What is some Veeky Forums-tier philosophies?
What is some Veeky Forums-tier philosophies?
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camoo is a whiny baby that greatly misinterpreted the writings of nietzsche and all the buddhist/taoist/stoics he ripped off and in doing so painted nature as hostile "other," that was almost malevolent in it's inhuman ways so he could have something to """""rebel""""" against and be angsty about
He had a very passionate and entertaining prose, which made his ideas seem cooler and more appealing than they really are
camus btfo, how will he ever recover?
heidegger. I am serious
Doesn't take away from the Myth of Sisyphus. The ideas that it put forth and so on.
Also, in the field of philosophy, there truly is no such thing as misinterpreting, instead there is interpreting differently.
Dialectical Materialism
I read the myth of sisyphus thinking it would enligthen me from my suffering and depression and while i get the message of ''imagining sisyphus happy'' it didnt help me much. I hope some deep stuff like nietzche, hegel, stirner, stoicism, heidegger ,evola and shit help me
And if you never felt the suffering or stood at the place that his philosophy is aimed, don't even bother
Mishma only one that wasn't a DYEL
Read Meditations. Camus is alright but French philosophy tends to not be conducive to an anything affirmative. I personally like both him and Sartre to a degree, though I do not like admitting it. Aurelius's Meditations is the best way to go. Aurelius wrote it in the mid-second century AD while protecting the somewhat weakened empire from the Macromanni and Quadi attempting to invade across the Lower Danube. He wrote it in his tent on a war campaign. That Stoic game on strong.
>Read all of Plato's dialogues
>Read all of Kant's mature works
>Enjoy your transcendental knowledge so profound, you wont even be able to explain it to anyone else.
I have a shitty job. I wash dishes. I fucking hate it. I just don't pay attention to what I'm doing and dwell on things.
Last week I had a revelation, it was so intense I had a head rush, time seemed to slow down for a few seconds, and I thought for a second that the universe was about to disappear.
A lot of things hit me all at once.
We are all one consciousness, so basically everyone you meet is you. If you wrong someone, you're wronging yourself in a future/past life. Inversely, if you help someone, you are helping yourself. Everything is an illusion. None of this is real and everything is real at the same time. This is Nothing, but Nothing doesn't exist because it's just that, nothing. It's all in your head. You imagine everything that ever happens to you. There is no free will, we are just chemicals obeying the laws of physics.
Everything you put into the world comes back to you. If you give something, something will be given to you. But if you take something, something will be taken from you. If it doesn't come back to you in this life, it'll come back to you in the next life.
smoke less crack and wash more dishes plz
Start with the meditations or Seneca's Letters from a Stoic
People recommend stoicism but it is a weak philosophy for lifters, it lacks the aspect of benign masculine vanity and is somatophobic in general.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Woah...you're like....so totally deep maaaaan like woooooooahhhhh we're all nothing for real woooahhh but we're also like everything AND everyone WOOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH....
You're an idiot and also probably a teenager. Go back to washing dishes.
I see what you are meaning,
many of people do not understand the power that comes with stoicism, you kind of have to pick the power yourself from it
It is kind of, like if anything does not feel anything, the lifts start weighting nothing, thus it is power, do you know what I try to mean here?
Other thing I could say to try to picture this: Same people get ''depressed'' when they read Camus The Stranger, but those who get something from it, they feel the life lifting effect of it.
Nietzsche. Become the uber-mensch. en.wikipedia.org
>interpreting differently
exactly. a written confession on how that user is still grasping for something greater.
To Nietzsche, only a slave considers morals of good vs evil. The master sees the world as healthy vs unhealthy, beneficial vs detrimental, advantageous vs disadvantageous, strong vs weak.
dishwashing isnt that bad.
Can confirm, have washed dishes before, but I was a kid in high school.
Confirmed to not have understood Camus.
how does Veeky Forums rank Nietzche's books in terms of order of digestion and best to "worst"? Started with Ecce Homo but feel like im missing something desu
what preworkout you take
Nigga someone put dmt in your coffee.
I guess what gets posted the most is this pic of a statue of a man craving himself with something like "it hurts to get fit because the man is both the artist and the marble" in a fancier way.
What got my attention the most is a quote from I don't know whom saying "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard". This activated my almonds and motivation when I'm about to "go easy on myself" or "reward myself" without proper reason.
But if you want Veeky Forums philosophy, I guess it's all about projection, looking down at losers who failed (e.g. fat people hate threads), coping when we see losers doing better than ourselves (e.g. most of the """cringe""" threads and those "why even lift when it's all about ____" threads). And when it comes about something we regret not to have, we use the "Chad" cart to avoid blaming ourselves and not crying on split milk.
How did it feel to reach enlightenment? Don't worry about the naysayers.
I was severely depressed one time and thought myself into bliss. It was such a strange experience, everything around me felt surreal, almost like an illusion and I felt a heightened self of consciousness as if nothing truly mattered. I stopped being a depressed faggot for about 10 minutes and then I was thrown back in into the pits of hell.
Worryingly I had the same revelation when I had a psychosis years ago. I'm not saying I necessarily believe it in a strict "I'd put my life on the line for it" way anymore, but it's still a feeling I can't get rid of.
The side effect of this is that I spend pretty much most of my time relatively happy and I treat other people better and as a result they treat me better and generally my life feels a tad more satisfying because I just enjoy things more.
Weird but it works so can't complain.
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.
Pragmatist master race
>Truth is what works.
>Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
>The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitude.
>Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.
>Beyond the very extremity of fatigue distress, amounts of ease and power that we never dreamed ourselves to own, sources of strength habitually not taxed at all, because habitually we never push through the obstruction
>If any organism fails to fulfill its potentialities, it becomes sick.
>Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There's nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task
>We forget that every good that is worth possessing must be paid for in strokes of daily effort. We postpone and postpone until those smiling possibilities are dead... By neglecting the necessary concrete labor, by sparing ourselves the little daily tax, we are positively digging the graves of our higher possibilities.
>The strenuous life tastes better
>Your hopes, dreams and aspirations are legitimate. They are trying to take you airborne, above the clouds, above the storms, if you only let them.
>not thanking our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for all the that he has done for us
Srs question, how swole could you get by pushing progressively bigger boulders up an incline?
Start with beyond good and evil, Zarathustra in the end.
>thanking a Jew
>for anything
There might need to check the chemicals in that dish soap cause youre fucking retarded.
>Being this stupid
You must be a germanic, why dont you praise your pagan religion instead of insulting christianity?
... yeah, I think Descartes beat you too this conclusion a long time ago, friend. Kek.
>mind/body duality
>idealism/materialism, etc.
>Muh ded kike on a stick
>Implying the Jews didn't kill Jesus
>Implying that anti-Semitism didn't originate in large part due to christianity
>Implying that Jews aren't so butthurt about Jesus that they don't even have + marks in Israel since it reminds them of the cross
Revelation 2:9
King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Damn, he ain't lying.
I'm not a germanic. I'm finnic.
It's a semitic religion. It's all the same to me and no non-semite should have anything to do with it. I'm not gonna turn my other buttcheek just because some Jew tells me to
whoa whoa
pffft you are an atheist larping as a pagan, you don't really believe in Thor and all that shit you merely believe things based on where they originated from and not because there is any truth behind what is being said. You do not believe that there is actually a god you just want to use religion as a tool and construct of society to control the population, you are not actually concerned about whether or not any of it is true or not.
is this the first time you've felt like this? You were enlightened for a few moments and weren't restrained by your mind.
Look into the book "the power of now", your experience is exactly what the author is writing about.
Don't listen to the underage kids making fun of you ITT