pick one /fit
Option 1:
Wide hips
6'2 - 6'4
Wide Shoulders
Option 2:
V-Taper genetics
pick one /fit
Option 1:
Wide hips
6'2 - 6'4
Wide Shoulders
Option 2:
V-Taper genetics
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that's fucking easy. option one. you can easily dress to fit your body style. can't make up for being short.
im 5'11 with v taper so neither
Option 1 and get /thicc/ to make up for the wide hips
that's not even a question.
wide hips allows you to destroy pussy better.
height allows you to get pussy more easily
Option 1, unless you're planning on becoming a pro bodybuilder or fitness model no-one IRL cares if you have broad hips
Easily option one. Hop on gear and you'll have no issue balancing out those hips
I already have the first one. Aiming for 70's big mode to compensate but I'm pretty sure the wider hips have resulted in increased stability when lifting. Maybe that's just me.
Is the tall one a negro option?
Because I'd much rather be a manlet than black.
>but I'm pretty sure the wider hips have resulted in increased stability when liftin
Yes, it does. Tall + wide hips + wide shoulders + short arms and legs is the ideal build for powerlifting. Eddie Hall is shaped exactly like this.
I'm like 80% legs tho. I'm 6'2", but my torso is from someone 5'10" and my legs someone 6'6". I fucking hate squats and airline seats.
I heard it's easier to do deadlifts only if you have long limbs, but I'm not sure. Eddie Hall has the world record on deadlift currently and his limbs are short.
V-Taper is less about genetics and more about training. You could get that V-Taper kinda look pretty easily by training shoulders and lats hard, while neglecting obliques.
Jesus Christ he looks so fucking bad and unhealthy.
Respect the hell out of him though
5'11 v taper god tier genetics reporting in
>bitch hips
? no if anything shorter height improves lifts. You have to push weight a shorter distance. Pretty much, its not about length, its about total power required.
>Wide hips
>6'2 - 6'4
>Wide Shoulders
This is literally doorbrah mode. Do you even?
This would be closer if you made it 6'5", narrow shoulders, wide hips
I'd be delighted to be Doorbrah over a manlet with a twig waist.
5'9" v taper all day
jfc use your brain for a goddamn second
long arms => less distance
short legs => less distance
limb length makes a huge difference
For deadlifts, sure, but what they said was mostly true in general
>god tier genetics
Pick one
Back in the day, not every culture had things like oxen, they just had to rely on a guy like Eddy.
manlet, not even joking
that is only if you have narrow shoulders.
>Option 1
>wide shoulders and tall
>Option 2
>wide shoulders and short
There's not even a trade off, option 1, thanks for the extra 2 inches
>but muh wide hips
not an issue if you are tall and wide shoulders
fridge/bear mode best mode
>all these coping lanklet/manlets
top kek
option one, if i get to have big tits and be Female too. I'll need some mirrors also for, uh, reasons.
I never got this thin waist meme. A thin waist will always make you look like a twig. A normal waist is ideal. Btw girls love that clay Matthews look.
Under 6 feet and have wide hips and narrow shoulders. How fucked up am I?
>look like KK
>or look like some weak twink
That's a tough one.
Where is the narrow shoulders wide hips option?
if you have wide shoulders then they aren't bitch hips.
go ahead and look more aesthetic shirtless, I can sprawl on niggas easily with my wide hip masterrace genes
rom is secondary to good leverages
also eddie hall is 6'3 brian shaw is 6'8 and thor is 6'9
>tfw 6'5, wide as fuck shoulders
>tfw either of those shitty options are downgrades for me
feels pretty good doesnt it
>5'9" and white
>6'4" and black
I choose white everytime
>tfw both those options are an upgrade for me
Im 6'4 now with wide shoulders got told the other day to stop working them as they are getting too big (aint gonna happen)
And I got wide bloody hips, but i think its just where the last of my fat sits. Will know soon once i finish this cut.
And to answer your question option 1 always, fuck being a manlet haha
leave this place flip
5"1 Indian? Only people shitier than blacks afaik
How wide we talking? Is this fridge mode looking wide or literally same hip size as shoulders size wide, because then I'd choose option 2.
How is 6'3 short limbs? He's tall as fuck and his arms aren't short either. His wingspan is like 6'4 they just look short because he is massive god mode strength.
Neither, I am already 6'2'' with a genetically free V-taper.
It's trap mode wide.
5'7 black
The real question.
Option 1:
5'2" narrow shoulders, narrow waist, wide shoulders, perfect clear skin, cute face
Option 2:
6'4" wide shoulders v taper, angular masculine face
>wide hips allows you to destroy pussy better.
lol what
>narrow shoulders
>wide shoulders
you cant have both
*wide hips
>wide hips
>narrow waist
you cant have both
yes you can? of course you can.
2 options
5'7'' with 10 inch dick
6'0'' with 4 1/2 inch dick
my gf has
option 1 every time.
Option 2 cause ill be 4 inc taller with a better fram
Short arms are shit for pl
6' is not worth losing dick size over but i'd still pick it