>lifting for a waifu
good goy. Keep it up.
>lifting for a waifu
good goy. Keep it up.
Fuck you. Hotaru is perfect.
>not real
Good goy
>Not lifting for the Jew
>Putting up with real girls and their bullshit
>They'll just end up fucking Tyrone behind your back anyway
Why even bother?
Sounds like something a beta would say
>Virginity : the post
Enjoy your second hand pussy from a girl who doesn't actually love you,
Jokes on you there is no merch of my waifu.
If there was though I'd totally buy it so I concede there.
You sound like a cuck
>tfw no waifu to lift for
Slow day today, eh /pol/?
Don't remind me.
Yes, you truly are redpilled. Having a family is degenerate. Single neet virgins are the masterrace.
get your dumb racebait off Veeky Forums you edgy highschool /pol/tard
/pol/ is the cancer killing this site
/pol/ is the thing that keeps this site alive
>he doesn't lift for his waifu
Hello plebbit
Real men go through experiences, learn from them and base their opinions based on what they learned.
Women think through worst case scenarios and base their opinions off that. You're a woman, user
anime is shit filling for that emotional gap you have
the best filling is real bro relationships
No More Mr. Nice guy helps
What's wrong with working with the Jews and the Asian Jews? Girls friend zone me nonstop all the time because I'm a cripple, but the Jews are giving me a chance to be not only be productive for them but also to have a lot of nice things myself.
It's the same with porn. Wake up. Join NoFap.
What if I have a waifu but I also want to meet a cute 3d girl to have kids with?
Nice try goyim, im not falling for your tricks any longer.
kill your self