Are you strong enough to stop a rampaging pit bull?

Are you strong enough to stop a rampaging pit bull?

I'm sick of these shit tier dogs pulling on their chains trying to lunge at my dogs and I while I'm walking them.

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I'm probably too weak to undo its jaws if it locked down on me. Those things have mad jaw strength.

Carry a knife user. It comes in handy in a number of ways. Stabbing pit bulls in the throats is just one application.

> tfw have been attacked by a few dog breeds, pit bulls are the same effectively as other 'scary' breeds
> tfw most trouble I ever had was a fucking labrador

actual nigger detected

probably. they don't seem that strong. I mean if it bites you you can still fuck it up with the other hand right? Just punch it or twist its neck or something. No idea how that girl got rekt

Nice antecodal evidence, but labradors don't lock in for the kill like pit bulls have been bred to do. They have literally been bred to get tunnel vision when honing in on a victim and not stop till they are dead.

> A breed that niggers tend to favor and be shitty owners of is the most common in areas where niggers live, while niggers commit the most crime in nigger areas
Huh, who would have thought
White, Infantryman in the Army, lived in a shitty hood for a few years

Pit bulls have no special genetic characteristics beyond extra muscle mass, they don't 'lock in for the kill' user
If you raise a dog to fight, it will probably be aggressive for its whole life
If you take a breed of dog in a high crime area filled with shitty owners that typically raise them to fight, you'll have bloated statistics with that dog

In the 1900s, the Newfoundland and Bloodhound had the same faggy rumor
In the 20s it was the German Shepherd
Now it's pit bulls

It's just plain retardation driven by correlation=causation logic, and I don't even own a pit bull nor want one

Actually, pitbulls were bred for a characteristic called "gameness" (not aggression), which is tendency to not give up in a fight. Even wolves know to fight only until dominance is established, but these dogs had that common sense bred out of them.
Do a google search before you post, retard.

I'm afraid of dogs so no

Why post that picture on Facebook?

Also, of all breeds of dog, why get a fucking pit bull

>muh guard dog

Get a fucking German Shepherd or a Belgian malanois, if it's good enough for the police/military it's good enough for anything you need

Wait that graph totals %126

Is a golden retriever a breed of Labrador? I want to get either a golden retriever or a field retriever before I have kids but will get a German Shepherd if the retriever is just a type of lab according to this data

>dog bred to literally fight until it dies, be it from heat stroke or injuries by getting beat by the dog it is fighting
>considered by dog fighting scum bags to be the "only game dog" because of its aggression and desire to kill
>bred almost exclusively for the above traits by assholes meaning any pit bull you see has ancestors chosen for breeding because they were meaner and better at fighting than the other dogs
>not having special genetics

The causation here is that a group of degenerate fucks who make money off of fighting dogs have made it so the vast majority of pit bulls (including rescues which I'm sure a lot of non faggots take in) are bred to fight and kill. Yes, these traits can be bred into a dog relatively quickly, within 30 years I'd say. The soviets bred foxes to be domesticated in like 20 years by picking the least aggressive and most friendly. Fagboy hood rats bred pit bulls the past 20-30 years by picking the most aggressive and least friendly dogs. They essentially de-domesticated a large portion of the pit bull population


If you must own a pit bull buy one from a reputable breeder only. They select the most docile dogs to bred with and only them.

King Shepherd would be better, most German Sheps have that hip shit but damn they look amazing. If they stayed puppies I'd have like 50 of them already.

You just grab the thing by its neck. Always go for the neck. Even if it bites you, still try to control the neck.

I still remember a 9 year old kid on Inside MMA choking out a pitbull. You're probably not going to control a dog by doing whatever faggy thing you think you're going to do, but you can pretty easily control a dog by controlling its neck.

Just don't think you're going to pull it off flawlessly without having any experience with dogs. Also don't get headbutted while going for the lock.

To add onto this, Bas Rutten also said he knocked out a pitbull by kicking it in the face. Which makes me wonder how a well trained fighter both standup and especially chokes would do against a wolf.

ive seen a video of a pit bull biting off the calves of a man. His muscles were just dangling off the bone.
They are pretty vicious if they get a hold of you

>The least domesticated foxes, those that flee from experimenters or bite when stroked or handled, are assigned to Class III. Foxes in Class II let themselves be petted and handled but show no emotionally friendly response to experimenters. Foxes in Class I are friendly toward experimenters, wagging their tails and whining. In the sixth generation bred for tameness we had to add an even higher-scoring category. Members of Class IE, the "domesticated elite", are eager to establish human contact, whimpering to attract attention and sniffing and licking experimenters like dogs. They start displaying this kind of behavior before they are one month old. By the tenth generation, 18 percent of fox pups were elite; by the 20th, the figure had reached 35 percent. Today elite foxes make up 70 to 80 percent of our experimentally selected population.[2]

That's a really interesting experiment, would love to see a documentary about it. Anyway, with responsible breeders I think most dogs are bred every 3 years, meaning that's the generational gap. With some douche bag that throws the meek puppies tied up in a pillowcase into a river they could probably pump out a new generation in less than a year. Dog fighters have definitely had enough time to fuck that breed up

Damn, never seen a king shepherd, those look awesome. Do you know anything about them (trainability, energy, etc.,)?

one good kick to the throat with the tip of your shoe ought to leave it gasping

Can confirm, my lab absolutely hates niggers

>Thought my doggo was a shepherd and lab mix
>See Belgian malanois that looks like her

Do I post more doggu pics?

Yeah, that's an awesome looking dog and if a Belgian a very energetic dog. Do you do any Veeky Forums stuff with it?

Nope, literally bred to not have the sense to let go. Read up on how garbage these dogs are.

>Geneticist Zawistowski gives the upshot: "Irresponsible breeders have let the dogs' block against being aggressive to people disappear. They've created a kind of pit bull with what I call `undifferentiated aggression.' " A Milwaukee man learned this the hard way in January, when he tried to break up a fight between his two pit bulls and had one forearm ripped off and the other so badly mauled that doctors later had to amputate it.

Before you try saying they only attack other dogs

OPs pic though

hip dysplasia is an issue with literally every large breed of dog

and no dog should be left with a baby. it may inadvertently hurt the baby because t hey are so fragile. even little kids shouldn't be left alone with dogs until they can be trusted not to do the dumb shit kids do like grab tails, faces, etc that can get them bit

One dog is easy to take. It bites your arm and you go for its throat. Or if it bites your leg, you kick its head in. Two big, aggressive dogs, and you're fucked.

Plenty of dogs will defend themselves against adults but take endless abuse from children. If you can't read a dog's personality, you probably shouldn't own one.

A dog is as good as its trainer.

Also, I carry a knife in my back pocket, plus I could probably gouge a pitbull's eyes in a pinch. So long as it doesn't latch down on my throat or a major artery somewhere, I should be all right.

They're definitely strong, but it's really only their jaws that give them strength. They aren't going to generate much force from their legs and bodies, so as long as you can get hold of its head your should be able to manhandle it. I outwrestle my sister's pitbull mix with ease all the time, and I'm a recovering skeleton. Note that OP's pic says the dog attacked a group of women. Had a man been there, that woman's life might have been saved.

Pitbulls aren't the worst breed, they're just very common and capable of causing damage. Small dogs are much more mean on average; toy poodles, chihuahuas, and the like. Dobermans are also a lot worse than pits, they're just a far less common breed.

Last dog is not a pit it's a Staffordshire bull terrier. The nanny dog :)

The issue is it's almost impossible to tell and to be sure of it. Dogs can be extremely unpredictable, especially in new settings like having a small new creature that is suddenly taking the attention of the owners.

Even labs, usually a very sweet and docile breed, can do this. It's just not worth the risk until the kid is older and can control itself.

Pit bull is the common name for a type of dog. Formal breeds often considered in North America to be of the pit bull type include the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Wtf. Is this a thing bred into Labs?
My aunts old Lab was docile as anything. If my uncle was leaving for work in the morning and the mailman came to the door as he opened it, the mailman could give the mail directly to the lab and he would take it inside to my aunt.
If someone came to the door, he would bark just once to let people know there was someone there, and would never growl or jump at guests.

But whenever the neighbors nigger gardnener came over he went fucking mental.

Are presa canarios considered nigger dogs?
Mine is a fucking pussy

If a dog came running at you resist the urge to run away, cover your arm, and protect your neck at all costs, for the best case scenario have the dog bite down on your forearm.

You then proceed kick the dog in the belly or the balls until it lets go, if you don't care about the dog go hard for it's eyes or nose.

If it bites your leg try to lift the dog by his rear legs, most are likely to let go if you do, and if it doesn't spread that motherfucker eagle till it does.

Some faggot on the web said to try and push your arm down the dogs throat to confuse and make the dog gag, but that seems far fetched.

The problem with pits isn't their jaws, it's how muscular and heavy they are, you can't control or get a grip on the fucker once it's got you.

Don't go down anons.

>Don't go down anons.

This. Your biggest advantage against a dog is your height (sorry manlets).
It has to jump up and put itself off balance to reach vital areas (neck, face).
They still have that instinct to not get injured cause the pack will leave them behind if they're a cripple. All you have to do is convince them you're not worth the effort to take down.

Any time you are bit, your instinct is to pull away, but you're supposed to feed the bite. Just punch him down his throat and they'll
let you go.

I'll just pass it's guard and throw a sick rear naked on it

Just boot the cunt as it runs at you. Simple.

Before this thread shits itself like the last one, reminder that

>Pitbulls are not large
>They do not weigh "100lbs"

The average Pittbull weighs like 45lbs, unless they are obese or on GH or something. Just kick it in the fucking head, push it to the ground by it's neck and stomp on it's face until it dies. It's not a Rottweiler, and they aren't as skilled as a German Shepherd. If you haven't touched a Pittbull with your hand, and laid eyes on it, you have no business posting.

Lower class trash is attracted to lower class trash dogs

Dude, it's not a recent thing.

The ORIGINAL pit bulls were bred to be violent. It's only been amplified in recent years.

girls are weak

Pit bulls are outlawed in Denmark. Fells good

How hard would it be to scoop the brain out through the eye socket? If it's already biting down i don't see how else I'd really kill it quickly.