...bro that's not getting a girl's number
rofl the fucking autists who come to /fit
...bro that's not getting a girl's number
rofl the fucking autists who come to /fit
I'm a turboautist who fell in class once. I can't believe she even wanted to talk.
Make random small talk first, like ask what shes up to and shit.
If she gives closed and short responses then forget it, shes not interested. If she gave you her number then she probably is interested to some degree so don't fucking worry about it, you can't fuck this up. At worst she isn't interested and then everyone can move on with their lives.
After a few messages about random crap, ask what shes up to on *day and time soon*, and simply ask if she would like to do something.
Don't fucking go with dinner for the first date, you are too autistic to do dinner properly because it becomes entirely about your ability to keep conversation interesting.
Bowling is a great idea, or ice skating, golf driving range, archery or any other shit you have nearby. if she seems like she would enjoy physical things then choose one of those because it often gives you reason to touch her or hold hands without it being an obvious sexual move. These kind of activities give a continuous thing to talk and laugh about.
Cinema or a gig is also an acceptable idea because it doesn't require much talkng, but it can still be awkward in some cases because you end up wondering if you should touch her, put your arm round her etc..
If this date goes well, absolutely make sure she knows you want to see her again, and make plans for some time next week. You can make the move at this time too if you want, just give her a kiss. The worst that can happen is rejection which is NEVER as bad as waiting forever for her to make a move and it not happening. Women don't make the moves in 99% of cases so man up and do it.
Fuck her pssy
>being this autistic
But seriously you can't just jump into things if the reason you got her number was for exams. Wait for an exam to come up and THEN begin the small talk. Keep at it for a week or two then do
>fell in class once
Just laugh it off. Stuff like this isn't a big deal unless you make it a big deal
>that's not getting her number, that's her being friendly
I bet you posted this 'interaction' in a mirin thread
I love Victoria Justice.. You can never shake off that secret bond you have with the first girl you masturbated to, I think I was 11.
Tell us more.
women are humans
talk to her like a human
be an honest friend