>tfw tall but with shit proportions for lifting
>it's 10x harder for me to do squats than a normal person because of my ridiculously long legs
Tfw tall but with shit proportions for lifting
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so don't do them
Great for DL though, so it balances itself out m8.
I can't even squat at all because of shitty knee genetics.
Ignored it and now I couldn't bend my knee properly for 2 days.
Be happy your joints work and stop crying fag.
>great for DL
Stop crying pussy
I'm 5'7" I don't give a fuck about any of your problems. Suck a dick.
Is this what you tell yourself to make up for shitty lifts? Sounds like you need to eat bigger and squat more
>mimimimimi i can't lift because of a stupid reason
then just do another exercise, what is so hard about this that you have to start a new thread?
I always wondered (for people with knee problems that can't lift heavy):
Is it possible to train upper body for strength and lower body for endurance/cardio?
The imagination is kind of weird, so I don't think that this is actually possible?
I mean, I have to do something for my legs.
>Blessed with tall stature
>Too much of a fucking worthless dyel to actually capitalise on it
I swear to god, if I were 6'+ and I had the body I have now, I'd be slaying pussy everywhere I went. As it is, it's still hard work for me. Such is the life of a manlet.
It's much harder for tall guys with long limbs like me to build muscle than manlets. I'm doomed to look like shit unless I roid.
Terrible for bench press though due to my long ass arms, so not really.
Just be fat and do strength training. I'm 6'4 and fat, but at least I have muscle mass.
So if I cut, which I won't, I will look good..
no, it isn't, you're just a pussy
you will have a much harder time with certain lifts that favor short limbs, but it is not any harder for you to build muscle
t. 80 inch wingspan
Yes it is, dumbass. If your bones are long, then that means your muscles stretch along with it, making it harder to fill them up.
>tall person trying to make people feel sorry for him
>acting as if tallness actually matters with girls
If everything else is perfect/on point then it's a bonus.
If not, it really doesn't matter.
What matters is not being comically short.
so lift harder and eat more
I wish I was tall but with normal proportions. These spider legs and arms weren't meant for lifting heavy heights.
benching and squatting is harder for you, but deadlifts are easier
don't tell me spider legs and arms aren't meant for lifting heavy when i linearly progressed to a 500lb deadlift you fucking no-effort weak faggot
Yeah the long arms counteract the long legs on the DL, it's not a dangerous exercise for tall guys.
Squatting is kind of, though. I'm 6'2" and I avoid doing heavy squats because I could never find a form that felt comfortable. It either feels like I'm leaning into my knees or I'm going to fall over backwards, no comfortable middle ground. I've tried doing that crazy shit where you stick your legs out horizontally and it works in a sense but it doesn't feel right either.
Don't get brainwashed by Rip, you can replace squats with leg press and hamstring curls.
long arms in deadlift: more vertical torso angle, less stress on lower back -> handle more weight, survive more volume, get better results
long femurs in squat: more horizontal torso angle, more stress on lower back -> handle less weight, cannot survive as much volume, get worse results (especially for quads)
and those two usually go together
>much harder
5'8 150lbs guy has to eat about 3000 calories a day to gain 1lbs in a week
6'8 180lbs guy has to eat about 3500 calories a day to gain 1lbs in a week
you literally need to just eat one more meal or just make a shake to grow at the same speed as a guy foot shorter than you.
but then how will the manlets learn?
Still a tall guy's muscles are longer so the growth won't look as impressive as Quentin Manletino's.
dunno, im 5'10 and already look better after 6 months than my lanky 6'1 friend after 2 years with proper diet.
its not about just height, but frame. my dad was incredibely lanky through all his life and couldnt gain weight even though he was eating a lot. im a bit shorter but i have broad shoulders and a completely different body type
Sounds like you should probably kys. Stop being such a bitch about everything, grit your teeth, and get to work you sad cunt.
Thats a common misconception. Its just genetic losers complaining. I have a friend 6'4 230 jacked as fuck, and he hasnt been lifting for more than two years. He has is wide as fuck though, even before he started lifting.
Not everyone spent their childhood gorging down doritos while playing computer games 8 hours a day. But since most lanklets here just look for an excuse, here's one: you were raised by abusive parents, fucked up your developmental years and are now stuck with a shitty bone structure and a weak endocrine system
No doubt its edgy on Veeky Forums where the majority of people never did any physical activity until they were in their 20s
Why do you think kids from wealthy parents look different than trailer trash? Their parents are more likely to be educated, can thus buy better food, know more about nutrition, are less likely drug addicts, smokers, cared better for the children etc
Nature + nurture, this is not a secret by the way. Well, here it is I guess
Auschwitz modes, when did you enter puberty?
A short guy will always look more impressive so long that you just look at him isolated.
He will appear small next to the bigger guy because of simple difference in mass.
But denying that manlets look impressive way more easily then lankets is just a retarded thing to do.
No one is denying that. The point is that to fill out a frame, you need to have one in the first place. You weren't born with 8 inch wrists. Where do you think bones come from? Why do some people start puberty earlier than others? When the body has the necessary resources to enter puberty, it does. It's not by chance, and neither is Auschwitz mode
Not every tall guy needs years to put in muscle