/feels/ thread
/feels/ thread
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I will never understand the complete lack of willpower that prevents people from eating healthy.
If you even just eat clean and exercise for like two months without quitting, junk food makes you sick.
google wants me to give them my phone number to make a youtube account
How the fuck do you make friends? How the fuck do you get a gf?
Every time i think about her i come close to crying.
Because no matter how hard i try to improve myself, the feelings will never be mutual.
>implying they don't already have it
>2d will NEVER BE REAL
i just want to fucking end myself to be honest
>kissless virign
>no friends
>no life
>nofap is just making me thirsty and realize how hopelss ever getting laid will be
Ask yourself: why would any girl date someone who thinks NoFap is a good idea?
Nigger, why would any girl date someone who has no prospects and lives with his mother? Taking a temporary stand against masturbation is the last of my autism.
>been told im gorgeous
>have girls mire me all the fucking time
>nearly every girl i smile at holds eye contact and smiles back
still dont have a girlfriend, still havent been laid. I've made out with girls and shit have had my dick sucked but its been years since i have even kissed a girl, what the fuck happened to me?
>apartment has slowly but surely turned into a disgusting mess
>too embarrassed to have friends over
>go to store and buy all kinds of cleaning products
>apartment now looks fresh as fuck
>windows open and every breeze makes the place smell like fabuloso and clean linen
It's small, but cleaning up your place is pretty rewarding, feels wise.
I live with my parents and I have a gf, but I also have a job
at least you understand
>clean house
>feel productive, like I've achieved something
>don't hate being at home
>housemate gets angry at CS:GO
>throws coffee mug at the wall
>hole in wall: coffee stains on 3 walls and ceiling
>doesn't tell me about it for a couple of weeks even though I've seen it
>finally tells me
>have my friend fix it for free: all he has to do is paint it
>he uses my best bedding to cover the carpet while he paints
>bedding ruined, but he puts it back as if nothing happened
>won't admit he did it
>refuse to clean the house
>hate living there again
Fucking hate house sharing but I hate paying lazy landlords rent.
But I hit new PRs that day.
except the girl i am talking about actually exists.
>moved into a sharehouse with a bunch chinese international students
Was disgusting from the beginning, so i knew what i was getting into at least.
sad pic
You don't have the confidence to go from flirting to fucking, you don't have to be overly confident just enough for a girl give in to you. She may not think you find her attractive either.
I was a nervous wreck when I was getting a girl in the mood for my first fuck, when she started looking at her watch (i.e why is this guy taking so long) I just moved closer and started rubbing her arm which led to kissing then sex. You NEED some sort of physical contact even if it's just touching her arm.
It's not hard if you have it in your head that 99% of men fuck women, you're not any different just not as confident.
living with chinese people is like living with rats
>How the fuck do you make friends?
Find people with the same interests as you, maybe in a social environment? its not hard man, if you dont have any interests then make some
Kek thanks anons, didn't have these merchants
Have another one
>PR day
>allowing myself to break diet so i can have some carbs before working out
>feel bad about it even though i only do it like a couple days every 6 weeks
Ask a girl out
She says she cant, she is going on vacation, and will call back when she gets back
>She won't
>same thing happens to me
>get her number but then basically get ghosted
>realize i'm still going to improve and be great with or without her
>realize that if they won't give me a chance then it's their loss and nothing that I did wrong
Here have my most abstract
How come you don't already have a gmail account? You can use that to create a youtube account that is not associated with your Google+ account in any way.
TFW you can beat the living shit out of white fashy manlets
>been saying my life will get better next year
>still shit
Its been 5 years and no improvements
>had to get stitches on my balls because of a bounce castle incident at my gfs birthday party
>couldn't lift because balls>gym desu senpai
>finally get to go back today
It's a good feel bros, stitches we gone and my sack is healed
>bouncy castle incident
The story isn't nearly as interesting as it sounds, is it
are you me
>lost 50 pounds last year
>new netflix movie with keanu reeves about a girl with anorexia
>fat friend tags me in the trailer for it on facebook
Oh God these fucking people have to complain about everything.
Did someone say feels thread?
So I've been improving in every single area of my life.
Went from friendkess khv living at my parents at age 26 to precisely the opposite in just one year.
Yet I'm feeling down.
Why is that, why can't I just be happy achieving something others would take much much longer to accomplish?
Is it because I regret doing it so late? Have I thrown away my potential?
This is me exactly. Except I am also circumcised. Once you get redpilled about what that is and does to your penis you can't help but get angry and sad about it on some level every time you look down.
i guess some of us are never meant to be happy
>recently got back with ex fiance
>went out and partied with the boys
>The whole squad was dancing with fine ass girls
>I did too. Legit 9 was basically humping my dick with her ass on the dance floor. I've been single for 6 months and still have trust issues with ex-fiance now girlfriend. Dance with her and get her number.
>Feel guilty as fuck about it. Still keep the number in case shit goes south with ex fiance again. Tell myself it's something Chad would do, but it's more something that a shitbag would do.
>Also breaking it off with best FWB since I got back with my fiance. She's cool as fuck but maybe a 6. She's ignoring me now.
secretly wish I was asexual.
>recently got back with ex fiance
you fucking moron
>Used to be a complete fatty at 225 lbs
>Was able to eat fast food multiple times a week without breaking a sweat
>Would always go out with friends to have Wendys and hit up a bar
>Began to eat super clean and lift
>Weight dropped to 181 lbs after 15 months
>A small meal at KFC will make my chest hurt due to the insane salt and calories
>No longer able to stomach the majority of fast food
>Friends have steadily distanced themselves from me since they said I'm no longer fun and that it's unhealthy to focus on being healthy so much (this was after they first saw me using MFP)
>Now have no friends
it's better to have no friends than to have shitty friends good job on losing all that weight user you're gonna make it
Normies and their lives are devoid of any real meaning and fucking boring. Normies are happy because they don't care about anything, they just live their lives because that's what everyone does. Unless you want go the pepe-route and stop giving a shit, start reading philosophers, start with the obligatory classics and move on to Hitler and Nietsche. Life is an eternal struggle.
Why is she an ex-fiance in the first place?
rare jew coming through
She begged me to take her back after I completely cut her out of my life. I've never connected with anyone like her.
Careers and long distance took us in different directions. There was no cheating or anything sinister AFAIK.
>She begged me to take her back after I completely cut her out of my life. I've never connected with anyone like her.
why did you break up in the first place i'm really curious?
It's hard though - the loneliness can get pretty overwhelming at times. Vidya, music, and lifting can only do so much.
I'm looking forward to the new semester starting in a few months so maybe I can get a new friend or two.
nvm i'm blind
>Careers and long distance took us in different directions.
>There was no cheating or anything sinister AFAIK
user.. She fucking cheated, but then Chad found a new less used cunt to fuck, and she came crawling back to you. I've seen this pattern play out a gorillion times, she's going to leave you again once she gets a better deal. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
I'm losing it, pls help
If there was no cheating then fucking delete the number of that bar slut, what would you think if she did the same thing to you? Btw, she's a fiancée, and not a fiancé, you're not a homosexual.
>that file name
P-post more pls
> you're not a homosexual.
where do you think you are?
It'll be ok, just hold on for now
>went to "her" house after work.
>Both of us just laying in a mattress on the ground.
>Decide to man up and finally tell her
>"Y-you wanted to know who I liked?"
>"I'm looking at her."
>She's shocked
>"You know how long I've been waiting to hear that?"
>tfw the only number I've got was from a gay guy because of my huge shoulders and tight jeans
Nice one, I expected this greentext to end really badly.
>Fat, depressed fuck all through my teenage years
>Socially inept, definition of useless trash in all aspects, can't even go to the store without a panic attack
>Shit, abusive father who left not long after I turned 18
>Slave away at trying to get to a baseline of competence after a total meltdown
>Now, years later
>Social, looking decent, healthy nutrition, good prospects, car, motorbike, job, more confidence than most, respectable field of study, stable
>Actually somehow inspire friends
>Assist in the community
>Still just as fucking miserable as I was before
>Only difference is I know how to get things done while being miserable now
>None of the things I've done bring me any joy, and I don't even like the things that I used to gorge on anymore like video games and junk food
>Can't comprehend the concept of a relationship or how one is meant to exist
>Don't value my friends at all, hate myself for the apathy
>Do anything possible to alleviate the feeling for the briefest times, sometimes succeed for a couple of days before falling right back in
>Can't get off this fucking wild ride
but hey i broke a pr today
Women are FULL of emotions, you have to activate her primal instincts and go for the kill (not straight away until you gain a little confidence).
Most people ITT "just ask her out", that doesn't work if you're very anxious. I will say one thing, try to converse with women, even a little and see how that goes OUTSIDE of your hometown, that way if anything embarrassing happens it won't come back to you.
Learn how to be happy with what you have done?
>just b urself
>stronger then my dad who worked with his body all his life
I never want to grow old.
>havent had a job in a year now
>smoked myself to real bad anxiety and social awkwardness (only when high)
>my mental image of myself has become so warped and delusional, its real bad
>Waiting to be trialed for 6 charges, lawyer says its between 4-12months in jail or if im very lucky i get a ankle bracelet
>Feeling like a real lowlife and dissapointed with myself, reading this im becoming more and more convinced that i am an actual lowlife
but then theres HER
>short, cute, wide hips, biggest eyes and the most beautiful smile you can imagine
>whenever i get this depressed and full of self hate, i think of her, and it completly turns around
>She keeps my motivation up, my spirits high and my self esteem on top, whenever im down she can tell and does everything to try to fix it
>Now im starting a new job this week
>Going back to study in August, studys expected to be done December next year
Thinking of how much I love her, and everything she deserves that i want to give her, i need to get my shit together, and I will
Love is so amazing and powerfull bres, we will all enjoy it someday, till then just spread it and keep that head focused positivly, no matter how dark it may seem now it will get better.
Doesn't work for alot of guys due to being depressed or marginally depressed. If you're not successful you're bound to dwell on negative thoughts which can be very hard to get out of.
It's hard to treat without medication which can lead to some nasty side effects.
The meds leading to side effects I mean
>back in HS
>used to be ex fatty so really insecure my whole life even now
>a 9/10 qt had a crush on me
>ofc i pussied out
>long time passed since then
>22 now she is 20
>found her instagram
>she's gorgeous now
>tons of pics with her boyfriend
>that's her first boyfriend
>it could've been me
it hurts brehs
i don't deserve to be happy
how did you fix the other shit tho ?
im at the first stage atm
>that pic
I had that but roughly a 7/10, she's happy and married after a few years of no contact. To think I had a chance with her due to her huge amount of interest in me like texting all day about being horny and wanting to get a coffee.
Being a beta with a chance you can take is worse than a beta with no chance.
I hope youll be happy one day user
>Being a beta with a chance you can take is worse than a beta with no chance.
idk about that i'm still a kissless virgin
I don't understand these pictures..
how about being a beta with a chance and taking it but failing due to being a beta and wishing you werent such a thing ?
that must feel fucking nice right
fuck off it hurts like hell
>broke up with long term gf
>met asian qt3.14
>extremely smart
>always sending mixed messages
>main motivation that got me out of my depression from recent break up
>acted like an idiot because of recent breakup
>still occasionally talk but she's studying abroad now
>will come back at an unspecified date
>afraid that i only rely on her to keep me going
I need to stop having crushes on girls that aren't even around
Anyone else hate where they live? How do you cope?
Goddamn, I hate living in Georgia so much and there's no way out insight. I don't even care that I don't have friends or a SO. This shithole is what makes me unhappy.
Exaggerated exposure and disregard for personal self. I hated myself at the time, so it made it easier to ignore feelings of anxiety or whatever by reminding myself of how much a fuck up I was. I found it hard to be social, so I read a bunch of books on body language and talking to people, then forced myself into every possible social opportunity I could for years, making a fool of myself constantly, until I learned and figured out how to navigate. I coupled that with working my ass off to afford a vehicle, then found I disliked my confidence levels so I bought a motorcycle and forced myself to get good at riding that because it terrified me initially. I found from that I was more confident, but not enough, so I volunteered with the local volunteer EMT's because that scared the fuck out of me too, but was great because it's hard to be nervous when you know first hand you can deal with a sudden cardiac arrest and death. Shit like that. Fitness is actually the last thing I got around to doing, and have been doing a hard cut for 35kg now as well as doing PPLPPL. I hope it works out better for you man.
I would end up fapping about the girls for months and I would grow attached to certain ones, which became torture when they eventually got a boyfriend.
Seems like I fap more and get very attached when they flirt which wasn't the case when I thought I had no chance.
>21/yo virgin
>meet girl on tinder
>set her up for sex and to finally lose my virginity come Friday (she lives in nearby town)
>"are you still coming?"
>"let me know when you're on your way okay? :)"
>"I'm so excited!"
>she still lives with her parents so I suggest we go up to a nearby jeep trail
>we go, its fun, very pretty.
>eventually things take a sexual turn
>"no... i don't have sex on the first date"
Later I'm dropping her off at a friends place
>"she and I had a competition in high school to see how many guys we could sleep with.. i won."
So yeah, I don't even know what to feel. I did accidentally call it a date so I guess it's my fault. Best case I made myself bf material to a sloot that was missing for 2 weeks last year getting raped in a meth house; It's probably a good thing that I didn't, but it feels so shitty that I couldn't even fuck her. My dick might have fallen off but god dammit at least it would have been something. Absolutely destroyed my confidence.
>roommate is on the uni basketball team
>is obnoxious as fuck
>comes in drunk as fuck all the time at 1am
>leaves dishes all around, his gf will use an entire roll of toilet paper in two days
>once his buddy came by, he made a passing comment on the amoubt of dishes in the sink. Roomie has the audacity to say he cleans them all the time
Fuck him he leaves the lights on all the time. Must be scared of rhe dark
> LPing to 440x5 deadlift from 420x5
> get 430x6
> stall next week
> and the week after
Never assume you're on a date the first time or she's your girlfriend right away, things are different these days. Never try and fuck a girl the first time you get alone with each other either, alot of women aren't sluts which is bullshit most of them would fuck the first night but it tarnishes their image.
>Everything she deserves that I want to give her
And people wonder why women in 2017 are entitled as fuck
Normally that's how I'd roll, but she was DTF and that's literally all I wanted. Like I said man, just destroyed my confidence.
why would you have your confidence destroyed by a slut?
just delete her number,forget her and move on
Because I couldn't even bang a total slut, you're right tho.
when a girl brags about how much guys did she fuck you need to bail out of there family
im was already paranoid before the snowden revelations, now its come to the point that there is no trace of myself on the internet in the past 4 years
hey man, still counts
>tfw drunk and talking about fitness one night with some friends
>posting pics of klokov and similar types, as general examples
>gay friend talking about how hot he thought they were
>i was posting from my "goal bodies" inspo folder
Boy she is far from one of those entitled bitches, she really is one of a kind in a good way
You will understand when you find mutual love one day, keep going man
it's just last minute resistance, she has to put up a fight so she doesn't feel like a slut
back off for a bit and then escalate again, maybe try telling her some "live for the moment" bullshit
That was at the end of the night at least, but between that and the meth house deal; yeah
>It's probably a good thing that I didn't, but it feels so shitty that I couldn't even
>Having near naked muscular men saved and cataloged on your personal PC
You are definitely prepared to be a fag
don't get caught in the trap of feeling bad for yourself. Yes a lot of people have lost their virginities by now but many haven't. Just be 'normal' until you've lost it and then the rest will be easier. Probably
Donald Trump?
not really, there was a bounce castle where you run forward with this vest attached to a pulley and it adds resistance so you have to run as forward as you can against the resistance
a carabiner decided it wanted to get better acquainted with my balls and that was that
blood everywhere, shorts ruined, sack torn open
had to drive myself to urgent care, do you know how hard it is to drive, panic, and check that your ball isnt hanging out is? very.
i swear, God just cupped my balls and moved them a little bit so noting got popped (no homo)
>Just be 'normal' until you've lost it and then the rest will be easier. Probably
I've been 'normal', I just want to get out from under the virgin cloud, I know its all in my head but its one more obstacle I need to tackle on my way to making it, I guess I'm just an autist though cause this shit has me confused to high hell. Can't figure out if my game is just that weak or what.
Yep. Main pic is me holding an AR wearing a MAGA hat.