Giving blood

>Giving blood
>They say you have such nice blood
>Its red, very red
>Ok is blood any other color???
>What did she mean by this?

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She was probably just a vampire.

Watch out for vampires trying to steal your blood gains.

Does giving blood kill gains?

Vampires bro

I have no idea. The nurses always mire my vascularity. This older nurse with long fingernails stands out.
>You have such nice veins user
>So easy to get to
>She dragged a nail along the length of my forearm while saying this
>She complained about fat people
>Said that she liked working these military blood drives because the people that come are fit and polite
>Tenderly placed the band-aid
>Went and got me some OJ, usually you have to get it yourself
>Giggled at my dumb joke
>I think veins are her fetish

You have high red blood cell count. You are probably very fit and can run for long periods

Just make sure to eat a little more to replace calories and nutrients lost from it.

she probably doesn't speak English well or was thinking of a compliment

You'd be surprised what nurses will knowingly compliment people on.