Some people struggle with vitamin & minerals and must supplement

>some people struggle with vitamin & minerals and must supplement.

>Mfw you get at least 150% of everything but B12 when you're vegan .

Face it Veeky Forums veganism is the optimal diet for health & fitness .

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah i eat a partially vegan diet and get plenty of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruits and veggies. But most of my protein comes from meat

Not being vegan doesn't mena you don't eat any veggies at all

>only vegans can eat vegetables

Can we just ban vegan threads unless they pertain SOMEHOW AT ALL to fitness?

it's like you can choose food that is good for you. retard.

Is PETA so desperste they're now blowing their makreting budget on Veeky Forums shitposting?

Micro nutrient foods (veg, fruit, nuts, etc) are optimal for health and fitness but one can easily eat these and animal products and be gud

>open Veeky Forums
>literally first two threads I see are vegan shill threads
fuck off back to r*ddit you cunts

If you get your protein from plants as well you ensure you get even more of the other nutrients though.

Getting your protein from meat is like getting your carbs from sugar. It's suboptimal.

Give me one critical fact to support this. assuming all my nutrient goals are met.

b-but m-muh animals

>for health
>for fitness

plant protein bioavailability is vastly inferior to meat and dairy

>be human
>can't properly process plant nutrients and micronutrients

You can't get DHA and EPA omega 3's from plants, only from fish or fortified animal products.

Its not optimal. It can be very healthy, but its not optimal. We arent ment to eat only plants.

Not eating meat would mean eating a lot more beans. Beans are extremely good for you.

>Battlestation thread
>Manlet thread
>Chinlet thread
>Tfw no gf thread
>Mike Patton thread
>Blocks your path thread
>Slaps your gf's ass thread
>Just be yourself and talk to her thread
>Fictional goal body thread
>brrraaaappp thread
Fuck off, veganism reduces cholesterol and inflammation so it very much relates to fitness
Hide/filter, ignore
You can get your protein from meat and get all the estrogen, cholesterol, saturated fats and other crap, or you can get it from lentils and get low GI carbs, antioxidants, fiber, iron etc. Your choice.
Wrong. Post citation and await refutation.
>Be human
>Wean off mum's test aged 2
>Don't suck dog teat
>Suck cow teat
Makes sense right?
>Its not optimal. It can be very healthy, but its not optimal.
Define optimal
>We arent ment to eat only plants.
We aren't meant to drive cars, vaccinate, wear clothes, use condoms and eat meat we didn't burn calories by running up and down the plains to obtain all day, what's your point

Muh Muh cholesterol

>what is soy
inb4 estrogen

Yes? Can I help you with something? Were you looking for these?