>Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
They should really just merge Veeky Forums and /lgbt/ so they can make room for more boards with unique identities.
There's like 1 or 2 people on Veeky Forums who look like bodybuilders.
99.9% of Veeky Forums doesn't even have enough gains to be a phisque model, let a lone a bodybuilder, so this is completely retarded.
Veeky Forums is just you average dude that's more muscular than the average man on the street, you wouldn't even be able to tell unless he took his shirt off.
you projecting cos this aint true
I think you're missing the point and are also gay
>tfw no gymbro bf
tfw the .1%
I wish i was gay, girls are nothing but trouble and I'm very far from being FA
Are you implying that Veeky Forumsggots aren't permavirgin losers?
>there's some manlet beneath me stealing my pressup gains
>I'll wrap my arms around him so he can't keep pushing me back up
>ugh, he's strong for a manlet, I guess it's those manlet gains everyone talks about
>I need to find a way to lock myself down, I know I'll use my dick to interlock into his anus
>the time under tension and oscillating force of him struggling beneath me is amazing for my gains!
And that's how I became gay for my gains
Great baseless assumptions dumbfuck
>these buff dudes that look way better than me are totally gay !
Says increasingly nervous guy as he gets cucked by Chad for the 7th time
>gays cant be trouble
what is aids
We need fewer boards, not more. If you cut like 10 boards, the remaining boards would instantly go up in quality and diversity of content. Imagine if the Veeky Forums and /diy/ people went back to posting on /b/. It wouldn't be a porn dump board anymore.
keep /b/ off my /diy/ you motherfucker
DYELs detected
One is anglosaxon the other is italian
That's not an aquiline nose, that's a semitic nose.