Veeky Forums, what are the best exercises and rep ranges for hypertrophy? for those who are more interested in A E S T H E T I C than strength?
Veeky Forums, what are the best exercises and rep ranges for hypertrophy...
Without proper strength you won't get assthetics anyway.
pls b real dat ass
ranges change based on need, progressive overload will lead to size
Compound exercises done for 8-12 reps for 5 sets
ive done strength training for the time ive been hittin the gym so far and made crazy gains. when is a good time to start lifting for assthetics then, based on strength?
lift for aesthetics whenever you want. Don't let the power lifters fool you, training for aesthetics is different than training for strength, and you can start whenever you want. Work on maximizing time under tension, can give you a routine if you want
would really appreciate if you could. i wanna explode my body
I do a PPLPPLx about 20 sets for each day. Do as much weight as you can to barely complete each set (so like 1 or 2 reps left int he tank at the end of the set) Move up or down in weight between sets as you need to. A lot of this is Arnold's "advanced lifting" plan, incorporated into my own PPL routine
Incline Bench 4sets: 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps
Flat Bench: 4x10,8,6,4
OHP: 4x10,8,6,4
Incline DB Press: 3x10,8,6
Incline Flies 3x10,8,6
DB Pullovers: 2x15
Pendlay Rows: 4x8-12
Romanian Deads: 3x10,8,4
T-Bar Rows: 4x15,12,8,6
Wide Grip Pullups 4x10 minimum
Close Grip chins: 4x10
Curls: 2x10
Squats: 4x10,8,6,4
Front Squats: 4x10,8,8,6
Hack Squats: 3x10
Leg Curls: 4x20
Calf Raises: 2x15
Do abs every day, and Forearms (4x10 DB forearm curl, 3x10 reverse) 3 days per week
Who's this brapbeast?
After you have completed your linear progression on strength and preferably a little more.
who is this lordodic brapham?
do you super set those?
Nah, but Arnold recommended super setting back with chest, just too much volume for me. Forgot to say take 1 min rest between sets
is "strength base before aesthetics" a meme?
Yes 100%
Name me some big assed flat chested ponstars Veeky Forums
Mia Malkova, Naomi Russell
No. More strength allows you to do more volume. Higher weight per rep = more total volume = more gains. As a newbie your starting weight is gonna be pretty low. Pluss the muscle gains on a strength program is gonna be equal that as when you start on a hypertrophy routine if not even more. You do not need to do more volume as a complete beginner. 3 sets of 5 will be enough. But whatever, do what you wanna. This is what i believe based on what i read and what i intend to do.
I like what you did here, but you're missin a whole lotta shoulder, and (here comes the og meme) deadlifts
Don't listen to this guy. Train for both. You can easily do a heavy lift 3-5x5 and then do an accessory lift for 3x8-12 and get best of both worlds.
You dont have to focus on one or the other.
This is incorrect from my own experience. Training for size is different than training for muscle. If you want aesthetics, train for it from the beginning. The routine I posted is not for a complete beginner, the routine I would do for a complete beginner looking to gain size would be PPLxPPLx
Incline Bench 4x8
Flat Bench 4x8
Overhead PRess 4x8
Pendlay Rows or Bent Over Rows: 4x8
Romanian Deadlifts: 3x6
Wide Grip Pullups (as many sets as it takes to get to 50 total sets)
Squats 4x8
Front Squats 4x8
Leg Curls 4x8
1 min rest in between each, move onto the program I listed above when you've gained about 15 pounds,
You're right, I am missing some shoulder, that's where the pulls, chins, rows and over head press come in. Some days pull days, I'll add lateral raises. What would you add to it?
I don't do deadlifts, I used to Straight LEgged, now I do Romanian, but I dead lift the first rep of each set instead of pulling from a rack
50 total reps, I mean, not sets on pullups
i'm doin a variation of this, I'd drop incline db press for side raises, and if you're feelin' like you have more time, add upright row all of this only on push days.
For pull day I'd add face pulls to cover rear delts and I think you're good
Abs need 36 hours to recover, so do them every other day
what about someone who has done the modified SS in the sticky for about 3 months?
I'd drop DB incline and do side raises, and upright rows on days you have extra time for push days.
Pull days I'd add face pulls to take care of rear delts
and do abs every other day
Interesting, I used to do upright rows on pull days, and I'll sometimes do lateral raises as well on pull days if I'm feeling it.
Interesting point about abs, I'll have to look into that.
I would say to try the first routine I posted, and if it's too much volume, than work up to it and see if you can do a little more volume each time until you get it. You should see some pretty good size gains, pretty quickly.
mb on double post, shoulders are a push muscle groups they pair better on push days
>Not lifting sub 8 rep then dropping the weight and doing additional high rep sets
Fucking brainlets
Charli Maverick
I was actually just about to ask about doing this
what are peoples' opinions on it? BBB 5/3/1?
You can just do your regular strength training and drop the weight after to whatever you can handle for higher reps. Machines work too for that finishing off on high rep ranges.
Thanks bruh