Show me your ideal female body
Pic is mine
Show me your ideal female body
Pic is mine
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same minus the coon and minus the excess fat
thats so obviously photoshopped open your eyes moron
Something like this?
bretty good
heres mine
Something like this
Meaty and strong
Jesus. Too much of everything.
This guy knows what's up
>I like my women to look male
>waist only "thin" because she regularly wears a corset to redistribute fat
How do people not automatically identify this shit? It's extremely rare for someone to look like that genetically.
You're doing it wrong.
First you find a girl who is submissive.
Then you tell her what exercises to do at the gym.
You then build her the way you want her to look.
If you get a girl who already has a good body she has already been used by chad.
Clair is the only correct answer
This is the ideal female body for a high test male to fuck
No one can argue this
Who is this BRAPhog?
Thicc and muscular waifu.
Why dont i ever see nogs like this irl?
Tight body and a nice ass. No disgusting whale-tits.
something like this
Arms of with this belly and tits of
This is a "your ideal" thread, not a "everyone should like exactly what I like" thread.
Well, she's not the thickest.
But definitely my kind of girl.
This guy knows what's up.
my sweet fuck
holy fuck user who is this sperm worm
She's anonymous, but does porn.
she doesn't have a username or something I can search?
But can give a sauce at least. SF33 or sex friend 33.
please tell me theres more of her
I'd fuck mostly any attractive girl but I want to settle down with a big pale titcow.
>pretending to be straight
pic related
Is that the girl who's getting rid of her huge tits for no reason at all?
hot damn
There is.
Fatties are nice and soft and I like them
Kaitie Cali? Not that I'm aware of, she does have estrogen sensative gigantomastia and her tits will grow indefinitely until she goes through menopause, forget about if she gets preggers.
Fatties are only nice depending on their fat distribution.
This isn't fair.
I gotta shower for work in 9 minutes.
She is amazing.
Why even live territory.
I don't know whether to thank you, or fart in your general direction. Thanks, tho'.
>what can I do in those 9 minutes.....
what anime is this?
She looks like a marshmallow bruv
Ciao amico, anche tu da solo davanti al PC il sabato sera?
Prometheus is a good movie
I agree. Have a (You).
What does this mean?
I can agree with this to a degree, but probably unlike you, I like big [spoiler]bellies[/spoiler] so I'm a bit more lenient when it comes to shape.
>big belly
Maybe if her tits are huge, but to each his own.
Jesus fuck yeah that's pretty much one of the archetypes I'd really enjoy dicking. Big tits and ass are definitely great additions to a big belly.
ew that's discusting, wanna know how I know you're a dopamineboy?
Pic related is the european ideal.
Kill yourself you negrofied traitor
>european ideal
Why do you guys always assume everyone gives a shit what you think?
this is literally perfect
>nice fat tits
>a nice tummy
>fat arms and legs
>probably a fat ass
>just squishy all over
What the fuck is wrong with you and people like you?
Seriously, I love thicc girls, even the ones that are a little too thicc for some. But what the fuck dude? That's disgusting
It might have something to do with the fact everyone speaks a European language.
I dunno, I've just liked fat chicks since I was a kid. Its nothing I can really help nor is it something I'm really worried about because they're easy enough to obtain. Problem is that very few of them are actually really pretty so I'm a little picky about the whales I spear.
What does that have to do with anything? So some dumb-fuck sailors and Christards sailed overseas and that has something to do with the fact that Europeans act like their opinions are the gold standard?
Grow a pair of balls, destroy the EU, throw out the Muslims and then maybe we'll talk.
Because we invented the world you negroid.
Remember that when we're gone
>stop liking what I don't like
Who the fuck said I was black?
very nice
This is my ideal as my female body.
well now that's in my history
>ITT: everyone displays their objectively inferior aesthetic standards to my own
If you don't like it, choose to speak in a different language of a culture that resonates with your opinions.
Why would you assume europe is one unified entity with shared preferences?
I am western european and that is def. NOT my ideal.
Fuck off traitor
thats how I felt, she is perfect isn't she, I would say that in your 9 minutes you should dream. Imagine. Believe. we are all gonna make it and we will all find our wheyfu. she is alive, she is waiting, she just doesn't know it. you wanna know how you can get this? be a sick cunt.
fucking newfags. can't even work shit out for themselves.
which won't be long if we keep going the way we are going
close enough
Calm down.
but why do you like poor health, bad discipline and lack of self rescept?
Refer to
God damn... There is something about bitchiness/coldness
Disgusting arms
None of your fucking business.