>racemixing is wro-
Racemixing is wro-
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wow its a white girl with nappy hair.
>2/10 face with pube hair
okay fag
>I'm attracted to her so she's white
love this meme. you go back too.
>he doesnt piss in the Veeky Forums toiletbowl
just lol @ u
lol, yall gay
check out those lardy pure white genetics running behind her tho
Race mixing IS wrong and disgusting
>that tattoo
fucking dropped and im serious
she's hot
I still am most attracted to my race like most healthy people
And people on Veeky Forums complain that they're virgins
Guy who said race mixing is disgusting
I'm not a virgin. What now?
>Veeky Forums
Tattoos are for slaves
I'm the male version of her, life on easymode is pretty good. It's cool because I get no competition from other mulattos, they look like bad experiments all the time, I almost look engineered, fuck...also I would destroy OP's girl pussy with the force of a thousand suns.
Blondies and reheads are my favourite, but man...when I found a girl like that, nothing else exists until I smashed her to pieces
gimme that nubian queen 3rd from right she look hella thick
>*slowly saves webm*
fucking niggers die hate you all get your own planet urrrgh!
i don't know why but I love that frizzy kind of hair, so fucking sexy.
>frizzy hair
Perfect combination.
same, I'd sniff them like a creep, probably smell like fresh coconut and chamomile
these are too still for me, OP's are ten times more my thing
She knows she's something rare, probably harder to get than any other girl, white girls are easier to get so fuck you I'll do what I can.
thread over
you are one big bitch for posting that, you knew my dick would explode...hope you catch a cold, brb gotta fap
>people trying to act like blacks aren't the least desirable race
I'd put asians last, blacks would be 2nd or 3rd most desireable for me. different strokes i suppose.
this is straight up ghetto trash
Ugh nasty
Her boobs and ass are way too big man
so was this a dude or were people just tired of the spam theads of her pics?
regardless, post more
I really wish my mother hadn't chose a spic
>1st: White or hispanic
>2nd: Light-skinned black
>3rd: asian
>4th: dark-skin black
works for me since Latina/hispanic is my #1 choice.
holy shit, didnt you used to post on the diaper fetish subreddit a while ago? then got super mad because people found out you were trans and downvoted your stuff because they wanted to see real girls in diapers?
Nah, she's a nigga. Even her skin tone is nigger level. And look at her face, kinda looks like a monkey.
The secret we're missing here is that your odds are still best with a black woman, even if you're white.
Because no one wants them, yeah
They are loud and obnoxious (like all blacks) on top of being pig disgusting. It takes race mixing to make a half decent looking black person.
The half is the white side btw
I'm gonna need a source.
christina santini
say goodbye to your thread
Holy shit that dude is a fantastic dancer, I thought he was gonna break his ankles at one point!
in heels too
lost my shit when he started scooting around on his knees
The way he moves reminds me of those white people from Kindgom Hearts 2
we president now
What the fuck
The only people complaining about "race" mixing are /pol/tards low test incels who wouldn't even fuck by paying. Actual white men fucked every race when they conquered a place.
Did I just watch someone die? ....
im surprised nobody has told me >reeee /pol get out yet
fucking kek
I once banged some girl who lived in the hood. her room mates were a black couple that would leave 3 kids in a room by themselves on the weekend.
shit parents
I said this outloud too lmao
beautiful culture
this one isnt related, i just want to see what it is because i forgot
niggers make me ill
>I'd put asians last
having an opinion this shit
Jesus fucking Christ that cunt needs to go to prison
god damn. this is brutal
the sad thing is she probably thinks its a fun way to play with her kids
>that title
kekked hard
>Tour de Troit
>that ass on a white girl
you wish
you have to go back
almost out of webms now
post more