What age to start lifting

Hi /fit

What age is it safe to start lifting?

I'm keen to get my son into lifting but I don't want to start too early and ruin his development.

He's only 1 so it'll be a while off but I'd rather prepare him early.

>pic for attention


I'd say when he's a toddler. From what I've seen there's no evidence that show lifting ruins development.

just dont let him eat garbage and he'll be fine, its a waste of time to lift before he's in his late teens

>He's only 1
What is happening to this board?

This is b tier shitposting

how is that b tier? Just thinking about his future mate, I know it's quite a few years down the track.


Thanks for the laugh, mate
It seems you wont get many replies now maybe try later in 5 or 6 hours

Which isn't to say he should not be active. Being active through your formative years will have an effect on tendon/bone strength as well as skeletal structure (posture, flat feet, knock knees, shoulder width, wrist size, etc.)

Get him into sports and athletics. Worry about lifting in his late teens. As a competetive judo coach, I've long believed gymnastics to be the best and most versatile foundation.

You can't your kid touch a weight until he's in high school minimum otherwise he'll be screwed for life. Trust me my kid brushes up against some dumbbells and look at him now!

Start on his 16th birthday.

I started at 15 and regret it tbqh, injured my lower back, mainly cause I was lifting with no guidance so yeah...

Start at 16 and make sure he doesn't round his back when squatting ahah

Get him into other sports beforehand, gymnastics is a good one.

If he's old enough for play sports he's old enough to lift. With your supervision, it's perfectly safe and won't stunt his development or hurt him in any way. Just don't go full "PUSH IT FAGGOT LIGHT WEIGHT BABYYYY" until he at least approaches his teenage years.
Make it a part of the daily routine in your household. Allow him to watch TV/play vidyas/whatever AFTER his workout, and take something pleasant away from him if he ditches, like Friday night dessert or some shit like that.

>b tier
what the fuck are you talking about

Just get him to play sports, it's safer to leave lifting till he's 16 or so

underage detected
15 is fine.
until then do pushups and chinups

i guess this is a question you should ask to a doctor, not to broscientists

let him play sports at least up to 15.
social gains wil be made teambuilding with people his age

SS said somewhere there's no evidence lifting hinders development, and weights can just be adapted.

You should make sure your kid doesn't get fat, and make him play a sport like football or basketball or something that he likes from a young age. He can then start lifting at around 14, so he will be more muscular than his peers and become the high school Chad, and won't end up on /r9k/.

Every age is safe for calisthenics i.e. don't be a lazy piece of crap before you start lifting. You can still be strong.
For lifting I'd say 16.

athletes start weightlifting training at 10 years old
they usually go through gymnastics before it too, at least in china.

there really isn't.
george leeman lifts like a madman since his teens and he's 6'3".

I was in oly at 15, nor for long though. I ended being 6'0 anyways

Serious answer get him into gymnastics when he is of age. He will get an insane strength base and gain athleticism. Other thank that just let him be a kid and play sports and run around. Don't feed him shit and he will be good to go. Don't even worry about weights until high school

Raise him while keeping him chubby. He'll thank you for the massive calves when he's older. Make sure to make fun of his weight from time to time. When he's 16, convince him to ask out a girl that's way out of his league. Help him use that crushing blow of rejection for workout fuel. He'll be one magnificent son of a bitch after coming off a 16 year bulk.

just have him do a ton of team sports. he'll be lean af, develop dexterity and endurance, and make friends. lifting for gains i'd say high school.