Just a reminder you share a board with people like this
Just a reminder you share a board with people like this
desu a lot of people look average or above this is a fake image
I don't enjoy people who aren't like this. We don't get along.
>insecure DYEL
looks like they nailed it
>look average or above
You from Pig Town USA?
>adults who play dress up
Pathetic desu
would let /cgl/ touch my abs
looking thicc bruh
keep up the good work user
Hehehe you've never delved into the black pits of cgl girls. Anyone got THAT picture?
>dyel manlet
nailed it
The girls are all really cute desu
Veeky Forums looks like a school shooter
Doesn't look gay enough
/d/ looks fun
>the blonde closest to the right
What the fuck
>that Guy Fawkes mask in the back
Inexcusable. Please, at least tell me this photo was taken back in 2006.
/x/ looks kinky and fun
Tbh I'm surprised, they are all quite decent looking, I was frankly expecting something on par with Reddit.
Oh shit its Frank Yang
Meet ups are so lame. Wtf.
I wonder if /pol/ is there
there is only 1 and shes to the far left. are you fucking retarded?
its making a comeback
guy fawkes 2017
If she's the only blonde then she is the blonde closest to the right. Are you tarded?
That /x/ chick tho
As expected
compare this and thisThis makes Veeky Forums look way better than reddit at least
>tfw no /vp/ gf
which one is Veeky Forums
Lesbea scene starring /x/ and /vp/ when?
/a/ looking pretty tasty
/x/>/d/>/i/>/toy/>/cgl/>/vp/>/an/>Veeky Forums
I'd still fuck all of them though
>all the half decent looking ones are covering their faces or looking like they don't want to be there
>tfw Veeky Forums gets the grill
/r/ the version where everyone has beard man's face.
>/an/ is just as qt as the stereotypes
/k/ here reclaiming /an/ as waifu
Daily reminder /cgl/ is making fun of us.
>/vp/ rep is grill
>Actually THIS many grills
>Veeky Forums hoverbodying the entire group
Kek, nailed it
Would still fuck /d/ and /x/
>these people voted for bernie
>most look either normal or only slightly autistic
>only one actually autistic looking guy
Bretty gud :D
So many receding hairlines
/i/ looks like my cousin. In other words, I'd plow the shit out of her.
/a/ is the only one that stands out, the rest just look like your average misfits.
Why do they all look so old tho ?
Bad diet, no sunlight, stress, lack of activity for most of their lives.
Many of them are on various kinds of illegal and legal(ish)drugs.
>no sunlight
This should mean you age better though
He isn't even flexing
That black baby. lol
Most of the Veeky Forums girls look fuckable to me, and I'm far from a kissless virgin.
Some sunlight is actually NEEDED to keep you physically and mentally healthy.
Just drink some orange juice retard. You don't NEED the sun.
>what is vitamin D
I remember that time /cgl/ ranked boards by which one they wanted a bf from and Veeky Forums got first place. Then they took it back when people started sperging out and cross posting for qt gfs because they found out we're the biggest dorks on the site instead of the ripped Chads they'd imagined
It's what I give your mum in her butthole every night.
the sun isn't the only source of vitamin d you dingus wingus
I think it's boxxy.
>tfw no /x/-chan gf
At least I won't have to deal with her rambling on about retarded bullshit all the time but still
Yes you do.
Where the fuck do all these newfags come from who get upset when they find out Veeky Forums has non-normalfags on it?
t. newfag
At least I'm not a normalfag.
You are both faggots
honestly, I would fuck that thicc blonde on the right
everyones a faggot on Veeky Forums
Did ya mix up Vitamins C and D there, sport?
Bluehair is the only one who's even remotely anything
Where is /pol
All of you are fucking retarded. Obviously /a/ is the prime waifu
There is another reddit meetup with the landwhales flashing their tits while the better looking ones don't.
/vp/ looks like a genwunner, would bully
How could he have lost with these winners masterminding his campaign
Only if you're willing to shoot outdoor cats and pit bulls with us user
guy in the anonymous mask i guess
>magma clothes
Who gives a fuck?
We're now paired with Veeky Forums
/fitlit/ is now cannon and a much better matchup than hanging out with catty women who are looking for an excuse to stab each other in the back and spend your paycheck on another dumb outfit.
>magma clothes
It doesn't match any of the characters. The shirt + scarf looks like a simplistic version of Dawn's but that's it.
does this mean I have to learn to read now?
No, just read the summaries of several post modernist works on Wikipedia then copy and paste whatever you find under the "Critical Reception" section
I can SMASH and SLAM pitbulls into oblivion
That was actually all /cgl/ fyi. They probably did browse the boards they represented a bit, but the thing was organized on /cgl/ because they went to a cosplay event. There are dozens of other images that I used to have, including delicious fapbait with /d/, but they're long gone.
Pic related was a somewhat recent exclusively Veeky Forums meetup.
Now lets get one of Europeans.
I can tell. Faggot
>Anonymous 07/17/17(Mon)16:23:58 No.421754
>No /mu/
Fuckin' up.
/r/fitness meetup
>Bad diet, no sunlight, stress, lack of activity for most of their lives.
>Many of them are on various kinds of illegal and legal(ish)drugs.
You have no basis for this statement,go kys now.
HAHA, you all are a bunch of autistic losers
Veeky Forums and /x/ look normal out in public.
>tfw no qt3.14 autistic Veeky Forums gf
But no, Veeky Forums got friendzoned
Now they look normal. You fuckups never will.
I like how you excluded yourself from both groups by not using "we" or "us"
Pretty sure that's the /r9k/ meetup.
You're here too, pal