You get on average 1% a day returns. For example, last couple of days I got 1.59% returns. The average time for a return on inital investment is like 3 months.
If you join consider using my ref ;)
You get on average 1% a day returns. For example, last couple of days I got 1.59% returns. The average time for a return on inital investment is like 3 months.
If you join consider using my ref ;)
>thinking something will crash having retards printing infinite tether, television talking about it and Wall Street.
It will never end. Even if bitfinex gets shut down they just send the wallet and the last to generate tether to some other exchange/business group and they will keep pumping it forever.
Thanks for the explanation. Sounds dope as fuck, Carlos was right. I don't live up there so I can't :(. Sorry.
only 1%? bitpetite had like 4%. Maybe that's why it crashed so fast.
diarrhea petite was run by a pajeet who shits on a street.
betpetite was a straight up scam. Bitconnect is legit and will be around for a few more years, easy. Crypto has a long way to go still.
who the fuck is carlos?
now he shits on a golden toilet after riding his lambo with his pajeet scort and diamond rings.
That's pretty much my hope, I can get in fast enough to cash out before it gets too big.
There's no doubt in my mind it's going to end badly however.. the whole system is the complete definition of a ponzi scheme but if it gets big enough it can last for long enough time.
Ponzis are a scam but theres plenty people that make money out of them but you have to pretty much consider your money gone the second you invest it
Hey Hey Heeey
Hey Hey Heeeeey
Hey Hey Heeey
BTFO bittttttcooooo
>but you have to pretty much consider your money gone the second you invest it
Bingo. I don't keep track of much except the $100 a day i collect off of Bitconnect. But i've made back my initial so many times over it doesn't matter how much i have "invested" in bitconnect when I'm making passive gains every day.