Welcome to skelly lifting general /slg/
This is the thread for skellys to discuss our lifts.
Post your height and weight (to prove skeletal mode) and your lifts
>6'0" king of manlets
Just hit squat 3x5 at 225 for first time.
Welcome to skelly lifting general /slg/
This is the thread for skellys to discuss our lifts.
Post your height and weight (to prove skeletal mode) and your lifts
>6'0" king of manlets
Just hit squat 3x5 at 225 for first time.
1,69 king of manlets
58 kgs pls kill me
im starting the second month of lifting already and i can only bench 50 for 10reps
6'4 170
Will I make it, Veeky Forums?
What is the Manlet bar set to currently?
I am also trying to get a skelly mode manlet buddy to bulk what would be a clean suggestion for the calories and protein he needs?
You don't look too bad
I guess anybody who isn't "tall" is a manlet and to stand out in most places, probably like 6'2" ish
Below 6 feet is manlet.
Stop hiding, lanklets. I know you're lurking.
Im 5 11 170lbs dont have that chest and im not skinny fat
You arent 6 4
Was 118lb in february
132 now.
What weight should I go for in order to maximize gains without looking like a chode?
Same as you.
I still don't know if I should be bulking or cutting tho...
Just started lifting last weekend doing SL 5x5. The noobie gains are getting me excited.
How long until I get to a point where I won't be crushed to dust in a street fight?
I'm 6'4 buddy I promise you lol been this height for 2 years now
I'm also Dominican like u so maybe u just have shitty genetics, you should be like ottermode at least at 5'11 170
post pic
Look at the length of his arms in relation to his phone, he is.
Holy shit you're Auschwitz mode.
At 6'4, probably 160lbs to hit lanklet mode and 180 for otter.
6'4 145??? What's your diet like?
>be skelly
>finally start to get my diet on track
>lifting regularly too
>fastforward a month to now
>havent been feeling hungry all week
>not hitting my calorie goals anymore
>drank 1/3 of my smoothie and puked
not like this Veeky Forums, i dont want to give up. any advice on getting back on the food train? appetite boosting supplements? please help
i have no trouble getting to the gym and lifting btw, this is purely a food thing
I know this feel
I think the only way is to stretch your stomach over time
tfw thought i was making it till this week
>I'm also Dominican
Oh i hate dominicans
They are arrogant uneducatrd fsggors
Maybe you're sick?
>hating your own people
I know exactly what you mean tho, I'm not 100% Dominican anyway.
What's your routine? There's no way you're 5'11 170 and someone 5 inches taller than you has a bigger chest at the same weight.
We arent a race so you dont make sense
People here have different backgrounds
to me it feels like my body is trying to get back to its normal weight by massively suppressing my appetite
kinda like how fat people who diet for a few months but eventually gain the weight back
I will post a pic
I think i have more chest than him
>6'0" 175 lbs, up 15 lbs from start
>can only squat 200 3x5 after 4 months
wtf?!? Do my legs just suck... not even a skelly. I just started doing 10-8-6-4-2 to change it up with 2 pl8 for the final set, but could only do 1 rep.
Typically around 2500 calories a day but I'm trying to incorporate more now that I'm actually lifting.
For a while I mostly just ate a shit ton of carbs which is probably why I never gained much weight.
Here you have it
Im not flexxing here
With 2500 cals a day you will never gain weight
pure gymnastics and don't worry about your weight. short legs are actually better as it's less dead weight. i know an acrobat who's low 5' (female) and chiselled/thin
>5 11
>dont have that chest
>not skinny fat
skinny fat manlet detected
how would these (rough) numbers work on a 6'1"? probs 150-160 lbs, 6-10% BF, only have estimates.
i think i just traversed the auschwitz/baby otter border. the ribcage and scapula are no longer poking through but rather are sheathed in muscle. lots more definition, acceptable strength gains for < 3 months
6'2" here. How much will I weigh when I'm lifting 1/2/3/4?
There's no way you're only 145 eating 2500 calories a day. Are you an athlete?
I doubt you're actually eating 2500 calories a day desu. You're probably in the 2100 range at that weight.
You need to bump it up to around 2700 calories tho.
OP here, I've been doing legs 2-3x per week for a few weeks, made mad legs gains I guess. How many cals you eating? I've been stuck at 160 forever eating ~3,500-3,800 per day Best guess probably minimum 200lbs, as long as it's muscle weight.
Same ive been doing ss so 2-3x per week for squats. I hit a wall at 170 then i hit another wall at 195. It probably is food, im usually between 2800 and 3200 calories.
It was more of a rough estimate based on the food I eat in an average day, so you guys might be right but it shouldn't be too far off.
For most of my life I've been told I have fast metabolism, but from what I understand that's just meme science.
I need to start diligently counting my calories, I guess. I'm pretty new to the whole being healthy thing.
I know your pain bro. Eat more, medium-sized meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 huge meals. And eat a PB&J every night before bed with a glass of milk.
There is no way you have that chest and arms at 170, 6'4".
I am 6'4" 194, and don't have that chest.
Also how do you not have visible abs?
I do, maybe I just have good genetics lol. Thanks for gassing me up. I've only been lifting for like a month since that pic was taken, I swear to god I'm not trolling you.
& I almost never train core, I hate it. Got a good ab workout?
5'11, 150lbs
1 rep max bench press 110lbs
can't squat with the bar because I don't have the flexibility to put my hands behind my back like that
>130 lbs
i'm making gains i think. my appetite is getting bigger and i'm eating more. i think im gonna make it. my goal is to be at least 145 lbs by the end of summer.
>file deleted
What's your diet like?
>130 lbs
No lifts, I tried for a bit but I don't eat enough to gain. I'm getting my first pay at the end of July, I'll eat as much as I can and resume my shitty routine. I don't care about being aesthetic at this point, I just want to put on as much weight as possible with as much muscle as I can to get out of skelly mode
I'd be okay with a higher bodyfat percentage if there's a good base underneath, I can always cut but I'm reaching dangerous levels of skelly
i used to just eat one bowl of noodles or something a day and a lot of junk foods. now i eat more meats and fish and drink more milk. i live by lots of fast food places so i pick something up from there during mid day. still eat lots of pasta as well.
Eat 4-5 meals a day with at least one source of protein (chicken, beef, fish). A couple glasses of milk a day and lots of water (for general health reasons). Lots of carbs too.
Remember, 4-5 medium meals is better than 2-3 huge ones.
>and lots of water
bad advice for a skelly
every glass of water you drink is literally throwing 200 calories away
What should I drink then?
One month in, gained 5 pounds so far, 5 foot 8, 123 lbs
Former Skelly here. 6'3 180lbs, now 225lbs
>OHP 185
>DL 450
>Bench 225x8
You have no business thinking about cutting. You have nothing to cut for and your strength is shit. With a slow clean bulk, you shouldn't be seriously cutting until you get closer to 1/2/3/4
>Are you taking any stimulants? Esp amphetamines?
>Can't get hungry
1) Maybe you're eating too many fats.Fats are an appetite killer (which is why a couple spoonfuls of pnut butter keep you full for a while)
2) I've found that if you fall back and get lazy about eating at a surplus for 5 days or so, your stomach shrinks....like I can't eat as much I usually do. So maybe you need to force feed yourself for a few days. It'll be unpleasant for a few days but grin your teeth and bear it.
3) Eat your healthy, calorie dense food at night. Whole milk, peanut butter, etc.
hanging leg raises x infinity
i try for 4x15 then break then 3x10-15
every other day
>6'3' 180
is this guy serious right now
there's no calories in water, that's what you drink if you're on a diet
whole milk
I'm 6'4 and 165 :( help
Bro, keep trying, the mobility will come. And play with grip width.
whats ur diet, i was in ur shoes a few weeks ago and ive gained like 5 pounds
Help yourself. Eat and do big compound lifts.
If I jut my neck forward I can just barely reach the bar with my fingertips
while it rests at the top of my neck/base of my skull
gonna take quite a while I guess
Water is what u drink if youre a human, r u retarded?
I am so sorry
>Water is what u drink if youre a human, r u retarded?
Brah, if I drank water I'd lose weight
if I lose much more weight, I will get weaker and eventually die.
> tfw in this emaciated sack of twig shit
> 5'9" 140 or so
> barely any body hair or facial hair
> lift these 28 lb Dumbbells in my room with bicep curls two arm tricep extensions shrugs and bent over rows, actually see arms gains even though arm is still nonexistent
> dont even do chest exercises because I probably can't even bench 20 pounds
> bike 45 miles a week
Do you have forward-rounded shoulders? Slouched back? Scoliosis? ANything?
So are you going to start lifting or what?
>forward-rounded shoulders? Slouched back?
yes and yes
> bike 45 miles a week
if you wanna get strong as a skeleton, dont bike if you can walk, dont walk if you can stand, dont stand if you can sit
Fine, you found us
6'7" 190 formerly 215 aiming for 250
>> bike 45 miles a week
well there's your problem
literally me 2 months ago
no one will ever know the struggle of being both a manlet and a skellington
we're all gonna make a bra
69kg 2 years ago
87kg with abs 1 year ago
70kg in January (depressed fag lost gains)
79kg now
I really like biking though. I commute to work it's 4.5 miles downhill then 4.5 miles back uphill
I don't want to stop doing an activity I enjoy thatalso helps with cardio
Been such a lazy cunt all my life that trying to get into any routine pisses me off and I go back to doing nothing all day
Then accommodate your biking with sufficient calories or quit bitching. Plain and simple.
Were you born with this condition? Or did it come from too much desk sitting and vidya?
*Cross your fingers for the latter
You're never going to make it with that attitude. Go to the gym for like 3 weeks and it'll become a habit. Just take it day by day and stop being a bitch.
>6'3" 180lbs
>2500 cal in healthy foods during day
>big serving of nachos with beef/other toppings for dinner
A good day of bulking for this skeleton
get a moped from some junkie off craigslist and throw your bike in storage
making gains isn't about enjoying things unless you enjoy binge eating all day every day and heavy lifting
>Or did it come from too much desk sitting and vidya?
hard to say, I don't remember when I was young if I had it
probably the latter since I've been sitting at a desk my whole life
>6'3 140lbs
holy shit Skeletor can you bend time and summon a semen death ray yet
jokes aside you can channel that anger into lifting and when you see that pump it might encourage you to keep going
Fuck it this is my best shot. 6'2ish and 175-180lbs. My squat is fucking dogshit at 185 even though I've been lifting a year. I make good strength gains when I squat, but I always run into a problem after a couple weeks of doing it. I either get a pain in my lower left back, right knee, or both knees. I don't want to snap all of my shit up so I stop.
What am I doing wrong? I thought my form was fine.
lets just say you'll be a big guy
Ok, this is good news. It's totally reversible, I'd bet.
Check out some videos on youtube for fixing rounded shoulders and posture. Also you'll want to check out how to improve thoracic mobility. Check out the videos for that, but also work on foam rolling your back, where the roller is perpendicular to your spine, and you're letting your back stretch out, with the roller acting as a fulcrum. Does that make sense?
Do you have any access to a trainer who specializes in powerlifting? Can you save up and see a trainer at a powerflifting gym near you?
And do you have rock hard abs?
Do I qualify for this thread now or am I still skinnyfat?
6'2'' 158lbs
Also best way to get in calories is to just eat alot during the day and have your most of your fats and protien be apart of your last meal since fat and protien are very sating
Thing is is I honestly don't think there are any around me lol
Stop sucking your tummy in.
What's your city
get someone at the gym to check your form, is all i can recommend. If you're not doing a few warmup reps with just the bar to get your form down before every session then that might help. Even after squatting for a while you may still go to the gym one day and have your stance be off an inch which can make a difference
having minimal gains is still vastly better than accidentally hurting yourself and being out for a while
it makes sense and I'll give it a shot
if you had to guess, how long would it take for me to get to a place where I can hold the bar in the correct position on my back?
like, a month, years?
You qualify, now get big.
Looks like you have good chest potential but you look narrow as shit
Peoria, IL
Would any personal trainer work? Cause if that's the case I might just suck up and get one for a couple of sessions.
My friend hyped up creatine to me as a good mass gainer, is it any good?
not only are you a skeletor but a time traveler as well
a month for sure if you're disciplined about Increasing
>shuoulder mobility
>thoracic mobility
>rounded shoulders
Also, some yoga and core work would probably help you out too. Focus on your mobility for the next month, maybe not so much lifting. Then when you have the mobility, start doing the big lifts, and add in mobility work as needed. Make ssense?
I'm not... I mean it's slightly *sucked* because I'm standing up straight but other than that i make no extra effort.
Thank you user, so if I'm just narrow does that mean I don't have child bearing hips? Because I've been thinking that I do. But I also don't have shoulders so...
Fuck no any personnal trainer won't work. 9/10 in globo-gyms don't know shit about the big lifts, they are still stuck in the 90s.
Standby, I'm gonna look for you.
my lifts are still shit after like 9 months of lifting :(
highest i've done for 3x5:
>OHP: 85lbs
>bench press: 135lbs
>squat: 180lbs
>deads (1x5): 230lbs
although I did 1x1 squat at 225 yesterday for the first time after my working sets which I was kinda proud of