Who here making /facegain/?
Who here making /facegain/?
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ive never thought about brushing my teeth while taking a shower , thank you OP
Trim your fucking nails.
>looks like a guy at my gym
Are you from OC?
>ive never thought about brushing my teeth while taking a shower
lol you're cute
that's for putting in the butt
Nails dont matter for OP when he has a good looking face
you have amazing slayer eyes
How do you make face gains, other than lowering bf%?
Eyebrowmaxxing and eyelash maxxing
I heard people apply castor oil on brows and lashes before they sleep every night , and their eyebrows and eyelashes would grow after a while.
Also thickening your neck can make your head look like a part of your body and accentuate your jaw
Don't do it. I have German ancestry and my eyebrows are so fucking furry. It's not cool.
Just trim it so it become straight
I feel like I've become more attractive as I've been lifting, though it could just be because I'm older. Usually don't wear glasses
nice fag fingers fag
You look like a slayer and incel hybrid. It's hard for me to pinpoint why. Maybe someone else can.
You just look like a beta yet alpha at the same time. Like a cuck but not a cuck. It's not the glasses.
It's just weird.
First glance I saw incel. Second I saw slayer. Crappy facial hair combined with glasses might do the trick. Glasses make his face look more asymmetrical at this angle. Also the hair has room for improvement.
Yeah I need a haircut. I don't really like the glasses look either. Have a qt gf of a year if that counts for anything
I think he's raising his brows
GL white guys with dark hair and blue eyes are just a league above the rest
Take of your glasses, get a natural tan.
your fucking glasses are disgusting man, its better you do without them
also grow out your top hair a lil bit longer and get short sides
He has a Turkish father lol
But yeah i agree with your statemen
I only gotta wear the glasses for a week to see if I can get lasik, then I can go back to contacts
>meme haircuts
Nah. Short all around is best for me.
Stop wearing glasses and get contacts. Also shave your facial hair or at least grow it out to get a 5 o clock shadow you see on male mode;s.
You have a good facial structure and good muscles. You are a good looking dude
dont let your incel glasses ruin u
Also, what do you typically dress like? dressing nicer to accentuate your muscles without looking douchey can make you more sexier
Meme haircuts look good on most dudes and probably will look good on you. but you do you.
You look like you can pull off a buzzcut., though, also avoid raising your eyebrows.
it does not and shes not a qt
Slayer eyes for sure, looking good man.
Looking good. If your nose was a little more narrow you'd be killing the game.
Is that you? try getting a thicker neck
nose is a bit too wide rest in piece, and your eye area is a bit too feminine and your chin/jaw is a bit short
if you get a thick neck you would look better despite your facial flaws
Time to hit more traps.
Thanks for the advice.
Traps work, but do Direct neck training.
Also, what are some exercises that help thicken the neck?
I appreciate it man. I will be adding neck into my routines for sure.
As soon as I quit being skelly will life git gud
>6'4 lanklet trying to escape skeleton mode
Neck TRAINING will be good for you
nice eyebrows, actual eyes a bit too weird, and midface is a bit too long and face is too round
but you can improve suggest you get a slight tan, thicker neck and get more swole
I don't think his nose is too wide. Ethnics and blacks shouldn't be compared to the psl Aryan ideal. After all, wide nosed black dudes are the ideal preference of white women.
Alphadestinys tutorial is very good
Yeah dude I try to stay low bf becausey fucking round ass face kills all possible face gains
I have a pretty thick neck but I guess it could be thicker
Can't do shit 'bout the rest lol
The guy doesn't even have a thick neck. His neck width is maybe slightly above average.
If you want real neck gains you need progressive overload and not a billion movements with no effort. That is not going to give you much if any muscle growth.
Get a neck harness and do that. Enjoy a thicker neck.
You either buy some weights and do it at home or you do it at the gym. It will look a bit autistic to begin with, but they will start mirin' when your gains start to show.
My eyelashes are inherently long and curly as fuck for a guy. This is probably why my eyes look so fucked.
The only girls that are openly interested in me are white chicks. Every now and then you get that black girl that is obsessed with light skin guys, but i have only ever dated white women.
Thanks btw anons. Tips and suggestions are well appreciated.
Im 6'3 and my weight fluctuates around 215-220 lately. If I lost 20lbs of fat i think I would be close to 15%. Don't know what I'd look like then.
First pic is me at like 230lbs or more and my bodyfat is probably atleast 27%
>right side is me at 220lbs
I usually wear v-necks or good fitting t-shirts. This is what I usually look like without my glasses, but I also had long hair in that picture.
You look like a bro
Better lighting and angle and one of the photos is mirrored while the other is not. Not much of a difference. That small amount of weight lost will not make any difference to your face that weight. Keep going and I'm sure it will start to show in a few months.
will white chicks go for juan thundercock
Your ethnicity doesn't matter when you're that good looking.
Jesus christ I'm mirin
I would suggest you shave your beard (its your choice tho)
you have good bushy eyebrows holds your face together, and a good jaw/chin structure
BTW, what race are you? You look either latino or half Asian
Photo was taken in the same place each time, might have been a light bulb changed in between. Don't know what you meant buy mirrored though. No photoshop shenanigans on either.
Dude looks like a masculine version of fucking mariani diviano jesus christ
> just have good eyes, eyebrows and jaw theory
Thanks breh. Completely white, but I tan nicely so a lot of people think I'm latino. Yeah right now I like the beard so I'm gonna keep it, but people's opinions on it seem to fluctuate a lot for some reason. My gf and female friends say I should shave sometimes while other days they like it.
Didn't notice it till he mentioned it, but the in the left picture your nose points slightly to the right, and in the right picture it points slightly to the left.
Some apps or camera phones mirror the image, as in it makes you look like you do in the mirror.
In the right photo you look better because the asymmetrical part is on the right, which makes it less noticeable because of how we read faces. If the right photo is how you look like and not how you look like in the mirror, then you're good to go, but I have feeling that you look like the left version. Then again, asymmetries are always going to be much more apparent in selfies than they are in real life.
Are famous instagrammers redpilled about the camera angle shit that you mentioned
The angle, as in how the camera is angled in the photos or are you referring to the mirroring of images?
If you're referring to camera angles, then of course, yes. Instagram models always try to take the best photo of themselves and will take a lot of them before choosing the best one.
If you're referring to how images are sometimes mirrored, then no. Instagram models have very symmetrical faces and thus you don't really notice if their image if mirrored or not.
I have a bad habit of tilting my head when taking forward facing pics. I try to use my ears to align my face (make sure the same amount is visable on both sides before i take a pic). You'll notice one ear is showing more than the other in the first one. In the after pic i made sure my face was more vertical centered. Think that might explain it...or im just quasimodoed.
instagram models have very aesthetic faces but like other people, they try to use the best camera angles and OCCASionally use photoshop to make themselves more angular (its confirmed that Toni Mahfud and Jordan Barrettt do morph/photoshop themselves but they are still very very good looking even without the photoshop, )
I think I made a mistake saying that one was mirrored. The angle and lighting made it look that way, because of how your cheek was looking. My mistake.
Try taking the photos from the same angle the next time and in similar lighting. Outside lighting, taken with a DSLR camera from a 3-6 meter distance is what you want.
what are some good tips for a better jaw and a slimmer face? My body is fine I just have some fat in my face ig
You can only really lose body fat in general. You might be retaining water too my guy. How much water do you drink a day? It's counter intuitive but drinking more water helps because your body doesn't try to hold onto every drop it gets.
I've been drinking a lot of water bc I'm trying lose some weight. Should I slow down on my water intake?
Nope, just watch your salt. Drinking less water just makes your body want to hold onto it, thus water retention. Keep drinking a lot of it, watch how much sodium you eat.
It could also just be stored fat, which losing weight will help.
Who /said fuck it and will go for the jaw implant/ here?
Thanks man. My face has gotten better but it used to look really nice when I was way smaller.
Honestly I think for most famous instagrammers it's just more of a trial and error and acting on gut feeling. Like they'll just take like 50 selfies and just pick the 'best looking' one without really considering any theoretical background or actively thinking about the composition
Thoughts on what I should do with my hair
How can I look less ethnic
I'm sick and tired of only attracting black girls
Hello south american Steve-O
Started serious dieting and training a month ago. Dropped down to 220 from 245. Face gainz are already showing up. I got shitty genetics for facial hair tho
Personally I'd grow it out a bit but that's just me
Lmao, I have the same facial hair pattern. Makes me look like a Mexican with blonde hair.
At least it's quick to shave.
Hello plz rate jaw line
Yeah man for sure get shorter sides it would help your shit
Cut to 8% bf and try again
Mid bald fade with edge up or let it get long on top with faded sides, also braids/samurai style might help srs
You look like you suck a mean cok
You need more ramus length
Those cheeks are extremely feminine lose weight
Thanks I'll be looking into it
Do I really look like Steve o lol?
Can chewing gun really make my face more aesthetic? Cause if it does, I'll be chewing gum all this week until ma jaw dislocates.
I agree and want to know if this is true
What if you have dark blond/light brown eyebrows like I do?
>blue eyes
>good eye brows and brow ridge
>good cheekbones
>ears/nose arent fucked up or anything
>mfw receded chin
Nice look imo. Honest and good looking face, but not a pretty boy.
I like your hair user
What does the dentist have to do with it?
I think his parents were siblings
Fucking hate with non-whites use high contrast filters to look lighter-toned
Putting shit in my mouth that fucked with my breathing all the time