im going on vacation soon and won't have access to a gym or any equipment. what is a good calisthenics routine i can do? (no pullups etc unfortunately)
Im going on vacation soon and won't have access to a gym or any equipment. what is a good calisthenics routine i can do...
aye what u doin here girl
u lookin for sum cum? yeh u want some cum little gurl? u want some cum? yeeeaah shh shhh shh dont scream don t scream... yeeh here cums...
lift your boyfriend in the air while you bang him in the butt
Just enjoy your vacation you gymcel
All you need to do is some push ups bw squats crunches and pull ups
Find a tree you stupid pussy. If you're not strong enough do negatives
what the fuck did you just call me?
>Find a tree
what the fuck did you just call me?
Fine, then find a construction site.
Yeah Jesus cripes you stupid pussy. Are you vacatioining in the desert? Swimming in the open ocean?
How much do i have to lift to make GF?
just do burpees until you puke
Why did i laugh so hard
ok sauce
Girl is Raven Arce
im going on a road trip, i cant always rely on being able to do pullups, but finding a tree was my plan when i could.
what can i do for delts and triceps? and is there even anything bodyweight for biceps?
Handstand work
Pistol squats
anything for delts?
handstand push ups my man
You won't be gone long enough to lose any of your micro gains. Just relax and go cut loose.
There is a second page to this but I dont know where I put it
Are you stil here OP? Are you trolling? You must be... working out is the easiest thing on there planet.
Get creative. Lift OBJECTS you find. Do Lateral flys with bags filled with stuff. Put books or food or whatever in pillow cases and do Curls. Want more Tricep work? Do more push ups.
Climb stairs. Do burpees until you're winded, jog,
Fucking jumping jacks
>Raven Arce
WOW, looking at her IG, her face is really ugly!
Better pics on Pinterest/Google, but yeah, the best one so far is probably OPs