How do I stop being submissive? What is the point in getting shredded when I still want women to fucking cuckold me...

how do I stop being submissive? What is the point in getting shredded when I still want women to fucking cuckold me, and daren't do any cold approaches because i'm scared of the "Alpha male" noticing and calling me out?

I know this sounds irrational, but this is what think when I am in social situations. If I approach the girl, and a guy who doesn't like it notices, he's going to either laugh at me and make a massive fuss over it or get aggressive with me.

I am fixing my body Veeky Forums, but how do I fix my mind?

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Jordan. Bee. Peterson.

well, what makes you want to be a cuck? honest question

I#ve been listening to him a bit, and everything he says is fucking golden. I'm not being a cunt over the internet here, but I don't get how this fits into my question.

Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius/Book of Daniel in the Bible. Alot of wisdom in there.

I have no fucking idea. Whenever I fap, it's to cucko0ld or femdom porn.

My first fap was when i was 13, and that was too a dominatrix. I'm not socially awkward, I have plenty of friends and a good job. But I desire to bet he submissive one in relationships. I fear rejection ridiculously, andn ot being ableto satisfy a woman in bed. I've had sex with 3 women, 2 were disasters, didn't cum at all, and kept going flaccid. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Do i have to create successful sexual encounters before I start feeling more dominant and begin to stop liking cuckold porn?

Fetishes are fetishes just don't act on them user, l have a rape fetish and l have never been close to raping anyone, if anything l'm against rape

Stop watching porn you fucking retard.

Ware you raised by a single mom and/or fed soy as a kid?

stop watching porn

Quads it is a sign from Odin.

This is speculative questioning but pls answer cause this would be interesting to know
I was raised by my sister for the most part, cause my mom had cancer, but I did have a father figure (I thought he was my dad until my teens when I figured out otherwise) that was in and out of my life. I fetishizes femdom, but I think what keeps me on track was my mothers hard Christian faith and my disdain for adultery. Learning to be fit from my uncle and be masculine from my father saved me from deep rooted submissiveness, but I think that being sexually submissive isn't a bad thing, as long as it doesn't lead to degenerate fornication or disgusting sacrilege of the relationship(like cuckholding)
Sorry to pull a Varg on you, but seriously, OP, stop watching porn and try to cut down on masturbating or do nofap

Mum and dad divorced when I was 8. Saw my dad quite frequently. Mum was and still tries to be over nurturing, did everything for me.

I get where you are coming from. My dad was and is quite masculine, stories from my uncles about him on nights out when they were all younger, he could pull a different woman EVERY fucking night. He is very handsome, deep voice, doesn't lift though. VERY charismatic, big shit eating grin and huge smile. Not afraid to make a comment to a random stranger about something funny. He used to run a large business, until his mum died, and then he sort of just lost his will to succeed in business.

I WISH I was my dad in many ways. He's not shy, he doesn't mind fighting, he gives great advice.

And then there is me, always in my head, second guess everything I could say incase I end up saying something awkward. Always thinking what to say next in a conversation.

I've tried plenty of times stopping fapping, went 2 weeks once. But i still felt submissive, and wanted to wank to cuckold porn. it got me thinking that maybe this is just how I am, like it's so wired into my brain that I can't stop.

stop watching porn

2 weeks, you have spent the majority of your life feeding your brain with fetish pornography,

wiring you brain to only ejaculate to degenerate cuckold porn, it's going to take longer than 2 weeks. Find a way to quit porn or always be a cucked loser.

fix your self-esteem. liking femdom has nothing to do with it though

Wait unironically? top fucking lel

the only people who I think can enjoy being cucked are people with extremely low self worth, as no self respecting man would want his girl to essentially cheat in front of his face.

You are the way you are because you have developmental issues stemming from maternal presence and authority. Sadly there is no way around it. We tend to look at Freud as significant only in the way he revolutionized theories of psychological imprinting, but dismiss his theories themselves because they make us uncomfortable. It should suffice to say that he was right and will always be right.

just go on fetlife and find a dom.
my gf is aggressive and im a switch. works out pretty well. because if my gf says something dumb at a party. my muscle appearance usually saves her from being called out. even tho im not much of a fighter

OP I literally don't understand you or how you're like this, but here is the actual answer to everything:

> 1. Lift weights

> 2. What is it that recognizes you as "submissive"? Obviously, it's some awareness. Try to focus on that, and then at the same time, watch the "submissiveness" or the "submissive" you, as if you were just a witness, an observer, and let it be there, nonjudgementally.

> 3. Literally lift. Throw out hygiene products and milk, and get more natural replacements. There's something chemically fucking you up, on some level. Do you eat Kraft stuff? What TV shows are you watching? Etc. etc.

Influences onto your subconscious and psyche are innumerable and multileveled; they will come from the food you eat, to subliminal messages in the advertising you watched in between dinner and dessert that resonated with some experience in your childhood.

Ultimately, the problem stems from treating it like a "problem" - i.e. something innately "difficult" to solve, it's intrinsically " hard" to get over the challenge - and not just simply being aware of it.

You're really a dumb faggot because I could honest to God charge thousands or millions of dollars to this, and I'm giving to you this for free. Just don't ask. If you're still having the same """" problem """" after 2 weeks, after being handed 3 fucking easy things to just instantly overcome it at any time, then you're a fucking worthless idiot.

Best of luck, no joke. Keep lifting!

- anonioei

terrible advice.
girl here most gym guys i've dated are the most submissive in bed.

You can't. All men are naturally submissive and all women are naturally dominant because wrong doing is pleasurable. Accept this and discard wordly pleasures for what's right if you don't feel that an immoral lifestyle is for you.

>but I don't get how this fits into my question
Re-evaluate your relationship with your mother as if she were just another person, and then women in general

Just accept yourself mate. You can't change who you are deep down. I used to struggle with my bisexuality but I've accepted it now, life is much more smooth.

just shoot up some test

Source of this claim?

>Actively wanting to remove oneself from the genepool
that's a new level of suicide right there

Low test and/or overconsumption of porn. Go have your T-levels checked and stop fucking watching porn, the kike who had a porn imperium in the US admitted he did it because he knew about the negative effects and wanted to take down the west.

this. also the cuckhold and submissiveness thing is probably purely sexual

so stop watching porn and it should fix itself


Let me put it this way.

You find yourself in a situation where you want change in your life. Why is that? The answer is: because you're suffering; you've been living pathologically, which has made your life a living hell.

And the moment that you realized that you're in Hell, is the moment that your "eyes opened"; when you learned something new and you didn't like it. What you learned was, apparently, that you are far too submissive, i.e. agreeable.

And because you didn't like it, you instinctively try to revert back to your old habits, because that's what you know and that's how it's always been and that's how you liked it before. But what has been seen can never be unseen; "Dad's not home", like Peterson puts it. Here, in your case, the Father is that organization / framework where you've dug yourself a nice little submissive niche.

But it seems that you've had a little taste of what life might be like for you if you could poke your head out of that niche and maybe be a little bit more assertive and get something for little old You for a change (am I right?). Only you don't know how to do that, because you've never tried to really live like that; in that assertive, "give me"-manner.

So what do you have to do? There's no going home, cos dad's not home anymore. Your eyes are open and you can see the cobwebs in the house. What to do? ... Rescue your Father & clean up your house. In plain English: You cannot go back to your old life. You need to start working to change yourself.

That's the relevance of the video. Peterson has ofc a bunch of videos about how you actually go about changing yourself. Prowl about the channel Bite Sized Philosophy on YT for them.

not the user you were responding to but his channel is very insightful, thanks for the share

Don't listen to anything said in this thread, everyone's missing the main point.

Are you listening?
Was that loud enough?

Submission/femdom is the most common kink among business tycoons and politicians i.e men of power.

Equating your sexuality to your persona is your problem. Be assertive, engage women, take the lead and ask them to dominate you. You sound like a 15 year old discovering that anal isn't "a fetish".

I love watching you retards talk about sex.

Beta genetics give beta results, its over for you boyo, just let Chad cuck you and hope you can slip one in while he's out to still reproduce.

anal is a fetish

>vanilla spotted


It's hard to tell how much of it is real.

>the kike who had a porn imperium
His name?


get the degeneracy out of your mind.

Martial arts train and reprogram your ability to correctly perceive social hierarchies correctly and can be a good way to correct the defective neurological imprint you acquired in that regard during your development years.

If you wanna know why or how it works or want to know other amazing neurological stuff read the book from picture attached.

Not OP, but my levels were on the low side a year ago. I need to go back and check them again. When I first went in the endo took a look at my beard and told me I was just fat.

You had a thick beard or patchy?


Or at least long enough to cover up any patchyness. It's a pretty good beard.

Bruh, your body adapts to whatever you do to it. If you keep fapping to cuck porn, your brain will associate it with arousal and adapt. I used to be super into futa and then started to think about being bi and that freaked me out because I was not ready for that so I cut it from my acceptable porn list and now it doesn't get me up anymore. Fucking stop watching cuck porn, rationally convince yourself hat you deserve to be in control in your relationships, and reuse those pathways until those thoughts become standard.

Becoming Alpha isn't about "discovering yourself", it's effectively about developing a self-brainwashing regimen to turn you into the person YOU want to be.

No, keep watching porn, it's a great way to learn experimentation in sex, but cut down your actual ejaculation. Never go to completion and your test levels won't drop. Plus, sexual frustration is great for workouts so, you know, do that.

It's a proven fact that people that emulate a specific personality type for long enough genuinely develop that personality type. All you have to do is ask yourself "what's the manliest thing to do right now?" and then force yourself to do it while leaving yourself no outs. Eventually, it will just come naturally.