How much is 1 plate? 20kg or 45lbs?
How much is 1 plate? 20kg or 45lbs?
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approximately 15 ducks
thats wrong, average ducky is about 7-8 pounds.
Starts off at 45 lbs but over time with the decay of the material it will get closer to 20 kg.
Also, mass is a horrible way to measure how much you lift considering we're colonizing the moon and mars. Moonlets will be bragging about their 450 kg squats when in reality it's just 170 lbs.
what would be better way of measurement?
3 bowls
1pl8 is 20kg so if somebody tells you they lift 1pl8 that means that in total they lift 20kg. It's actually easier to lift 2pl8 because you have plate on each side and it feels more balanced where 1pl8 you only have plates on one side so you first lift for one half of the body and than you switch the plate to other side for balance. I currently lift 5pl8 but it's quite hard. My usual setup is 34 or 25 but never 17 because that would be just mad.
N, of course
Force, I.e. pounds or newtons. F = m*a.
a is gravitational acceleration which varies depending on celestial body
I believe eurofags use mass for everything because they didn't have a space program until recently
Don't be a pleb. If you gonna use duck you have to specify what kind of duck. This is like trying to compare a Euro centimeters to US centimeters.
newtons nigga
>tfw bench 15.5k newtons
7-8 pound ducks on average
>he doesn't know the difference between mass and weight
Fuck you are stupid
Bout dree fiddy
That's must be some obese American duck than.
15 thousand fig cookies do NOT only way 45 lbs you fucking autist
African swallow or European swallow?
Weight IS force, you dirty europoor.
according to wikipedia there are ducks below 1kg weight. the heaviest duck breed is the so-called jumbo pekin reaching up to 13.5 lbs.
so we looking at ducks between
would it grab it by the husk? How heavy is a coconut?
Yeah no shit bud and that's how we measure pl8s while your dumb ass thinks people somehow use mass
20 L
a swallow carrying a coconut??
20L of what
Wait how do plastic ducks come in to the equation than ?
One American pl8 is nominally 102.058285% Euro pl8s.
Fact is, the same pl8 at the Equator and at the Pole will offer different resistance training. Someone lifting the same plate at the Equator will lift 99.4721% of someone lifting the same pl8 at the North Pole.
So, a nigger in literal Chad squatting lmao3pl8s will be probably squatting just 97.466% lmao3FREEDOMpl8s of a viking master race
The only way out is using Newtons.
we are using real ducks here. plastic ducks are the equivalent of fake weights
Duck feathers
Ducks are cute
but stone is heavier than feathers
Mass is acceptable on earth faggot, we'll start measuring in newtons once space lifting is an issue.
But are we talking Stone as British measurement unit or stone as a rock?
You can't even make gains in space, the lack of gravity will make you naturally weaker and unable to sustain muscle mass like you could on good ol' Earth.
Mass would be consistent across all planets it's the weight that changes
>it's acceptable that someone believes to squat 120 kg when he doesn't even lift 117 kg
>not wearing a couple of weighted vests all day everyday
kg is a measurement of mass which is not weight which is the exact point I made in my first post. Are you autistic or do you have horrible reading comprehension or both?
check we don't know yet
Hurf, yeah i messed up.
What I meant to say is that its fine to use mass as a "weight" measurement on earth because gravity here is (generally) uniform and constant.
This thread is hilarious
What are you even trying to say
makes sense user ty
In colloquial usage kg is a measure of weight, good luck with the autism though
All ducks a side the only way of really knowing is how much you weight is by calculating the Ray * circumference of the plate by distance of the bar from the ceiling. Of course you should ideally first measure the building otherwise if they building is higher than lower level than you get more oxygen and the weight gets smaller as gravity is lower in highly oxygenisad areas. That's why people disrespect CrossFit because they oxygenisad their plates to lift heavier where realistically because there is no internal pressure anymore if you are not in a building the weight automatically will go up. The trick is just to use your own gravitational pull to press it down to the ground which is much easier than lifting.
No. Newtons are using a conventional and arbitrary g force. If we want to keep it "the Metric Way" then MetricNetwons should be used. 1 Metric Netwon = 1kg * 10 m/s^2 = 1.02040816326530612244 SI N
Otherwise we may as well end up using FREEDOM NEWTONS aka lbf ( = 4.4482216 N) and be done with it
Same guy , just before some smart ass asks:
>Source ?
Myth busters s2e4
Enjoy getting butt blasted by moonlets and marslets putting up more kg's than you.
To be honest, force isn't the best measurement. We should use impulse (f * dt) to account for crossfit trickery.
Very funny shit poster...
Measuring weigh in fucken biscuits. It's like you don't even try.
Duck Plates! (woo-ooo) Everyday they're out there pumping Duck Plates!
>Duck plates
>1.02040816326530612244 SI N
*1.01971621297792824257 SI N
199.86 Metric Newtons of feathers in a rainy day in Toronto would weight more than 45 lbs of aerodynamic slim iron pl8s lifted in a hot day in Dallas
and don't get me started on rotational velocidensity
Also let's not forget that round plates in EU are more circular where US ones are more oval
20 kg = 44.092452437 lbs
45 lbs = 20.4116566499887 kg
>13.5 lbs
>looking at mass
Audibly chortled
Lb? Is that a retard unit?