This is the ideal male body, prove me wrong

This is the ideal male body, prove me wrong




Haha he looks so DYEL now. Standards of fitness is changing so much. At this rate, the average gym goer will look like Ronnie Coleman in 50 years.

>Captain of his country's Kyokushin karate team
>Chemical engineer
>True badass


well it's one of the ideal male bodies

i given this many thought and males should try to aim at one of the mr olympia bodies

You what


>Form over function: The body

that's what aesthetics is

fashion is all about how unnecessary i can make myself

think about this seriously

why else would people not just wear plain white tees every day?

As a female I refuse to fuck anyone without a dad bod

>Swedish Marine Corps
>Amphibious Ranger
>Worth $14million
>Two time European Karate Champion
>Director (The Mechanik ain't bad)
Don't forget.

Yup, and an ideal body is both aestethic and functional. He barely looks better than Dolph

Sure, looks good.

You're a tard man. No one has ever had a more aesthetic body than Zyzz, not even nut hugging but you're a fuckin moron or lying to yourself for whatever reason if you think anyone can compete. Sure some people prefer more mass, but for the look Zyzz was going for and praised, no one was on his level. Genetics were too good.

He juiced to get that body.
His genetics are disgustingly bad for a juicer. He was tall though I'll give him that.

>I will never have his delts

Why live lads

This is the power of swedish genetics.

But not for long, soon "swedish genetics" will be synonymous with arabs and africans.


Female here. I honestly don't really like this kind of body. I like a little less muscle, not so much tan, minus the glistening, slightly larger areolas, and add some hair. Then it would be ideal. I wonder sometimes if it's mostly men who like this body type. I just can't really get into it personally.

>No one has ever had a more aesthetic body than Zyzz
I think OCB has him tied

Dolph Lundgren is especially great because he demonstrated the natural superiority of the white races over the lower races by BLEACHING a sheboon, pic related

when a woman is unattractive, she lowers her standards and then rationalizes her lower standards as her "preference". If he was actually into you you would be into him, but you know he never will be

Post your own bod then

No I think I just am not into guys who look like Ken dolls and like men who look more natural and not plastic. I'm fairly attractive and have had men like him try to date me. Just prefer more comforting and manly looking bodies.

>nitpicking down to the areolas.

Yea, enjoy being 45 and single.

>every woman has EXACTLY the same sexual preferences
sure thing bud

He's aryan for a start

plain white? functional? you having a laugh, you can see the dirt and stuff a lot more easily. Plain black.

Holy shit now I have to watch Conan the Destroyer again

I'm not literally that picky. I can only become genuinely attracted to someone after knowing them for a long time, and I don't care much about looks. But that's the ideal body type IMO - the kind that would be attractive to me even before I got to know them. I just have no initial attraction whatsoever to men who look like Ken dolls.

The real reason I'm going to be single when I'm 45 is because I'm vegan and will only date other ethical vegans. Combine that with the fact that I have to know someone a long time before I'm really attracted to them...and yeah...I've become content with being single the rest of my life.


I just learned that in filming, it wasn't fake. This guy and Stallone were really hitting each other. He didn't pull any punches and apparently hit him so hard Stallone's heart hit his backbone and he had to sit in the ICU for 8 days.

I get told that I look like him often. (Won't post a pic Sorry)

Same height as him
Similar facial bone structure
Blue eyes

Differences are that I'm 230 lbs and he was probably 270 in that pic. I'm natty tho. Also I have dark hair.

Can't really.....

yeah and people say I'm a clone of Frank Zane in his prime

Look at name, it's a troll dumb dumb


It says that you have a tasteless personality and lack of creativity

Do you live in singapore by any chance?

No. California. Why?

this is

Dolph as Drago was an absolute man-killing, panty-wetting beast and no one can deny this

If dolph wasn't pulling punching in the fight, how in gods name is Stallone still alive?