That's my fat ass as of today.
28 years old, 5'10, 265
Been doing regular cardio for a month now, mostly 30 minute interval training on the elliptical machine, hands on the bars, arms pumping, not on the stationary handles.
Also do row machine every few days for about 10 minutes, and also swim 1-2 times per weekend. Occasionally power-walking on the treadmill with the incline as high as it will go. These are in addition to the elliptical. Elliptical is every day, no exceptions.
Last Monday I started starting strength.
Diet consists of a fuckton of egg, poultry, and beef protein, a lot of water, coffee, and tea, a cliff bar typically every day on weekdays, and fruit on weekends. Today I'll be picking up spinach, peppers, onions, muchrooms, and some other veggies to start mixing in as well.
I still have some simple carbs and refined sugars in my diet. They're hard to eliminate, but I'm keeping them to a minimum.
What tips, thoughts, criticism, or advice can you guys offer? I have an overwhelming desire to lift on rest days. Is this bad? What if I do lifts that aren't part of SS, like curls, etc.?
I've already started seeing minor results, like pants feeling a bit looser, and looking better in the morning. How long before I can realistically expect to see significantly lower fat? Don't care about getting cut or ripped, just want power and no fat.