program the guy at the desk wrote one out for me and showed me how to do it.
The more you workout the less DOMS youll get. And since youre an electrician you wont be lifting a whole lot so the walking is really good to alleviate the soreness.
Post the routine. Im not saying its dogshit but most PTs at the gym give shit advice. I recommend reg parks beginner program or greyskull but since youre skelly and not skinny fat you should consider SS.
Or a classic Arnold routine
Also make sure your tracking what you eat by writting it down and weighing your food on a food scale. Cheapest food scale is $10 on amazon and its rated 5/5. Second go to fitness frog and find your TDEE and eat 300+ or 500+ above that. Make sure your tracking weight properly, dont guess actually make the measurements.
Last image.
Read it
You don't know shit about being the "PEOPLES" champ.
Rural fencer cardio boxing fag here. Otter mode is the ideal compromise. Also where sun glasses and use sunscreen, being outside turns you into a fucking 90 year old if you're not careful.
Also say goodbye to having normal hands and forearms.
>Star boxer & Construction worker
>"Very Rarely"
What level is youre reading comprehension at user?
>Is a sparky
>Worried about doms effecting work
The hardest shit sparkles do is climb on roofs and ladders and lift the occasional heatpump. You'll be fucking fine mate.
Like everyone said it will go away with time as you workout more so dont stop. However easing in your first 2 weeks will help your muscles get acclimated with out too much DOMS. There are things you can eat to help, my favorite is fish. You can look that up. Heres a vid that helped me get started. youtu.be
Leg press
Leg extension
Hamstring curl
Wide grip pull down
Close grip seated row
Vertical seated row
Chest press
Bench press
Incline bench
Bicep curl
Tricep rope pull down
Bench situp
Leg raises
Shoulder press
Everything is 3 x15
I am only a few weeks in so I am to weak and shit to do a full body every time so I have been splitting it up so I do half the body one day and half two days later. If you think it's rubbish I might give your suggesting a go.
where do ya live just curious?
I wanna become a a sparky as well
Alright mate thanks for the advice I'll start doing it right now.
Absolute trash considering that youre a skeleton. Someone should be fired considering they looked at you and recommended that.
Save my three images youll fucking need them. Also eat and bulk clean DONT GET FAT
I am extremely unfit so I have been fully fucked from doms. But I appreciate you telling me this I just want to make a good impression and not look like a bitch at my job.
Thanks mate I will give it a watch. What do you think about fish oil capsules?
I live in Australia
very rarely what?
Fuuuucck why do they give me shit workouts? do they expect I will flake so it's not worth the effort or something? Also what about it makes it shit? Would you suggest the greyskull or the arnold workout? My goal is overall muscle building but I want big as fuck arms, shoulders and legs
Takes a month to get over DOMs
Started with PPLPPLx as a skeleton who did no exercise ever before. Never had DOMs after that first month.
What happens to arms and forearms?
You won't make gains as a sparky if you're actually working the hours/days you need to work to earn good money.
Absolutely disgusting.jpg
the soreness shouldnt effect your job as long as you stretch your legs. im used to curling up in bed but it messes with the muscles in your hips if you are trying to sleep.
I'll be first year apprentice so I wont make fuck all money anyway
I made this program for a girl, so it could use some tweaking to fit your goals,(she said she wanted to build overall muscle but i wanted her to work her ass and legs more) but a good natty split would look something like this
A.) 1. Squat 3x5
2.Lunges 3x8-12
3. BB bench press (can also use chest press machine) 3x5
4.BB hip Thrusts 3x8-12
5. Rope pulldowns 3x10-15 (triceps)
6. Calf Raises 3x10-15
B.) 1. Hip adduction/abduction 3x8-12 Each
2. Deadlift 3x5 (or 1x5 only with heavy weight, must warmup)
3. Assisted pullups (wide grip, knuckles facing face) 3x8-12
4. Low row 3x8-12
5. Lying leg curl 3x8-12
Optional: curl variants 3x8-12
C.) 1. Squat 3x8-12
2. DB bench press 3x8-12
3. DB Shoulder press 3x8-12
4. Glute Raise 3x8-12
5. Lateral Dumbbell raises 3x10-15
Optional: Tricep pushdown machine or with W bar on cables
D.) 1. Stiff legged deadlifts 3x8-12
2. Assisted chinups (close grip, fingernails facing face or neutral)3x8-12
3. DB Row 3x8-12
4. Back extensions OR Good mornings 3x8-12
5. Face pulls (with rope) 3x8-12
DAY 5 REST No laborous physical activity besides yoga and LIGHT cardio.
Don't forget to stretch after every workout and on rest days.
Whether the program calls for 3x5 or 3x8-12, you should be struggling by your last rep. Don't ever compromise form for weight.
They gutted ripped but not in a good way, same with your calves (although that only really applies to fencers/farmers), its noticeable as fuck on an ottermode person like me. Also my hands fucking suck, moisturiser doesn't work, its gotten bad enough that I have to do fly tying with tweasers, and tie huge as fuck slip knots when I'm fishing.
Cba to make the changes for you, but it's a start.
DOMS will go away after a week or two, assuming you're hitting every muscle group at least twice a week.
Whatever sparkles, you electricians have it fucking made. Fucking big shot what with your completely finishing highschool and whatnot.
to complicated for a skelly and to much adjustments to be made that he will likely fuck it up. And why BB hip thrust and glute raises if hes not a women.
I have no idea but they sound like a good alternative if you dont like fish or your only options around you are fried.
>lifting things up and putting them back down again
Depends on how many day to can fit in to workout. Greyskulls seems fine as it gives you 3 days of working out. And two of 3 of those days have arms so youre fine.
Both programs work but you have to be eating at a surplus while taking into account the labor you do duriing the day. Eat clean, track food, track weight and get 8+ hours of sleep.
>recommends BB hip thrusts, Hip addduction/abduction and glute raises
hahahah I finished year 12 in Queensland Australia I can assure you I am nothing special.
Thanks mate I'll compare it to the other ones posted on here and see if it can fit my goals.
At least those body parts will be FUCKING RIPPED!
>Year 12
WOOOAAHH!! Settle down Mr Bigshot, don't go rubbing your good decisions in life in my face. Fucking dairy farming.
There ripped and then there's tradie ripped. One is far less aesthetic then the other.
For exercises like squat and deadlift should I swap in something else like leg press for squat until I can actually push an okay amount of weight or just straight into them at like 10 kg/ 20 pound plates.
I literally said i made the program for a woman. I also said I'm not gonna make the changes. If you're so knowledgable then you tell him what to change
navyfag here, can confirm doms only initially, minor (if any) once you get bigger like me.
Mate thank you for the laugh year 12 in Queensland is just a bludge you can do almost nothing and still get a pass. Nothing wrong with being a dairy farmer though
Ah fuck at you can still have that man strength to crush beer cans with
Thanks to everyone who replied in this thread and especially thanks to guys who gave me the workout recommendations and nutrition advice.
No I still did my ncea level 2, I just gatewayed the fuck out of those credits when I was in year 11. Year 12 would have been a waste of time for me. I just had to fuck it all up by becoming a dairy farmer for 5 fucking years.
Year 12 in Qld aye? hows it feel to be uncircumcised?
Is NCEA kiwi equivalent of year 12? Are you still a dairy farmer?
I wish I knew! the kikes got to me even in the greatest state in the country!
Whaaat? why? your parents just like it or something?
Meet me in Hungry Jacks in Queen St Mall, lad, I want to talk to you.
I work in the CUA building on Ann St.
Kike doctors told my mum it would be "beneficial" or some bullshit. Has definitely been the opposite.
Fuuuck sorry bro I am living in VIC at the moment! Miss Queensland though I MISS GREAT NORTHERN ORIGINALS
Alright then :(
How old are you?
No. Do the lifts. Nobody is going to pay attention to you or make fun of you for lifting small.
Sparky here from Aus. Hardest shit you will probably have to do is hammer drilling or just drilling above your head or digging trenches. If the boys look annoyed apologise for being a pussy and say your arms are rooted from the gym. You're going to be a first year so they should take it pretty easy on you. What's far more important is your work ethic. Always be enthusiastic and don't be afraid to do shit. Give everything a go that you can. Youre a first year, you're going to make mistakes. Everyone does, it's cool, they should give you jobs that if you fuck up it's pretty easily fixed. Looking back I wish I hadn't been so afraid to just give shit a crack.
>take it easy on a first year
Former fitter and turner here, and fucking kill yourself if you ever had it easy as a first year; first years aren't even human beings yet
Alright mate thanks for that, I don't mind starting light as fuck or even if people laughed.
not op but I did some labouring work with cement recently and it was absolutely fucked. I learnt just how weak I am from doing that. Also fucked my back up
Does the workload apply to industrial electrician as well? Thanks for the advice mate I am keen but nervous I expect to be shit on a bit by everyone else and made to do bitch work. But it's all worth it in the end
No I'm a 27 year old fencer, but I'm single so I can live off pennies a week and my house is already paid off on account of most of me family dying.
bricklayer here
if you eat well and look after yourself -no smoking, drinking, good nutrition- it will at least be easier
Apprentice pipefitter here.
Workout before work so the doms arent so bad.
Sleep is your best friend for having energy/modivation on the job. Get 8 to 9 hours a night. No excuses, and i know it sucks going to bed at 7pm.
The upside to having a job where you walk/carry/lift all day is you can eat 3k + calories a day and still be on a cut.
Be happy to have the oppertunity to work in a job that has such demand.
Dont do anything that makes you feel unsafe, its to easy to get fuck up for life at a construction site.
Good luck bro, stay modivated
Fuck gonna have to get up at like 3:30 am to get a workout in before. 7pm bed time it is.
Gotta start smashing down heaps of food to keep up. And in regards to doing unsafe shit what if my boss tells me to do something that I thik is fucked. I know I should say no but I do need a job. What would be best plan of action?