What can Veeky Forums eat a million of, and not get fat

What can Veeky Forums eat a million of, and not get fat.

Hard mode: High-Quality Flavor

Even if a food had 0.5kcal per portion, that would still be 500,000kcal. What time frame is this million to be consumed across?

Cherry tomatoes.

Basically all fruits.

Broccoli, strawberries, blueberries, spinachs, Roman lettuce, asparagus, mushrooms...

One million millionths of a chocolate bar.

There isn't even that much chocolate in the world.

Gluten free ice cubes

well before you are able to eat enough broccoli I'm sure you would puke.

beansprouts probably, 100g is like 20 calories and that's a shitload of sprouts

One million millionths of a chocolate bar = 1 chocolate bar

Millionth is 1/1000000 so 1000000x1/1000000 is one chocolate bar

i always found the food in dbz to look absolutely delicious

Lol no, thats not how it works.

I've always wanted to close down a buffet with Goku

200 000/1 000 000

>Veeky Forums in charge of 2nd grade math

>newfags needing to calibrate their bait detectors

That feeling when you gain weight super easy so bulking is hell and cutting is hell.

>You will never be able to eat like goku and train all day in high gravity to burn 100k calories.
>You will never eat chinese steam buns all day and rice and never ending proteins.

>Why am I still alive?

There probably aren't enough third grade teachers in the world to give you basic reading comprehension skills


tiny ice cubes


Dihydrogen monoxide molecules

You should learn how to do math, mate.

Powdered water

I've been eating a lot of raw broccoli; it's better every day.