Veeky Forums
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Health #421
Post this shot and rate, weak chins only
Friendly reminder that body>>>>face
Hey Veeky Forums, please help a chubby girl
Tfw alien arms
Keking at all the lads who shave when only fatties, skellies, and gay men like waxed lads...
Why aren't you vegan?
One doesn't matter, my macros are in check
What do I do if I am too anxious to be in a gym?
Tfw you fail while bench pressing only 95 pounds
Tfw can't deadlift the bar
ITT:Music for lifting
CBT made it edition
Boogie wife will dump him after surgery
Doing a 1 on 1 boxing lesson today. What can I expect?
Why don't you have a fit girlfriend? Non fit girls are just disgusting
Thermodynamics BTFO yet again
/fat/ - ">tfw when mom mires me" edition
88lbs ohp after 8 months
Indians are now the Fitness Master Race
Brain training general
Deadlift Anthems thread
What are your favorite keto foods?
Jump rope
Bulgarian Squat
Why even lift anymore????
People who get laid with hot girls, how good is it?
How do I cope with being a bottom 10 % social skills and looks male? My cynicism about life can't get higher...
What's in your gymbag Veeky Forums?
Intermittent Fasting
Vegan General
Veeky Forums, what is this clean bulk nonsense? Surely, gaining muscle and losing fat is plausible on a deficit
Adam ruins Veeky Forums. Adam tackles myth about nutrition
Eight months of gym, Natty
Just eat less calories, bro. You're guaranteed to lose wei-
Post-workout protein?
This kills the gains
Go ahead user, flex a 'cep
FPH / FPS Fat people hate/stories
Should I do front squats? Never done them before
1.71m, 83.5kg
Are women really gainz goblin?
WTF is his problem?
Boogies wife isn't supporting his weight loss eff-
/run/ - "It's too hot outside, I'm longing for fall" edition
You're... bulking?
Rate me ? 11 months between pictures. I do heavy lifting
/fph/ - Fatribution edition
Chubby Female on Tinder
Need to drink milk in order to get healthy strong bones
Honestly, where to vegans get all their nutrients from? Do all of them just take supplements?
You become this person's personal trainer
So Veeky Forums, what have you done in the past couple days to better yourself mentally?
Is fasting the fucking future of weightloss?? There seem to be so so much advantages
Friendly reminder to sit up straight and practice good ergonomics
Cycling not even once
BF estimate
What are your opinions on sarms?
I stalled in 3 plate deadlift for 4 years
I hate powerlifters
I hate carnists
What does it mean to "make it"?
Tfw seeing the starting strength shitposts
Bulking on $100 a month need some help. Broke as fuck boys. List some cheap foods
I feel like I don't Understand Anything Anymore
What are some good routines to do when I'm ready to move on from Stronglifts?
Forearms DOMS
The happy alpha thread
Aquatic ape theory
I hate smokers
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
User, are you sexually active?
What does your mum think of your gains?
Who here exclusively lifts at night?
Is it rude to hit on a chick unsolicited at the gym...
Why do curvy women love hairy men?it's something I've always noticed (actual curves, from hormones...
Sculpt your goal physique
Home gym thread
Sup Veeky Forums
That feeling right after you finish lifting and sit down
So, when did you realize what Big Poop doesn't want you to know?
So let's say this happens to you. Does your dick ever recover?
Hey fags what do I say?
Does fish oil actually have any benefits for strength training/bodybuilding or am I just being jewed?
Who here making /facegain/?
What's his deal?
That Mexican manlet at gym mean mugging people working out
Conducting a study Veeky Forums. How much is the circumference of your arm and how much do you bench press?
Redpill me on keto
How can I develop my quads without hitting my glutes...
How will Veeky Forums react when adam ruins their entire worldview?
Reminder that you aren't truly Veeky Forums unless you work a hard labor job
How jacked should i get before i move to Mexico for a few years boys...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Veeky Forums gamers
/sg/ - skeleton general
Natty training is pointless
Abs tips
The you bulk a little too hard and go full bear-mode
Got my year gym pass today, so I'm going to start doing this shit tomorrow. I've already been fixing my shit diet...
Veeky Forums will defend this
Where does Veeky Forums rank on the Kinsey scale?
Need sauce ideas to go with chicken and rice. Preferably very low fat, low salt, low sugar...
Is it fucked up to name my kid Hercules...
Are there actually good health arguments for eating meat other than "muh bee twuh elf"...
New /fitlit/ thread. we had one yesterday and it was pretty cool there
Alright Veeky Forums I'm a girl and wanted to get buff not just fit but muscular every workout for girls always seems...
Why do people shit on crossfit when everyone who does it looks good (and the girls are qts)?
/fat/ "keep going and never give up" edition
Post your goal body
Yo, I was using that bench little bitch
I give up. I don't wanna be natty anymore
I just realised i acted beta as shit
Is it possible to be offensive against a grizzly bear? Does yelling and charging at them...
You've just entered the gym, ready to do some heavy squats, when you see the only power cage occupied by webm related
Seriously what the fuck is this guys diet?
What do normies think of your gains?
Should all white men work for a tan?
Those fucking forearms, those wrists and hands, what the fuck
Tfw there is literally ZERO VIDEO EVIDENCE of a barbell deadlift causing a SPINAL injury
At doc's office
*Delays your Amazon Prime order*
Veeky Forums SHIT
What's the worst amount of junk food you have eating in your life?
ITT things you telll yourself to finish that last rep
You got me good Veeky Forums
Biggest piece of serious, non-obvious advice for speeding up and maximizing gains in the gym?
Who's the most aesthetic celebrity?
What one single lifestyle change, gym exercise, diet alteration...
While trying to gain weight, is there a problem with getting most of my calories from bread?
Is going to the gym inherently gay? I mean just look at scooby
Need advice on how to get my traps to "pop"
Getting in shape
What bf% is this?
Cousin sister calls me up
Hey, I'm going to do a waterfast
What is the point of lifting if you look like this...
Has your taste in women changed since you started lifting?
/fraud/ steroids general
Dubs decide what to say next
Has anyone seen "into the wild"? Im about to do it what can go wrong?
Beginner here, just working out at home with bodyweight and a 25 pound dumbbell. 6'0 and 155lbs 16%ish BF...
Start to squat
How did he go from Eugene McFatty to Chad Bradson?
What would an optimal diet be like? I would say no dairy, low in fat other than olive oil...
How long do you stay at the gym
How do I convince my boyfriend to lose weight when he doesn't have the incentive to do so...
Supplements thread
Have you had your /sips/ yet today?
Why is the vegan "plant-based" diet being pushed so hard right now...
Is lifting a holy cause?
/FPH/ - Fat People Hate
Who is stronger? Who wins in a fight?
I have a theory on why Eric's method works. You see unlike all other methods, even brosplit...
Daily reminder that the HEALTHIEST diet is one that sticks to fish for meat sources
Got Veeky Forums
Base Form: Average non lifter
/uni/ general
/TMG/ Turbo Manlet General
ITT we draw a paint picture of an exercise and other anons guess what it is
Got a gf
Will Boogie dethrone Jeff Said to become the king of Veeky Forums if he manages to get to a healthy weight?
*blocks your path*
This is my waifu
Boogie doesn't need the surger-
Reminder that not using gloves is cucking yourself out of your gains for no reason other than "hurr I'm badass for...
Reminder that if you're doing one of the following:
Give me one reason why I shouldn't spend all of my time on Working, Studying and going to the gym
What makes a man alpha?
Why are you sad right now Veeky Forums?
Cringe: Veeky Forums edition
Is Wendler's 5/3/1 + BBB a Veeky Forums approved program?
Are you against having gyms for beautiful people only? I think this world is long overdue for some
I hope you have a good workout today user! And then maybe after... we could... I don't know... maybe cuddle for a while?
Doing planks
How do you drink your coffee?
Why we lift
Why do people talk about military personnel like they're the Veeky Forumstest, toughest people on Earth?
How can I sink my T levels so I can try to get my doctor to give me a prescription for some test?
How will Veeky Forumslets ever recover?
What is the best Veeky Forums fetish and why is it impregnation?
High test?
Technically Veeky Forums related question here
*blocks your path*
Why are Muslims almost never aesthetic?
ITT: fictional characters you'll start acting like when you're big enough to pull it convincingly
How can I fuck girls without them finding out I have a girlfriend?
So today in biology class I learned that fat derived from animal sources such as meat, dairy, butter, etc...
WTF did you do to me Veeky Forums
Walk into the gym
Let me make one thing clear
Thinking about quitting lifting...
Been doing this for couple years now and it's much better BUT now my knees have started hurting. Did I fall for a meme?
Following this guy on Snapchat and it's pissing me off. He went from being a fatty to being "in shape" in 2 years...
Another day. another thirsty fat girl...
Do u care about how your ass looks
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Stop eating animal products
Achievable naturally or not?
I am buying gear for the first time tomorrow
Be me
Go to gym
So it turns out meat and dairy are rich in potent estrogens? Why are you still consuming them?
What does Veeky Forums think of tobacco...
Veeky Forums choose your own adventure
Why haven't you gone to a plant-based diet yet?
How long have I been working out for?
Have any of you experienced hair loss/thinning when losing weight or dieting?
Does fit have a HIGH TEST anime waifu?
/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General
What gloves do Veeky Forums uses?
Positive Veeky Forums Feels
I turn him into anything you want
Why the fuck are ufc fighters not huge in terms of muscle mass...
Tfw handsome
More beneficial to deadlift on a pull day or leg day?
What is the true definition of whatever it takes to achieve a six pack...
Veeky Forums help me with the followup pic where she dumped him for chad
Share your easy healthy-ish quick food when on the run and such
Push-up Thread
Just here to say I hate my gf
Rate my tinder profile pathetic virgins
Neural switch to become alpha male
Poverty college kid nutrition edition
This kills the Veeky Forums
What stopped you from going to the gym today Veeky Forums?
Martial Arts Thread
One has to go forever:
Guys should i start going to the gym? Is it worth my time and money?
So you look good, but how's your blood pressure?
Is a beginner lifter still stronger than a sedentary normie? I need to feel superior to somebody
Progress pics
Deadlifting with or without shoes
What's the ideal bf% for a woman?
Is 3/4/5/6 possible?
How tf do you count calories
Morning Routines
/fat/ "afternoon slows" edition
You're not making gains unless you get a pump
Just a reminder you share a board with people like this
Post your perfect Veeky Forums girlfriend
As a natty, should you work muscle groups TWICE or THRICE per week? what is best?
Share your strength stats with us
Lets be honest. "Thicc" is just the fat acceptance movement finally being sneaky
What's Veeky Forums eating?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
T h i c c
Gym crack addict snorted all the chalk AGAIN
How do you prepare your tuna ?
There isn't a cure is there?
/drug/ thread
What kind of milk do Veeky Forums drink?
Is running a meme exercise that does more harm than good?
Why shouldn't fat people love themselves? I'm confused about FPH threads. Why shouldn't someone love themselves...
Getting off the toilet with leg DOMS
So Mark Rippetoe says this
How do you get rid of Acne? Whats the point of being Veeky Forums when your face looks awful
Im fucked
How much gear was he on?
What causes this? Autism?
He fell for the straight bar path meme
I'm putting together my bench and rack
23, otherwise healthy. Had a biopsy done on a mole on my face...
Rowing for cardio
What are you eating today Veeky Forums?
Okay Veeky Forums I need help. I think I may have Klinefelter's
Best exercises for building big triceps
What if instead of a diet I just stop eating food entirely for 3 weeks?
Is this proper depth?
Find something wrong with my diet
Eating like a madman
I haven't been here in years
I saw a documentary on a guy who literally got paralyzed while bench pressing...
How do I keep my boobs while losing weight? I don't have $5000 for plastic surgery
Cultured City People Tier:
Tfw parents wake me up every morning at 10 AM
Is there a workout for confidence and charm?
62% of people in my country are overweight
The virgin workout
You have 10,000 dollaroos to spend on fitness
Enter the gym
Lifting Music
Mom and dad are going to start making me pay $500/mo to live with them soon
Ok, rly need sum help up in this bitch
Any tips for safely deracking the bar while benching...
Dying /sig/ - Wrong Thread to Fuck With
Why is it dumb to lift for pussy ?
Boogie is going to prove all of you wrong
Been on vacation for 3 weeks
Noob here, is blood flow restriction training legit? If so, what should I read before doing it?
Only slept like four hours last night lads. Did I fuck up?
Fuck brehs why does this pic make me so God damn angry
Is bear mode the way to go for natties?
Running shoes
Okay, first time here so I'll make a simple thread
Veeky Forums
Essentials for a home Gym ?
Tfw your gf openly tells you she wants you to get bigger arms
Im done!!! I'm absolutely fucking done...
Hollywood Superheroes
Look More Aggressive
/fraud/ general
/run/ - running
Are most people here virgins?
Can you make it with big round beta eyes?
How can we make the next generation Veeky Forumsizens?
Cringe thread
What are you doing to become enlightened /fit?
Is our current generation becoming more Veeky Forums...
About to enter college
Been sleeping with this girl from tinder
Gym Receptionist
Tfw fell for the OHP meme
Been lifting for almost a year
I dun goofed
Look at this fat guy on twitch
How is this possible?
Why there's so much insecurity in this board, holy shit
How do steroids affect your face?
Insects are the best protein source
Mom is getting fatter and keeps eating ice cream
Face Gains Thread
"zyzz did roids, why shouldnt i do them aswe-"
"Bulking and cutting is a myth bro"
Who here /football/ ?
What would be the ideal way for a woman to start a conversation with a guy in the gym?
Big fat mother fucker
Goals thread?
The fire is gone
I have never seen a fit person post on Veeky Forums
The bars at my gym are rated to 1500lbs. Is there any conceivable reason to load a bar past 1500lbs?
Good /fit majors
Tfw you have a hot wife you gets wet watching you getting autistic with your inevitable 502lbs weighted dip PR
You will never inherent arnie genetics
Brown rice vs white rice
Countries where gear is legal? Do they exist? Egypt maybe? Philippines?
/nofap/ where are my superpowers edition
Y-you too
/fat/ - New thread; new links Edition
Compression pants
Life is shitty and I want to kill myself every day
Weight loss progress thread
What actually is SUPER MALE VITALITY? Does it do anything at all?
Lower back pain general
What would you tell your younger self Veeky Forums? (or you when you just started lifting)
What type of music motivates you guys at the gym
Any of you eat cum? does it help your gains at all?
Friend moves in to my house
Be me
Have i made it?
Tfw Hitler never got to witness the Ubermensch at his physcial peak
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
What's the 1.80 mts of the dick world?
How to gain weight/muscle with a super high metabolism
Bad feels today
100g of proteins
Hey Veeky Forums femanon here, what level of fitness do i need to reach to attract men like pic related?
How can I convince my dad to go Vegan?
How can I get a superhero physique?
You can't build an aesthetic physique with SS
Well, Veeky Forums?
What is the "virgin exercise"?
Why cant vegans keep their way of eating TO THEMSELVES?
V taper all genetic?
Who else gets big to fuck cosplay sluts with ease?
High test thread
How in the ACTUAL FUCK do I get this bod?
I've had fuckarounditis since I started lifting back in February and have made some gains but not as much as I'd like...
What would be a good weightlifting program if I want to get into soccer and basketball?
Started doing sets of 10 pushups every few hours every day
Post why you lift
Anyone else had upper back/neck pain from OHP? What did you do and did it go away?
What's the male equivalent of having a fat ass
First cut advice please? I've been going to the gym for a few months, making some solid gains...
Vegan General
You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not watching the Turkish Oiled Wrestling Grand Finals right now
Is this the natty limit?
A wild thicc daenerys appe-
If you watched this film and still eat meat then you're part of the problem
You will never be as bearmode as pic-related
Help me not buy a random ig fitness girl routine
Hi Veeky Forums
Ruby Classic 2017 Thread
Only 5lbs more to 2pl8 bench
Why are you not Vegan again?
Wants to appear more masculine
OHP 1,5 for reps
Lift for a year
In your opinion which muscles if over developed make women unattractive...
Women truely are the masters of deception. Just smashed a chick i found on okc thinking she was decent...
How do I motivate my bf to turn into a steroid monster like this?
Try to make casual smalltalk with a girl
Enter gym
Daenerys looking THICC
How do you deal with getting old?
Tell me your favorite girl of this series and I can tell you how much you lift
Will fasting 16 hours a day help me lose weight?
Why isn't the barbell row one of the big lifts?
How many years lifting did it take you to realize PPLPPLx is the best routine for naturals?
What's Veeky Forums doing tonight?
He's into thicc (fat) girls
Vegan Athletes
Keto Debunked
/plg/ powerlifting general
No beta mate to intimidate and abuse with my high-test outbursts
Do you miss him?
How did you become more alpha?
Music thread
ITT: individuals, fictional characters, or ideas that inspired you to start lifting
Tfw fit
People treating you before and after
Be 6/10 girl in early 20's
Hiro Approved Metathread
ITT: Post THE WORST fitness mistakes you've experienced
Saturday night boiz
Weight sets
I need Veeky Forumss help for a comic
Any officebros in here?
Why do fat people who lose weight look weird afterwards?
Best way to lose 200lbs
I got the nick name Clark Kent at work, should I burn my office down...
Is there a name for a diet where you have just enough carbs to prevent yourself from going into ketosis and no more...
Giving blood
Is this the ideal body?
Keto general: ask questions n shit
Some of my Facebook friends have been raving about What the Health, a new documentary...
SS and Couch-5k?
D e v i l i s h
Did getting fit help you get a girlfriend?
Hey Veeky Forums
High Test Revival
Pull up tips??
Start SS
How to Get Veins
What do you anons at /fit think about Bruce Lee?
Wtf i love VG now
Would you guys
Reebook just tweeted this and ain't it some truth
Have you guys ever experiences a different mind state while lifting?
Women doing chest exercises
What would you do if your girlfriend wore this?
Going to a pool party, will return with mires
How do you guys feel about having your muscles groped by women?
Judo and BJJ are the only smart martial arts
Had an interview at an engineering firm...
How to talk to milfs? How do I find them, where and what do I say?
/nofap/ - Never Realized How Much I Touch My Dick Before Edition
Tfw constantly getting hit on by THICC black girls at work
Give it to me straight Veeky Forums, I am currently bulking and according to MyFitnessPal...
Can I drop 20 lbs in a week, if I do nothing but bike constantly?
Training 6 days a week
I'm curious about non white non black males version of Chads
Optimal Height Master Race
Why don't women see me as a male?
After workout walk out past a dude who was tipping the receptionist. Cant believe some faggots think you tip at a gym
I can do 5x5 with 30 kg on weighted pullups and have a 5 plate deadlift
Stopped eating meat and dairy 6 weeks ago to see if i would notice any health benefits...
Hypothetically, if you could be cute and pretty would you pick that over being swole and masculine?
Childhood is idolizing Arnie, adulthood is realizing Dolph is superior
What type of insects are the best to eat for protein?
10 more days
Which one would you pick to be your gymbro?
Insanity Circuit Training
Redpill me on no sex
Have weighed within 160-185 since I was 16 (around 22 now)
Fitness picture puzzle
So I'm 5'4 135 pounds. Sadly I got high cholesterol according to my last round of blood work...
Show me your ideal female body
How many push ups can you do with perfect form? Be honest, lying on Veeky Forums is about as pathetic as you can get...
/fat/ Cheat Decade Edition
/fraud/ feels thread
Is The Golden One in the top 5 % of genetics when it comes to bodybuilding naturally?
Why don't women see me as a male?
Thought I was skinnyfat
Veeky Forums was the best thing to ever happen to me
Lower back pain thread, come here and post about your back pain issues
First day at gym
You have no right to criticize fat people if you roid, because you are just as unhealthy as them on the inside...
"Vegans don't get enough protein"
Is shrimp the GOAT protein food?
Be me
NoPorn is bullshit. Prove me wrong
Can anyone recommend a good entry level fish to eat? The things I am looking for are:
When did you realise that nofap and extensive cardio
Skelly here, is it true SS will make you look like shit? Should I try PPL instead...
/Fat/- Too many scoops edition
You have 10 seconds to explain why haven't you replaced your back squats with front squats instead
I ll go running with these, how fucked am I?
Symmetric Strenght bread
You guys understand that taking all these steroids and protein powder to make fake muscles means you are trans, right?
What supplements does Veeky Forums take?
That guy who dies during gastric bypass surgery
Is runner's high a meme? If not how should I go about achieving it?
Post your stories/milestones of Making IT, I'll start
Bill starr says to do high bar squats
Is the lifting trend ded yet?
How does this make you feel?
Should the ultimate goal be to become rich and powerful?
What the fuck does SIPS mean...
Lifting in home gym
Find a flaw
R8 my camping breakfast Veeky Forums
Aesthetic Tats
He's quite buff for a vegan, don't you say?
Veeky Forums, what are the best exercises and rep ranges for hypertrophy...
Is this movie just vegan propaganda?
New /sips/. Whats Veeky Forums sippin on?
Dealt with SIPS
Take steroids
Why do seemingly smart guys roid even knowing the risk?
How's my back look? I want to get wild mires when I go to the Aquatic Center
Not going to gold gym in japan
Ideal threads with rates
How can I learn Conner Macdregor way of visualizing success for myself?
Who do you lift for?
Skeletor transformation thread?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
The Egg Yolk Diet
What's her problem?
People who've gotten fit while in the same relationship...
Jason Genova
Injured general
*Laughs at your strict diet*
Pre Workout
Grandpa who used to do a lot of manual labor in a farm still has huge forearms from it even though he hasn't worked for...
Is it wrong for me to look down on women who aren't fit? Even what people call "athletic" body type is nonsense
Lifting for 3 years natty
Do modern women have any goals, opinions or aspirations besides being a whore?
it's hard to find manly men
Tfw moved to Japan for work
Home gyms! what you got? How much you spend?
Anyone got fit because of bullying?
Pick one /fit
That guy who grunts every rep
Are you strong enough to stop a rampaging pit bull?
Is it worth lifting if you are a manlet?
Squat what do
Bench hasn't gone up in almost a month
Skinny fat noob here
Are there alternatives to gomad that won't give me diabetes? Somebody suggested a dozen eggs a day...
What is your level?
Body obsession
/fat/ - Year round hoodie wearing
Looks like you work out. You have a girlfriend?
Do you think it's likely that you are stronger than any ancestor in your bloodline?
Can I get this physique in a year as a beginner
Fat people love
What movie should I watch tonight Veeky Forums?
What can I do about skipping workout due to depression?
What's Christian Bale's routine?
Does Veeky Forums bikes?
Do girls care about height
Im dumb and i just watched what the health, how much of that shit is true?
What is some Veeky Forums-tier philosophies?
What are the best non-meme workouts for abdominal muscles?
Why hate vegans?
What physique do I need to unlock a gf who looks like this (with below average facial aesthetics)? Possible natty?
Who here lifts to and for grimes?
Just jerked off to porn again
How likely is it he is on steroids?
Hey guys
Is losing 50 pounds in 4 months realistic for a girl who has a obese BMI?
Mire thread
Fitness Cringe
How is this girls body not attractive even though she's "fat"?
Is lifting heavy a bad idea in the long run?
Milk is literally steroids
That first crunch of the day
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
How do I gain confidence with gains without creeping women out?
/that guy/
I go to school with this guy and i workout with him
Gymming with shitskins
I get that Conor McGregor is fitter than me and can kick my ass
Mfw Eric drops truth bombs again
Give me a reason to lift when I'm a 21 year old neet and virgin
I could really use some advice. Currently in bulk/cut purgatory
Where do you cunts buy your whey powder from?
Go to store to get groceries
Gymming with shitskins
Why is leg day so popular? I'm just starting out and I get to mine on tuesday...
Vegan challenge:
What mode is this?
Push up Thread
Post your face when leg day
Veeky Forums are you considered "a big guy" within your peer group?
Have shredded abs
Tfw no matter how Veeky Forums i will get, my gf will always be taller than me
Do you guys even seriously lift? Half of the posts on here from people who say they lift are home gym weaklings
Enter gym
How many of your calories do you get from drinks?
How do I stop being shy? I have 0 friends. Any way to gain social skills without joining a club...
2 pl8 is heavier in the US than in europe
God fucking damn it Veeky Forums I'm trying to win an argument, help me out here. what's the buldge on her right arm...
How do I get a Veeky Forums voice?
How should countries fix their obesity problems? America especially
What is the gayest thing you ever did at the Gym?
Reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
So what is the deal with ketosis diets?
How to humilate someone at the gym?
How do I unlock McGregor mode?
How do I get this body?
Is SS really a meme? Long time lurker here trying to get into lifting (I've read the sticky...
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Can someone give me an ab workout that I can do three times a week to add on to a PPL routine...
Hey Veeky Forums my girl just broke it off with me and I'm torn apart, how do you guys deal with break ups...
Whats in your protein shake?
Does veganism increase/decrease testosterone/estrogen? Seeing many conflicting articles about this
Ever stop to think what you could have been?
I've been working out for 4 months now and don't feel like I've made any significant gains. If anything I feel flabbier...
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on video games?
This is the ideal male body, prove me wrong
/plg/ powerlifting general
Oh my!!
Should I cut soda from my diet entirely?
How is this possible
Boogie will never lose the wei-
I'm quitting bodybuilding
How can one learn how to fuck like Ryan Madison
Could something like this sufficiently replace a gym membership?
Is there ever a reason for a man to weigh less than 170 lbs?
Reality of Loose Skin
Top quality medical marijuana
Belts and Straps
Summoning all aliens
Just getting back into my workout routine after a short hiatus...
Powerlifting chicks are superior
Why do so many women like guys with SHIT bodies? Serious question. It's like if guys all said "AW YEAH AMY SCHUMER"
Why dont girls work
Best way to eat cockroaches?
CBT: Time wasted edition
Leave my life of vidya and junk food to go travel the world and work on farms and stuff
Go to the gym in 2017
Burned out
My gf finds pic more attractive than zyzz
There is literally nothing wrong with doing gay4pay if you are aesthetic
Veeky Forums on tindr
/fat/ "too busy eating to make a new thread" edition
Can you actually fix this shit yourself or do you have to see a chiropractor?
When youre doing barbell shrugs and the bar taps your balls on the way up
So many vegan threads FeelsGoodMan
How much is 1 plate? 20kg or 45lbs?
Military Prep Thread
How strong would I have to be to overpower a pitbull?
Who else here /7daysaweek/? I can't be the only one with nothing else to do apart from hit the gym
We have to train our muscles as hard as possible for them to grow a bit
Daily reminder
Power Cleans
I eat 5 scrambled eggs for breakfast 5/7 days of the week
Veeky Forums
Is this a good workout Veeky Forums?
Clean out system
If You do the following, then your lifts don't count
So is scott hermany natty
"Don't bother exercising or dieting, it's mainly genetics as to why you are fat"
Fucking women
So, the pisslord just got his bodyfat tested with a Dexa scan and he's 17%...
Does any of you rock decent legs wihout squats?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Is this how pregnancy usually affects the female body?
Slice of life high school shows are kind of dead, huh?
Explain how heightism is more acceptable than racism
Vegan Bulking
New to Diet & Fitness. Been vegetarian for 6 months. Poor gainz and Sex Drive is gone
If l throw punches in the air everyday until l can't punch anymore after lifting will l fight better ?
ITT we choose 4 and only 4 exercises to do until the end of time
Walk into gym
Mfw I plan my gym sessions around my gym crush's sessions
Is a true strict one arm push up possible?
Healthy Cereals
Are my hips too wide for my shoulders Veeky Forums? Or if I actually lift and eat will I make it?
Why do assholes eat in the gym?
Just getting into lifting lads. What stuff should I eat?
How to keep upper body small and toned while I try to grow my lower body? I just like the look. Help
Does deadlift really only works your ass and your spine muscles? Why do people even do this shit...
Why this place is full of faggots and insecure people?
What's your stance on machines ?
I just got a Roastie permanently banned from the best gym in the area
Is mixing marijuana and alcohol at the same time anything like heroin?
Floor press vs bench press
Veeky Forums guys can't be effa-
Best compound exercise for working the forearms a bit?
Rate my post workout meal
You are at the gym hitting arms when this guy steps in front of you...
Strength training & running for 3 years
Is decline bench a meme?
Is there a bigger gains goblin than bread?
Told my psychiatrist about Veeky Forums and the role it has in my life and she tripled the dosage of my medication
Bald guys wearing snapbacks at the gym to hide their lack of hair follicules
What routine to get this kind of body? Would like to cosplay this and similar characters at PAX next year
I physically can't do situps. I probably have a better chance of flying than doing a situp, it's that difficult
What the FUCK did I get memed into doing to my body?
Why do vegans push for total elimination of meat eating? Please be realistic...
Reverse transformation thread
Lifting for girls
What is the best sport to practice if I don't want to minmax and just want a well rounded fit body?
Help: white coated tongue
This is the new president of Mongolia. Say something nice about him
I feel like going to the gym is a waste of time as a manlet
I thought veganism was an unhealthy and insufficient diet. So how does this fucker do it? Fucking Jared Leto man
What lifting routine would this woman's boyfriend do?
What is this?
He doesn't have a membership at equinox
Last two digits. Dubs = two sets
How to get rid of stretch marks?
What the actual fuck is the point in me to continue lifting with a shitty body like this?
Exercises that do nothing
Tfw store has been out of regular ultra zero sip for a few days now
/plg/ powerlifting general
What's Veeky Forums doing tonight?
The body always prioritizes burning fat over muscle
Thinking of buying pre workout
What does Veeky Forums think about circumcision? Personal experiences? for someone who is considering it
Does a water fast for 30 days mess up your metabolism or is it a meme...
18m 5'9 just lost my virginity ama
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games