Redpill me on clavicles, Veeky Forums
/clavicles/ General
what the fuck is there to be redpilled on you fucking goof?
They need to be wider than your pelvis, otherwise you're better off becoming a trap.
what about them would you like to know?
they essentially dictate your shoulder width.
Does anyone actually have a pelvis wider than their clavicles?
This red pill is hard to swallow
most women.
I have wide clavicles that stick out a lot, is that good or bad?
Sort of like pic related but NOT as drastic
what the fuck do you mean good or bad
that's what you look like and there is no point questioning if what you look like is good or bad, you just look that way. Accept yourself and be happy dude
I'm ready.
I broke my left clavicle
I just want to know if it's better or worse for optimal aesthetics to have clavicles like that.
They become invisible after you develop pectoral muscles above dyel mode.
Makes you look leaner so I guess that's a good thing
Yeah they're great. Get a pair if you don't have them already.
I dislocated mine (tore my SC joint) and couldn't get it fixed for more than a year. Still dealing with the muscle asymmetry because of it, so I dearly treasure functioning collar bones
once you build your shoulders they will probably go away?
it's just as bad as pointy elbows
>tfw I have pointy elbows too
>Redpill me on clavicles, Veeky Forums
Yeah, me :(
I have fucking childbearing hips, and weak ass shoulders. It's not even funny. Maybe I should have become a trap after all