whats in your protein shake?
Whats in your protein shake?
protein powder and water
protein powder and water
Either milk or water and a scoop of powder per 1 cup of liquid. When I bulk it's 2 Cups Whole Milk, 3 Scoops Protein, 3 bananas, Ice and 5 Spoons of PB.
Protein powder, creatine, and water
better turn in your natty card user
Protein Shake = 1500/94
Oats = 600/20
Milk = 150/8
Protein Power = 240/48
Fruit = 200
Peanut Butter = 380/18
i just pour the powder down the hatch cups are a meme
2 scoops (1 vanilla 1 chocolate)and a pot of coffee
4 yellow sweeteners and a dash of fat free half/half
> Scoops
> Yogurt
> Fruit
> Milk
40g wpc unflavoured - 32g protein
250g skim milk - 9g protein
20g milo - 2.5g protein
43.5g protein total
I have 2 of these a day, morning and night. I eat normal food to hit the rest of my protein needs.
What type of bottle is she holding?
Is she drinking horse semen?
stopped taking creatine/whey protein 2 weeks ago just to see what would happen. also cutting. haven't noticed any significant strength loss. feels good not being so autistic about that shit
I started to mix half water and half juice of activated almonds for my whey shake. It's less sugar than milk and whey, but it has almost the same texture.
I mean it's just tracking macros. If you have enough protein without powder then you aren't going to get additional benefits from more protein.
I feel like it was pretty clear. If you get enough protein from your diet, you will get no additional benefit from adding powder (whey protein). You have already satisfied your macronutrient needs.
5 scoops of EAS 100% Pure Whey Protein Powder, Chocolate. 2 cups of whole milk. 1 tbsp heavy cream. 4 tbsp of Adams crunchy natural peanut butter. Half cup water. 110 grams of protein. Some ice or half freeze milk. Blend until well combined.
My typical workout burns about 1600 - 1900 cals. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
i understand that but im guessing i get around 60g or less now a day since i stopped caring compared to 100+ before. also lost like 5lbs of waterweight from creatine kek
Vegan protein powder (Im not vegan I just think it tastes better)
Peanut Butter
Almond Milk
6 oz almond milk
1 scoop chocolate whey protein
1 tbs of powdered peanut butter
But how does that revoke a natty card m8
Honestly I never notice anything from creatine but I've read so many studies saying it's good that I take it anyways lol. I've always noticed better performance with lots of protein though, so I'm kinda surprised you haven't seen any changes
Pic related
fat free milk
green tea matcha whey broteins
oh my b, I got my responses mixed up. I was just making a creatine joke lol
I just eat a lot of meat, can't be bothered with shakes anymore.
I'm about to buy creatine why don't you like it?
Cold brew coffee.
I use creatine too man, I was just joking. Tons of studies say it's a good supplement
8 scoops of ON Gold Whey
3 tsp creatine
2 cups of whole rolled oats (finely ground in coffee grinder)
2 scoops banana powder
2 tbsp coconut oil
Add all with ice into coleman 2 gallon beverage cooler, fill to brim with water. Take the day to sip in your gains.
I always buy a large coffee and dump protein powder in it
Given the setting of this photo, who else thinks there isn't a mirror there? Someone else took a picture of her psoing for a selfie, then they flipped in in adobe or some shit
I stopped breathing three seconds ago! Still haven't died! Suck it breathists!
Never drank protein shakes and I took creatine once for 4 months didn't feel any difference and only had shits after it so I stopped.
305ml of cold water
50g impact whey protein
2 ice cubes
10oz milk
25g of protein
5-7g creatine
3 scoops chocolate whey, 1 scoop of pb
>300g soy milk
>150g banana
>30g pea protein
>3g creatine
>4g instant coffee
>7g cocoa powder
egg whites
1 liter of milk
200g of cricket powder
50g of cocoa
Do 1/2 scoop of whey aprox. 15 sec after last super set
3 hours later
1 scoop casein
2 scoop dehydrated milk
the liquid from one can of tuna
the tuna from one can of tuna
this shouldn't give me a boner god dammit tribulus
Almond milk
Chia seeds
Proton powder (chocolate flavor)
Chocolate greens first
Cocoa powder
Frozen blueberries
Coconut oil
Shit, forgot the steel cut oats
i hope.
hemp protein isolate
pea protein isolate
rice proteins isolate
Pussy juice, she - sweat, and the bottled moans of a woman on the edge of climax
max gains
whey + almond milk if cutting
whey + whole milk if bulking
I've recently started swallowing my bf's cum before hitting the gym for maximum test and optimal pre-workout nutrients
I've noticed visible progression on all my lifts
I ain't even memeing
And he's pretty happy to help me too
She fucking had to know what people would think when she smashed all these pics together. nobody would be that stupid lmao
protein powder and water you fucking mongrel
2 scoops of whey (about 60g protein) and 1 raw egg filled up to 600mL with water. i only drink it post workout. it's the secret to my freak muscles
you made me insecure about creatin. can you show me these studys about it?
This should've been the first and only post
Gainz in dust form
your mom
Coffee and protein powder
>Protein powder
>buying into meme supplement industry
lmao. Drink some milk, you fucking faggot.
Spoiler: she actually is a horsefucker.
My unprocessed semen
You're buying useless (((supplements))) and still look like a twink, yet I'm the idiot. Good one.
You're the twink. And a clueless idiot.
>hurr muh protein powdurrrrrrr
What's the story with the huge amounts of maltodextrin in mass gainers? I get that it's some corn derivitive, but is it really just easy carbs?
>implying milk has even close to the protein density as whey
Easy carbs that digest very quickly. It's designed to be consumed post workout to help restore glycogen stores rapidly to avoid fatigue.