Does deadlift really only works your ass and your spine muscles? Why do people even do this shit? I thought it used a lot more muscles. Doesn't seem worth it to risk an injury just to get a bigger ass.
Does deadlift really only works your ass and your spine muscles? Why do people even do this shit...
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I'm serious. I saw this pic and was surprised to see that it targeted so little muscles. I thought it worked your entire back at least.
This is incorrect. It will hit hamstrings, glutes, erector spinae and traps all very hard. It will hit quads a bit and some other muscles. It does incredibly things for your posterior. People do it because you'd need to do 3-4 other exercises to compare to it.
Girls like big, hard asses.
>not wanting a strong and stable back
>not wanting large and strong glutes + hip musculature for dat dere athleticism
What are you a faggot
>posterior chain
>lower back
>it's fun
Not to mention it's proven that heavy lifting increases test
Developing erector spiae is probably No.1 muscle for health. You know how many old people have back pain because their muscles can't hold their spine anymore?
>literally the only lift that works every muscle in the body
op is fucking retarded
the fact that you question the exercise proves that you havent done it
>hitting traps hard
you have shittraps my traplet friend
It uses your whole body but primarily targets the posterior chain and spine. As other anons have said it's an INCREDIBLY efficient compound lift, if you wanted to replicate it with machines you'd need to hit at least 3.
yeah I always question this when I hear people discussing deadlifts. I even try to focus on my traps when I do deads and I still don't really feel it in them. By which I mean my hams and glutes are almost always a tiny bit sore the day after DLs but my traps feel normal.
The only muscles deadlift works to a significant degree are spinal Erectors, glutes, and hamstrings
You can get more effective volume with less can stress by supersetting Romanians and back extensions
I feel safer deadlifting than squatting. Anything goes sketchy and just drop it
If it only worked your ass and spinal muscles then how would it be possible that for most people the deadlift is the lift in which they can go heavier? It obviously works more than those two muscles
True, my gf always grabs my ass whenever she can, she also likes to squeeze it when blowing me
"I'm doing DL like this but my traps wont grow"
also hits your traps, lower back, mid back, forearms, a little core and quads
>Deadlifting with bad form the thread
Just remember to lift with your back
>Pic related
Oh god, this is the funniest thing ive seen whole day.
Why does everyone always forget forearms get worked? Heavy ass deadlifts give you rail worker arms. Wristlets, take note.
This gets posted daily and has for months. How's your first day here?
I didnt belive this until i started using chalk.. why didnt anyone tell me i have to use chalk to lift heavy..
that is because people like to make it better than it is
>m-muh SS+GOMAD
the same type of people like to point out it werks the WHOOOLE body but the same good be said about benchpress if you did a very tight setup but only retards would point ou that it works the whole body like it is fucking relevant
perfectly straight back is actually bad because neutral spine isn't perfectly straight, it should be something between the second and third picture
If your doing doh touch and go deadlifts they'll work your forarms, but mode people don't do that
If your grip is so weak that they get worked from mixed grip then get ahold of your life
>touch and go deadlifts
Not a deadlift. You lift from a dead stop, not a bounce.
I obviously was referring to double overhand grip. You might as well say straps won't build your forearms either, since you're littering the thread with obvious shit.
A heavy deadlift should be obliterating your traps. No, I don't have small traps not for a natty anyway. I actually don't deadlift at all but a heavy deadlift will hit the traps even more. I do rack pulls and I wouldn't want bigger traps they'd look weird compared to the rest of my body.
I know it, but I still don't fucking understand how the dl works your hamstrings. Makes no sense.
>I actually don't deadlift
thinking emoji
My biggest reason for doing DLs.
I don't want to be like my whiny fat colleagues who complain about their shitty bodies all the time.
Brainlet detected
I mean I'd be deadlifting instead if I could.
your hamstrings are a part of your hinge
doing heavy deadlifts for "health" is probably the dumbest thing you could do as you WILL eventually snap your shit up or be in danger of snapping your shit up. I guess with impeccable form or for RDLs they're good, along with other essentials like GHRs which are imo safer for most than deadlifts
Only happens to ego lifters. Natties with decent form and who listen to their bodies will risk only minor injury. Worth the cost.
nice save
>everyone who does DLs WILL snap their shit eventually
This is why I don't listen to anyone here, you're all retarded. The only way you're gonna snap your shit is if you're a fucking clown trying to ego lift.
who fucking cares what they work? Deadlifts are the most based of all the lifts and they are super fucking fun
Staps do build your forearms tho. I did a cycle of high volume Oly/DL using straps for everything except top sets, and my DOH deadlift went up 10kg
This is correct. Gains not only transfer to nearby musculature but also to opposing limbs. Straps do indeed work grip strength.
Deadlifts fucking deliver, I went from the weakest DYEL nu-male to being stronger than normalfags and slightly less DYEL pretty much just from deadlift gains. If deadlifts can give a piece of shit like me gains then they can work wonders for guys with average or better genetics.
If there is one thing the entire human race could agree on it that asses are awesome, no matter who sports them.
This is bait, right?
yeah user dont do them. who wants to build muscle anyways
Can confirm, had terrible back pain everytime was standing for too long. It's almost gone since i started deadlifting.
>yfw there is literally zero video evidence of a deadlift causing a SPINAL injury.
The hamstrings work on both the knee and the hip joint.
In DL the hams wont be working the knee much, but will work on the hip joint ALOT
The second isn't even that far off, desu.
>someone dropped a barbell on their neck while bench pressing
Guess bench presses can kill you... really... makes... you think...
As a tallfag I find really heavy deads to be difficult but I still love doing them. If your form is correct, that feel when the leverage flows through you and you move a fuckload of weight off the floor is incredibly satisfying.
After having done some DLs with bad form though I totally understand all the little tricks and tips people have been giving for ages. If your chest is in the wrong place you just struggle against catback the entire time, you really need to set it up correctly, it does take the entire body to work it right.
agree on everything but the traps, nigga you're shruggin at lockout
it's literally the lift that is most applicable to real life physical exertion
it also hits your traps, lats and forearms
whoever made that image is retarded
shrugging at lockout is great but i don't do shrugs of any kind and i don't ohp either
>spine muscles
>risk an injury
>shrugging at lockout is great
enjoy your bulging/herniated discs
fucking millennials, if they don't see something like knees exploding on yt they don't believe it
and do a calf raise too. yep. it is.
here's a better one
>shrugging at lockout is great
if you feel like you can add a shrug to your lockout i would. your leaving gains on the table if you don't.
Hams, core, glutes, traps, forearms, lats, calves, delts in that order
You're an idiot and you shouldn't exercise without the supervision of someone older than 18.
If you feel like you can shrug after lockout then you're lifting babby weights for DL.
yes and? do some 10rm deads and superset each rep with a shrug and a calf raise.
there's no point in arguing with either a severely handicapped or underage individual.
uh i'm 35 and you still haven't made a single valid point. best to end it now before you dig yourself any deeper. you sound absolutely retarded and i bet you're fat and weak as fuck.
user here, he is right. You gave no reasons whatsoever. You just went Opinion: Booooo!!!
I don't know. Are you asking about my day as a whole, or just my experience using this board? Because I did other things today too.
The hamstrings are flexors of the knee joint and extensors of the hip joint. Quads are vice versa.
all i know is it snaps your faggot shit up
You write like someone from Tumblr.
>gluteus maximus
>literally the biggest muscle in the human body
>erector spinae
>literally the second biggest muscle in the human body
>adductor magnus
>literally the fourth biggest muscle, right after gluteus maximus, erector spinae and
>literally the sixth biggest muscle, forgotten only because it's BENEATH the gastrocnemius and won't turn your shitty image red
>literally the third, fifth, seventh, eighth biggest muscles
and that's without counting stabilizers and whatnot ( ) and without considering the hormonal and skeletal impact
this holy shit
Yeah there's literally never been a time where I've done a deadlift and done damage except for when I tried to go way too heavy on 4.5pl8 and rounded.
Even then it was just 3 days of super sore spinal erectors and I was back at it with knowledge to not be a retard.
The only thing I am scared of in a deadlift is a bicep tear so I do double overhand.
>crawling around on all fours to just be able to move because of deadlifting
>this process can repeat itself for your entire miserable life
>they don't know the specific scientific reason why this occurs
>this means you can't get injured deadlifting
missing biceps and forarms
The valid reason imo is that DL is a lift that's meant to be heavy with low reps, and I personally feel you get maximum benefit from doing them that way, and as he said you can't really throw extra shit in there when you're doing it heavy. For me, I feel like it still hits the traps a bit without the shrug anyway.
All that being said, do what works for you. Lifting is dynamic in that (so long as you're doing things with proper form) there is not "right" or "wrong" way to do things.
> and as he said you can't really throw extra shit in there when you're doing it heavy
depends on how heavy. i know a guy who shrugs over 1000 lbs. it's certainly possible to do then heavy and could be worthwhile depending on your goals.
Fix your poverty deadlift by trying to bend the bar across your shins on the setup - this shit fires up your lats and stabilises the fuck out of the weight and lets you grip and rip with the best of them
I don't know if you're trying to be funny but kys
Way wrong. Traps, rear delts, lats, rhomboids, all 3 layers of abdominal muscles, biceps femoris, glutes, a bunch of muscles in the forearms, and then a lot of muscles that are partially affected (neck, obliques, quads, etc.).
>near death lift
What is the legit best compound lift for the back?
Diddly and/or row.
Just do both.
the worst thing about this webm is that he sets up pretty nicely
it looks like it's gonna be a nice lift then BAM
>questions deadlifts
never gonna make it
He is doing like what, 150 kgs?
>feels good man
feels bad man
>my back gon be strong and stable, just like uk's brexit deal
If your goal is only to become big and strong, you should worry less about "what muscles does this use?" and more about simply doing the fundamental movement patterns; push, pull, squat, and hinge.
The deadlift fits in the hinge category and is one of your best options - Not because it hits this or that muscle harder (frankly there isn't one muscle that can't be worked more directly with other exercises), but because it involves so much total muscle mass that you can work up to huge poundages over time. It's not that you need massive weights to stimulate your body to grow bigger and stronger, but you do need to INCREASE the weights you use over time, and obviously this is a great deal easier to do in an exercise such as the deadlift compared to smaller exercises.
For example, adding 10 kg to your 40 kg set of lying leg curls is an increase of a whopping 25%, which is pretty hard to keep doing for long. But adding 10 kg to your 150 kg set of deadlifts is only an increase of 7.5%, which is a lot more realistic. Thus the deadlift becomes the better PRIMARY hamstring exercise, even though the leg curls work them harder - Because you can keep progression rolling for longer.
That said, there's nothing magical about the deadlift and there are many good alternatives. But it's a solid exercise for the reason given above.
A final note on safety: There's a humongous difference between training for your health and training for maximum performance. As a beginner it's pretty much the same thing, but as you start pushing the envelope over the years, the risks increase exponentially. This is beyond debate and is true for ANY kind of training and ANY exercise. If you want to test your limits, you usually end up finding them.