Tfw Hitler never got to witness the Ubermensch at his physcial peak

>tfw Hitler never got to witness the Ubermensch at his physcial peak

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he could have turned the war, if he had been born 30 years earlier

Is that natty?


Arnold was on steds. Don't you know anything?

Didnt he say he only did it once?

Steroid are for cheating losers. Arnold achieved his body through dedication and hard work, not cheap shortcuts.

He is 100% natty aside from fat burners for conditioning. its actually just a jewish conspiracy that he needed roids. they dont want any super germans emerging again

pic related


>Trusting wikipedia
>anyone can edit wikipedia

go cite that on a paper and see what grade u get u grade A retard HAHHAHAHAHA

>80% of the citation links wikipedia provides are dead ends

>helpful in maintaing not building
So theres hope?


Am I gay if I noticed the dick print on his shorts?

not necessarily, you could just be massively insecure that you check out other men evaluating their sexual appeal constantly


the jews told him to take this

its okay bro, remember what board you're on.
you're among friends.

fuck off back to your cuckold containment zone, you tiny penis bitch.


Got this pic from /k/
Soldiers from ww2 were quirte fit, specially germans in early ww2 due to their constant training.

All in all, I read once in /k/ that special forces today the soldiers have to be able to run a lot like / have stamina and carry weights on long hikes, that sort of thing.

more pics plz


imagine just lifting shells all day, think of the forearm gains! being artillery best job in WW2?

>unathletic, greedy, profoundly decadent idol of consumption and materialism
More like Last Man.

I couldn't find one as musculas as that one sorry.


How about a vid

Steroids are natty

Truly a shame. Hitler would have been proud. I like to think that's why Arnie was doing it, to show off Aryan übermensch aesthetics and make his Führer proud. His dad joined the NSDAP a while before Austria joined the Third Reich, was in the SA during the war, and got into lifting after Arnie taught him.

Also, Arnie's best friend and lifting buddy was Franco Columbu, an Italian.
Coincidence?? I think not

A common misconception is these guys were on juice all the time. They used it don't get me wrong, it was openly talked about during his time they weren't taboo. They used them at certain times in according to their competitions

SOF requires you to be good at everything.

Being able to run 3 miles in under 20 minutes, swim 500m in less than 10 minutes, have enough strength to be able to drag/lift casualties out of the killzone, the mental toughness to move long distances with a heavy pack on for days while keeping mentally sharp. That sort of stuff.

>imagine just lifting shells all day, think of the forearm gains! being artillery best job in WW2?

literal bear mode

He may not have seen it, but he knew user...he knew. And we all know who Arnold was doing it for too

The guy on the right's cute

If only the right side had won the war